
Martial King's Retired Lifevolume 12 chapter 49

“I thought… I told you to stop short.” What was a simple statement took Song Chi a while to finally utter to his allies. “We agreed to seek one person out each to provoke as means of intimidation, but you” – he looked to Bai Yumo, who was still tearing up – “one of you was angered to tears…”

“He was so mean! He started scolding me as soon as he spoke, even dragging my mom and dad into it. He said my parents didn’t raise me properly! H-he’s the one with no manners!” Bai Yumo cried.

Song Chi spent a moment to comfort Bai Yumo, then turned to Xun Feng. “One of you blew his lid off…”

The monk still bleeding shot blood from his mouth. “He better pray we never meet again, or I’ll smash him twice every time I meet him. Not only did he insult my temple, but he even sneak attacked me multiple times, then accused me of starting when he was the mad dog who came at me first! If I spare him, I’ll write my name backwards!”

Song Chi sighed. “Instead of provoking him, it seems he provoked you.”

Xun Feng folded his arms and sat on the ground. “So what?!”

Song Chi looked to Jin Zhaoying. “One has become the subject of a huge scandal…”

Jin Zhaoying silently enjoyed her tea.

Song Chi thought Jin Zhaoying was too proud to consider anyone else on her level, but he didn’t think she really was that sort of character. He shook his head and then shifted his gaze to an empty chair. “… And one has yet to be released from detainment. Long Zaitian caught Ling Shaoxuan in the act of attacking Shen Kuang and got into an argument. He’s currently being held at Shuntian Prefecture for questioning. I finally know what it means to have heavy responsibilities.”

Song Chi pinched his forehead. “Brothers and sisters, we are on the same boat to blaze a trail for our families; let us keep our eyes on the forest and not a tree. What do you say, Sister Bai?”

Bai Yumo soaked the handkerchief Song Chi passed her with her tears, so she wiped her tears and snot on his sleeve. She inhaled deeply, smiled subtly and replied, “The next time I see him, I won’t draw my weapon first. I’ll start with a greeting before I proceed with whatever else, lest he have something to leverage against me. Hmph, how dare he malign my dad. Thank you, Brother Song.”

“… Y-you’re welcome.” Had there not been more pertinent matters at hand, Song Chi would’ve torn off his sleeve. “Brother Feng, you’re not worse than a young girl, are you?”

Xun Feng’s gaze sharpened. “I know I need to keep the bigger picture in mind, but it’s easier said than done. If your patriarch was insulted for being a scumbag who cons people, and every other member of your temple’s urnas are overcooked so bad that you can’t tell one dot from nine urnas, what would you do?”!

Song Chi: Just who would come up with this sort of insult?

“Since my father is not a monk, he would not be insulted like that. That said, I do understand where you’re coming from.”

“He even clouted me with a rock after that! It’s like I was the one who insulted him.”

Song Chi: Just what sort of person did you encounter?

While Ling Shaoxuan had yet to re-join them, he was virtually the male Bai Yumo, never providing suggestions whilst whining all the time, except he wasn’t cute.

“Everyone has interacted with Liu Shan Men, so you should have a grasp on their level. I just met with my brother. He was attacked recently and is taking time off with ‘recovery’ as an excuse. Therefore, we have no qualms left.” Song Chi’s usual classy demeanour was gone. “As long as Liu Shan Men is out of the picture, the capital will be crossing a tight rope, making it the best opportunity we could ask for. As per our original plan, Brother Feng will take care of Tang Ye. Sister Bai will take care of Su Xiao. Brother Ling shall handle Shen Kuang. Originally, I was supposed to personally tackle Shen Yiren. Howbeit, I have a target I’d prefer more than her. His Majesty has always taken a liking to her, so it’s for the better that we leave her alone.”

Song Chi paused and looked to Jin Zhaoying, “You don’t mind if I go after Ming Feizhen, do you?” He had to ask as he wasn’t sure what the silent maiden was thinking.

Jin Zhaoying laughed through her nose, then, as she walked off, answered, “The consequences are yours to bear alone.”


Smiling from ear to ear, Shen Yiren rubbed Su Xiao’s head and exhaled. “Xiao Han, that lass’ name is Bai Yumo, one of the Seven Jade Goddesses. Though she’s not exactly smart, she’s a gifted martial artist. She would overwhelm you if you two fought. I’m glad to hear you know how to use retreat as a means of advance to outwit your opponent.”

“Ehehe, I was just outraged that she would draw her weapon in the library courtyard. That is unacceptable behaviour! The next time I run into her, I must stress it. What if she hurts somebody with her silly behaviour?”

Boss Shen chortled, conceding instead of enlightening. She took another two steps to the side and patted her brother on the shoulder. “I’m glad you’re okay. I was shocked when I heard a predator tried to assault you.”

Shen Kuang smiled. “I was lucky Vice-Captain Long came to my rescue. I truly am useless… It took him no effort to catch me.”

“Ling Shaoxuan is a scion of Mount Lu Sword Sanctuary and has, at least, six years on you. You can’t put yourselves in the same sentence. Don’t deplore yourself, got it?”


Boss Shen’s visage radiated once she reached Tang Ye. “Yan Ling, the last six months of work have finally paid off. I’d say Venerable Xun Feng is stronger than you, yet you used various tactics to fight to a stalemate and had him leave in vexation. You can carry your own weight now.”

Tang Ye shook his head. “I did not try to force his hand to beat him but to test him. I suspect he provoked me and purposely vandalised the garden to create evidence that I tried to assault him, which would make it easy for him to sensationalise his story. I provoked and framed him so that his ploy would fall through.”

“I’ll look into their motives. In any case, thank you.” Boss Shen smiled as she patted Tang Ye on the shoulder.

“Now.” Boss’ gaze became sharp blades as she turned to me. She stepped one foot onto a chair as well as aggressively grabbed my chin. “What’s your deal?”

Unshakable loyalty, that’s what!