
Martial King's Retired Lifevolume 11 chapter 9

The gaunt man kneeling on the ground had, “If he’s so ruthless with his subordinates, won’t he mince me?” written all over his face. He flexed his spine and punched himself in the gut, forcing blood out of his mouth and uttered what Yangyang translated as, “He said, ‘Your Majesty, please spare this one. This one has not eaten in days. He honestly does not have any money.’”

I was as livid as I was amused. “Lass, is the shaman tax a lot?”

Yangyang poked her tongue out quickly. “I am not sure. Dad told me that a village has to pay enough for a shrine’s renovations annually, though. As for the shrine’s size, it needs to be enough to house all the villagers of a village. If a village has an old shrine, they are in luck because they will have to build one, otherwise. Lots of villagers are still constructing shrines.”

“In another words, astronomical…”

White Cleric rushed over to quietly fume, “What are you doing?! What sort of Shaman Monarch acts so barbaric?!”

“You’re telling me the three of them should be pardoned after erring?” I stared White Cleric down, then yelled, “Those three didn’t heed my orders and assaulted this gentleman. That’s why I personally disciplined them. Please do not worry.”

Yangyang bravely translated for me since I was protecting her.

The villagers needed a second to analyse what I said again in their own minds prior to cheering exuberantly, ticking off White Cleric. All he could do was suck it up in public.

The other followers who intended to get physical with the villagers put themselves back in line, not because they were afraid I’d smash them but because they were afraid I’d get angry – I think. Even the three I slapped the socks off knelt before me with bloody cheeks and held their kowtow pose. I could tell they were scared for the life of them as there was no way I couldn’t see their shoulders shaking.

“They have been so excited that they did not sleep when they heard they could accompany you here.” Iron Guardian approached me from behind.

Iron Guardian had yet to give me grief once. Although I felt there was more to him than what met the eye, I always had the urge to call him Ol’ Tie Two because of how buff he was.

In a monotone deep voice, Iron Guardian expressed, “The children of Mount Wanyu grew up on the story of Shaman Monarch. They have been doing their all since childhood to become a valued soldier of His Majesty. Do you know how pivotal your appearance is to them? What benefit is derived from punishing loyal vassals? They would give you their lives if you simply said the word. Is it wrong to feed them well? Their hearts are crystal clear. They are only following the faith’s teachings. Are you going to tell them that the teachings that they have abided by all this time is erroneous? Or are you going to tell them that the first thing you will do upon returning is deprive them? Consider what I said before you act.”

“Hmm… I see… So the teachings are to blame?”

Iron Guardian realised his blunder, but he was too late.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this one is Mount Wanyu’s room number one, on the ninety-eighth floor, Mingming, alias Shaman Monarch. Thank you for taking care of me on my first visit here and pardoning me for knocking over your building.”

One of the freaked out villagers conveyed, “This peasant is honoured to have you destroy his humble abode. He would never blame you.”

“Regardless, I, as Shaman Monarch, am ashamed to hear I am the cause of your financial burdens. I hereby announce that I will modify the order’s tax system in order to relieve the financial pressure on you. I wish fathers can raise their sons. Husbands can feed their wives. Men can hunt, farm, work and fetch herbs. Women can fetch herbs, work, farm and hunt. Let all be according to heaven’s w-, the Divine Sun’s will for eternity, amen.”

For some reason, Yangyang kept stumbling over her words when she translated that paragraph until I added, “In other words, you will be taxed less,” which was when her translation came out faster and smoother than ever.

The villagers erupted with elation.

White Cleric thundered, “Modifying the system is a major concern, Your Majesty!”

“I know. I get it.” I patted White Cleric on the shoulder, compelling him to exhale harder. “White Cleric, we are lucky to have you on board. You are a pillar of our faith!”

I dragged White Cleric over to the villagers. “Ladies and gentleman, this is our faith’s most educated gentleman. I just mentioned my intention to alter the tax system, and he immediately offered to spearhead the change. With everyone here as my witness, I shall entrust the grand task to you. White Cleric, please be sure to fulfil your mission faithfully.”

I yanked White Cleric aside, letting him trip himself unconscious. “Now, as for today. My boys are all here.”

My two hundred escorts instantly lined up before me no less impressively than a trained army.

“Tsk, tsk, almost as good as our Night Fortress boys,” Hong Jiu commented.

“Our faith is the biggest religion in Xiacang Anxi; how can we let the people suffer? We must lend a hand in times of need. Who crashed into the house before? Raise your hands!”

Four hundred hands extended upwards energetically.

“Good. Owning up to your faults is what’s expected of our men. We shall rest here for the night. Before we leave tomorrow morning, build five houses for them. If the houses aren’t aesthetic, big, ventilated, bright and spacious enough, costing me my reputation, I’ll serve you all a hand. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

They were all revving to go.

The three I slapped before bowed their heads when I approached them.

“You three apologise to the gentleman, and help him in the field for a day. Help him hunt two lions, centipedes or whatever as compensation, and I’ll consider the matter settled.”

The three innocently nodded as they looked at me.

“Hehe, finish early and I’ll treat you to drinks at night.”

The three of them sped off to begin right away.

“Did you understand anything I said?!” grouched Iron Guardian. “What did I just s-”

“I did. However, I don’t believe smothering filth onto crystal is good in any way. Excuse me now, bud.” I walked passed Iron Guardian, then formed a speakerphone with my hands. “Boys, come help me build houses. We’ll drink once we’re done!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


Ol’ Tie – This “tie” is “iron”.