
Martial King's Retired Lifevolume 12 chapter 38

There was no room for doubt that someone from Song Clan was in town as it came from Shen Yiren. Notwithstanding her information network, though, not even she was aware of the other clan representatives’ visit for the reason that even the imperial court only found out when they showed up on the day.

While Ming Feizhen was searching for a place to hide on the streets, Eunuch Wang Tushui nearly gasped when a low-ranking eunuch whispered something to him. Once he passed the news on to His Majesty, the latter chuckled and, without a change in mood or expressions, announced the end of morning court. His Majesty then sprinted over a kilometre instead of using his litter to return to his residential palace.

Nobody understood what His Majesty’s reaction was all about; the only thing they heard from outside the door to his residential palace was, “Huang’er, pack our luggage. We need to leave the imperial palace for a while.” Alas, a eunuch delivering a message reached the palace before they could finish packing. The eunuch informed him that Her Majesty Empress Dowager wanted His Majesty to receive a few guests from afar, or she would have to receive them. Consequently, he had to grant them an audience.

The guests ruled over Jiangnan’s martial arts community, formed friendships from a young age, stayed off the radar for the most part and had constantly measured their standpoints. Excluding Black Robe Brotherhood and Luo Sword Manor, there were a total of five guests.

His Majesty’s startled reaction wasn’t attributed to the White Princes’ emissaries. Following Luo Ming’s seven kowtows and relinquishment of his clan’s special privileges, Jiangnan’s martial world began plotting in the shadows whilst keeping up a peaceful appearance.

In essence, Luo Ming set fire, then ran for the hills, leaving the six other White Princes to turn to each other for answers and scurry to make their move. It was possible His Majesty would resent Luo Ming henceforth; however, Luo Yan personally delivered the new batch of weapons to the capital and had yet to return to Huzhou. Why? Did he have something to discuss with the imperial court? On top of that, the imperial order placed another new order. Why would the imperial court order another batch of weapons at this time? Furthermore, Luo Ming had only been sent to lifetime imprisonment. Luo Ming committed treason, yet, instead of parading his head on the streets, he was only locked up?

Black Robe Brotherhood had roots in the capital and an alliance that saw them linked up to half of the imperial court’s civil and martial officers. On the “Wang” side of their faction, their scion was the Qilin Guard’s grand commander, equipping them with the most military power. On the “Xie” side of their faction, their daughter was the mother to a daughter and son of His Majesty’s. Could His Majesty be blamed for being cautious of them?

In saying that, at a deeper level, they were only relying on their status as His Majesty’s relatives and their White Prince status. Ever since Luo Sword Manor relinquished their special rights, that insurance policy was gone. As a result, Black Robe Brotherhood’s unease floated to the surface. That being the case, how could the other five White Princes, whom weren’t even as close to His Majesty as Black Robe Brotherhood, feel insured? Hence, it was nothing surprising for the six to take action.

The atmosphere in the imperial court had been tense because vassals had been going back and forth in regards to how to tackle the White Princes. Some argued the imperial court should crown them this or that to reassure them. Some encouraged riding the momentum to squash them. Some suggested starting with the weakest of the remaining six so that they could test the waters as well as find an ally. Others disputed that the best course of action was to balance offence and defence. Secretary Lie being Secretary Lie gave a classic Secretary-Lie answer: gather all our forces and annihilate them! Emperor Yuansheng had been stressed over the debate ever since it began. At most, they could only speculate how the White Princes would react and implement precautions. Without knowledge of the White Princes’ plans, it was impossible to deem any course of action right or wrong.

Emperor’s Entourage always maintained surveillance on every White Prince in Jiangnan, reporting back to His Majesty daily on their observations so that he could retaliate if they were to attempt anything. Therefore, though he wasn’t privy to every action they took, he was cognisant of the majority of their actions. In spite of that, five of them somehow contacted each other to seek an audience all of a sudden before he even caught wind of them.

The last time that saw the White Princes assemble was when the campaign against Demon Sect was launched, and that was a special occasion that required them to urgently convene. Nobody foresaw them gathering during a time of peace.

Emperor Yuansheng arranged to meet the emissaries at Hongwu Palace, where matters pertaining to the martial world were discussed. Howbeit, instead of taking the risk of meeting them alone, therefore risking isolation, he summoned two individuals who could immediately accompany him.

To Emperor Yuansheng’s left was a graceful, yet authoritative, woman who carried herself as a model for classy women to follow – the reigning Empress. To his right was a woman blessed with the deceiving appearance and mannerisms of a maiden in her twenties – his favourite wife, Brilliant Consort Feng Huang. As a descendant of Mount Lu Sword Sanctuary, Her Majesty was the best candidate to deal with their representative. Meanwhile, Brilliant Consort was well-acquainted with Gold and Silver Sect due their family interactions prior to her marriage. The two of them, therefore, could provide opinions from different perspectives. Unfortunately, Emperor Yuansheng failed to account for one thing: women weren’t immune to jealousy.

