
Martial King's Retired Lifevolume 11.5 chapter 21

“Tell the truth.”

The sparse rays of dawn shining through the ajar window made Xin Buyi appear more malicious than if the windows to the light-deprived room were shut. When people thought of Xin Buyi, one of Yan Shisan’s direct subordinates, they didn’t think of a tactician or combat expert – which wasn’t to say that he was ill equipped to fill either role. Instead, they thought of his terrifying interrogation methods – mental and physical – because plenty of suspects committed suicide once they had a taste of his offerings.

“Tell me, and you won’t have to suffer physical pain.”

Xin Buyi had a voice and way of speaking that was compared to the devil’s whisper as, combined, they were an effective tool for cajoling people into lowering their guard and spilling secrets.

“Who is it?”

Xin Buyi’s eyes were constantly working on searching for clues from the suspect’s eyes as he questioned them.

“Who is it? … Who stabbed my rear end?!”

Mayhap Xin Buyi wasn’t as intimidating as usual due to him lying prone on a table while someone applied herbs to his stab wound.

“I just came through the door. Out of the goodness of my heart, I was first to rush to the scene because of the sounds, yet I get stabbed in the backside?! Which one of you stabbed m-, ah! Be gentler! It hurts, damn it! What the hell do you need pliers for when you’re just applying some herbs?!”

Long Zaitian, the new constable nursing Xin Buyi’s injury, replied, “It is because of the location of your wound. I am trying to avoid doing anything that may result in unhealthy rumours regarding us.”

Long Zaitian’s father asked his buddy, Yan Shisan, to train his son for two years as a field officer, but Xin Buyi really didn’t like the kid with a big mouth full of useless, impertinent things to say.

Ming Feizhen, locked in a cage with Hua Qing and Su Li, whispered to them with his head down, “Boundless, Xin Buyi, is a famous man. The difference between his joint-locking skills and a noodle kneader are that one is red and the other is white.”

“What about red powder?”

“What even is that?”

“Uh, powder plus brown sugar?”

“Both will be red, then.”

“You three want to regret slighting me?!” Xin Buyi sat up, running straight into the pliers that forced him to sprawl back down.

Ming Feizhen gently tapped his chest and continued, “Just be careful of him. He’s not easy to deal with.”

Hua Qing and Su Li: “Understood.”

Long Zaitian, apologetic, asked, “Sir, since League of Assassins escaped, are you still going to question them?”

“How am I going to question them in this state?!”

“It is not like you could even you wanted to with your butt in this shape.”

Xin Buyi slapped Long Zaitian to the ground. “One more useless comment from you and you won’t be promoted next year.”

Long Zaitian rubbed his head. “It’s not like I want to be here. Had my father not forced me to get some experience in the pugilistic world first, I’d have taken the trials for Qilin Guards. Who’d want anything to do with this shoddy office of yours?”

As soon as Xin Buyi glared at him, Long Zaitian hastily continued, “That is not all. Don’t hit me again, or I will forget what I am supposed to relay! We just received word from the higher ups. They said they would personally come over since they heard you are in no shape to continue handling the case.”


“He is outside already. He said he will be here once he has a word with the prefectural magistrate.”

Ming Feizhen grinned.

A few exchanges later, Xin Buyi turned back to the cage. “I’m not done yet. You three, speak!”

Long Zaitian: “Sir, lower your rear.”

“Right, right… What are you three staring at?! Spill it!”

As a thief and wanted criminal, Hua Qing’s festering apprehension impelled him to whisper, “Bro, how do we deal with this?”

“Relax. Didn’t you hear their superior is coming?” Ming Feizhen responded.

“I heard. Your point?”

“So there’s no need to worry. I’m not just counting the stars or something.”

“Tell me more.”

Ming Feizhen smirked. “Their superior and my shifu are long-time nemeses. Once he arrives, I guarantee you’ll be good. Long-story short, I have connections.”

