
Martial King's Retired Lifevolume 12 chapter 82

Book 12: Chapter 82

Only Drought Demon understood what transpired. As much as he revelled in the chance to challenge himself, he would wholeheartedly dedicate himself to his mission when the orders came from Fiends’ Genesis whether he wanted to or not. When the five of them committed to incapacitating Hong Jiu, he took charge of distracting Hong Jiu as well as taking most of Hong Jiu’s power so that the others could disable him.

Hawk Broadswordsman and Wolf Swordsman were trusted with Hong Jiu’s shoulders since they were only good enough to hurt him when his true qi armour wasn’t complete. Nine-Lives Cat Fiend was to inflict a wound and distract Hong Jiu a second time. Finally, He Lan was meant to finish the job from behind. While He Lan was unlikely to succeed in killing Hong Jiu, it should’ve been enough to make Hong Jiu lose his cool. Drought Demon, having had time to recover, would then step in to incapacitate Hong Jiu. They would subsequently leave while the imperial troops apprehended Master Qi and her “conspirators”. They had discussed it plenty of times prior to exchanging blows. All that was left was to trust their wits to set it up.

Right as the group spawned the desire to go for the finish, Hong Jiu inhaled and changed the way he moved, assuming a stance that acted as a disposition feint. At any given moment, he was prepared to attack one of them, yet he didn’t; he gave the impression he was going to move, but he didn’t. They were supposed to be the hunter, yet his stance switched their roles in their heads.

The sequence hinged on their chemistry. Consequently, their order of attack was paramount. Because of the hesitation Hong Jiu implanted in them and their own weakness, Hawk Broadswordsman and Wolf Swordsman felt endangered and decided to jump before Drought Demon could fulfil his role.

Hawk Broadswordsman missed Hong Jiu’s left shoulder. As he saw his blade strike thin air, he freaked out and lost output due to his self-imposed distraction.

Hong Jiu turned his attention to the remaining four thereafter, although still assuming a disposition feint that exposed him from every thinkable angle.

Drought Demon, as the strongest in the group, immediately needed to take the reins. Problem was, how was he supposed to absorb Hong Jiu’s attack for them if Hong Jiu never uncorked one? Obviously, the option to attack first existed; however, in the case that he went first, Hong Jiu could easily counter using Empty Palms. Drought Demon already found himself in danger during their previous clash, so he wasn’t about to charge in with reckless abandon and, therefore, chose to wait for an opportunity.

Drought Demon knew when to hold, but the straightforward Wolf Swordsman didn’t. Though he was stronger than Hawk Broadswordsman, he wasn’t as sharp or quick on his feet, so he attacked as per the original plan. As a result of his rash attack, Drought Demon hesitated for a moment, then commenced his own attack, which prompted Nine-Lives Cat Fiend to unleash her prepared strike.

Due to Hong Jiu’s evasion, He Lan, who was forgotten, came into view once again. Seeing his superior in the way, Hawk Broadswordsman made the call to dodge. Because he wasn’t looking where he was going, he walked straight into the line of Drought Demon’s attack, costing him his own blood and throwing his weight toward Wolf Swordsman. As a consequence, his blade went into Wolf Swordsman’s shoulder. Owing to loss of equilibrium, Wolf Swordsman stumbled around until he was bumped again. Feeling pain from the top of his dome, he swung wildly, cutting into He Lan’s right shoulder at the same time Hawk Broadswordsman penetrated He Lan’s left shoulder. Even though Hawk Broadswordsman’s cut didn’t have much strength behind it, it was enough to ruin He Lan’s aim. In turn, He Lan stabbed Drought Demon’s arm. That was when Hong Jiu slipped away to pinch the evidence from Nine-Lives Cat Fiend.

Despite his injury, Drought Demon still smiled. “Just one question: how’d you know?”

From the horse carriage, Hong Jiu responded, “Hahaha, I’ve been in Hangzhou for ages, and I’ve never heard of Hangzhou’s Three Spearsman, but I’ve met Hawk Broadswordsman and Wolf Swordsman. The next time you want to pose as somebody else, choose another location as your character’s hometown.”

Nine-Lives Cat Fiend had a lot to gripe about in spite of knowing Hong Jiu must’ve saw through them somehow else, let alone his taunts to put them away, only to then run off. Likewise, He Lan wanted nothing more than to put holes in Hong Jiu, but he couldn’t publicly admit to the conspiracy. Hence, he could only let Hong Jiu leave.

Hong Jiu whipped the horse to leave.

Drought Demon, who was in thought the entire time, yelled out, “Night Fortress’ master is a phony!”

Hong Jiu tugged on the horse’s reins for it to halt. “What was that?”

“I said, Night Fortress’ master is a phony, a useless phony who’s underserving of his good name in Hangzhou’s martial arts community. Mount Daluo is a bunch of useless cripples, too. They’re ranked as one of the top three most prominent sects when they haven’t done squat.”

Master Qi: “He’s provoking you. Don’t let him get to you.”

“I know that.” Hong Jiu licked his lips, then hopped off the carriage to saunter back. “Hey,” Hong Jiu picked his ear whilst standing opposite Drought Demon, “I’m not sure I heard you correctly. Repeat yourself.”

“I said, Mount Daluo is a bunch of useless sacks of crap, especially your senior brother. Night Fortress is the biggest dump a giant must’ve taken in Hangzhou.”

“Heh, you must be stupid.”

Drought Demon nodded with a smile, never expecting to be hammered on the head and sent reeling.

Hong Jiu wiped the blood on his forehead and then slicked his hair back. “I just happen to be stupid, as well.”