Emperor Yuansheng forced a smile. “Ah, um, My L-”

“You did not even think to see me after spending half a year on vacation. When you finally summon me, it turns out you summoned me only because my family was here,” Her Majesty interjected.

His Majesty fiddled, then turned to Brilliant Consort. “Huang’er, I, uh…”

“Why call for me, Your Majesty? I have aged and withered. No longer can I hold a candle to a young maiden. How about you find some young girls to your liking? You know, such as Miss Lyu. She is not bad at all.”

Emperor Yuansheng had sat on the same chair for years, but it felt particularly hot on his bottom today. He had yet to extinguish those two fires when his Empress responded, “Y-you are old? Brilliant Consort, you are young. Besides, His Majesty spends every night at your place. What do you have to complain about?”

Brilliant Consort stretched her wet eyes. “I did not force him to come. Why do you always pick on me for no reason?”

“Where did you get the nerve to speak in my presence?” Her Majesty snapped back.

“Wow, talk about no sense of morality. Had it not been for my encouragement, you think you would’ve had the first night with His Majesty?”

Needless to say, His Majesty missed his children and vassals during his time away from the capital, but the greatest challenge was convincing his wives to pardon him. Although the long journey was taxing, his long abstinence motivated him to fulfil his duty as their husband with flying colours. The imperial physicians and his attendants were worried sick for him. They lauded him as the idol all men should strive to be, nevertheless.

His Majesty spent his first night back with Her Majesty, then spent a night each with his other consorts on a rotating, unfixed roster. Once he had gone through one cycle, he spent every other night with Brilliant Consort henceforward. As a result, Her Majesty made snide remarks every time she met Brilliant Consort from then on.

His Majesty had his head in his hands: How stupid am I? My own family is going at each other before the enemy has even spoken!

Standing beside Wang Tushui, who stood beside the trio, was Long Zaitian. As of late, Long Zaitian had been on a roll. To celebrate his return to his post and recent accomplishments that saw everyone showing him respect, he had been holding parties for a month straight at his home, and he still hadn’t finished celebrating. How did the dragon rise from back up from the depths of his puddle of piss? Two words: perceptive eyes. Regrettably, in regards to the fire in Emperor Yuansheng’s backyard and pincer attack, he could only fight the urge to look in the direction of the catastrophe.

“Long Zaitian, Long Zaitian!”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Speaking through his clenched teeth, Emperor Yuansheng ordered, “Think of something.”

“Your subject dares not interfere with your domestic affairs. Is that not touching a tiger’s bott-” Long Zaitian didn’t dare to finish what he was trying to say when Emperor Yuansheng threatened him with his gaze.

Wang Tushui quietly reminded, “Your Majesty, mannerisms, mannerisms.”

With smoke coming out of his head, His Majesty responded, “Manners? Who needs to mind their manners?”

Brilliant Consort showed Emperor Yuansheng a pair of pitiable eyes.

“My, His Majesty is speaking the language of commoners all the time now. What his subjects doing when their duty is to take care of him?” Her Majesty’s gaze could almost cut. “You five, if you have something to say, say it.”

At long last, the five waiting had the attention they sought.

Emperor Yuansheng cleared his throat and inquired, “Uh, what emergency brought you all to the capital?”

Although Emperor Yuansheng had imagined multiple scenarios and prepared strategies to prepare for them, that was the only question he could pose when he finally met them.

There was an unbelievable lineup in the centre of the palace.

Fourth senior monk of Cold Mountain Temple – Divine Monk Xun Feng.

Only daughter of Valley of Yearning’s Bai Clan – Bai Yumo.

Song Clan’s second eldest clan celebrated for his skill in palm and broadsword disciplines – Song Chi.

Gold and Silver Sect and, arguably the imperial court’s, most outstanding maiden – Jin Zhaoying.

Mount Lu Sword Sanctuary’s L-

“Ling Mabi!” Long Zaitian pointed and exclaimed.

“My name is Ling Shaoxuan!”

The youngest among the five was under eighteen. None of them were even twenty-five years old.

Puzzled, Emperor Yuansheng questioned, “Why… did you five come to the capital to see me?”


Manners – Lost in translation. The version of “manners” here sounds the same as one way of saying “consort/concubine… you get the drift”. After Wang Tushui says, “Mannerisms”, Emperor Yuansheng actually replies, “Consort? Which one?” I rewrote it to keep it running.