In the pugilistic world, your fists weren’t the most important; connections were most important. If Ming Feizhen had connections, then there was no reason for Hua Qing to worry.

“What are you three whispering about? You going to fess up or not?” snapped Xin Buyi.

“Hahaha.” Hua Qing derided, “Constable Xin, I am the one who stabbed you in the bum. They call me One Dagger Hua. There is no butt I do not dare gash.”

“So it was you, huh?” Xin Buyi got up nice and slow, then rolled up his sleeves.

“You would dare hit me?”

“Oh, you’re special now?”

“You have no idea what my relationship with your superior is. Careful not to be grounded as punishment for your disrespect, hohoho.”

Xin Buyi narrowed his eyes. It was visually apparent that the trio wasn’t any run-of-the-mill group. To top it off, they subdued Shi Xintong’s group. Ming Feizhen’s skills were discernably above even himself at 100%, which was why he avoided interactions with Ming Feizhen. Unless Hua Qing was lethally stupid, he wouldn’t sound and appear so confident. Thus, Xin Buyi had qualms.

Knock, knock.

“Sir, it’s me.”

“Please come in,” replied Xin Buyi. “Please pardon this one. His injury makes it impossible for him to salute you properly.”

“It’s fine. It’s fine. We owe to you to let you recuperate when you were hurt in the line of duty.” Although the sight indoors came as a surprise, the handsome and refined man maintained his composure until he saw Ming Feizhen and his clique. “Sir, they are…”

“They are all thugs!” Upon espying Hua Qing’s smug look, Xin Buyi added, “Maybe. There might be a misunderstanding.” He pointed to Hua Qing. “Sir, may this one ask if you are acquainted with him.”

“No, it’s my first time meeting him.”

Xin Buyi hopped off the table.

“Hold your horses, hahaha. I am sure you do not recognise me, but who is this?” Hua Qing pushed Ming Feizhen to the forefront.

Xin Buyi’s superior politely smiled. “He is?”

“… You don’t know him?”


Hua Qing turned his head toward Ming Feizhen in fragmented motions. “You…”

Ming Feizhen folded his arms. “Who’s he?”

“Didn’t you tell me you’re acquainted with Liu Shan Men’s upper echelon?”


Hua Qing pointed to Xin Buyi’s superior. “And you,” he said, then pointed to Xin Buyi, “Are his superior?”


Hua Qing pointed to Ming Feizhen. “And you two don’t know each other?”

Ming Feizhen and Xin Buyi’s superior. “No.”

Xin Buyi cracked his fingers. “Sir Shen, please step outside for a moment. This one has something to sort out.”

“Please wait.” Xin Buyi’s superior gazed to the cage. “May I ask who is Ming Mieba?”

Ming Feizhen raised his hand. “Me.”

“I need to speak with you. Please follow me. Open the door for him.”

Once Ming Feizhen and Xin Buyi’s superior closed the door to another the room for them to converse in private, Xin Buyi faced off against Hua Qing.

Xin Buyi performed shoulders circles, then spat on his hands. “You coming over or you want me to go to you?”

“Come get it!”

“You stabbed me, huh? One Dagger Hua, huh? Ready or not, I’ll make you regret stabbing me!”


Xin Buyi’s superior laughed whilst listening to Xin Buyi’s raging and Hua Qing’s groans. “That’s Lord Wu, Hua Feihua, isn’t it? Are you really going to just leave him?”

“He’s a little high. Xin Buyi knows where to toe the line.” Ming Feizhen looked to the man conversing with him. “Why haven’t you taken him into custody if you know who he is?”

“There is too much room for doubt in his case; it warrants further investigation. Besides, if he truly is as despicable as claimed, he wouldn’t be able to do anything as long as you’re with him.”

“You know me?”

“I even know your shifu.” The man’s smile seemed genuine. “You shouldn’t be here, Ming Feizhen.”