
Lord of the Oasischapter 390: the monster in the blood mist

Rolf did not hesitate at all. He immediately led the Elite Desert Bandit to retreat quickly.

This was definitely not because he was afraid of the battlefield.

It was because he was rational!

The pilum was thrown with great force. Even the tenacious warhorse was hit by it, and its hard skull was penetrated, let alone the rider. The enemies could not block the sharp pilums.

Moreover, when the warhorses fell down at a high speed, the force exerted would be fatal!

Just like now.

Most of the knights and knight attendants were lying on the ground, with their bodies twisting.

Their limbs were obviously twisted and deformed. Even if there were faint cries of pain, they were still weak and dying.

These knight attendants from Avilis Castle had suffered heavy losses.

They had never come into contact with such an attack method.

However, in the pile of corpses of the warhorse and rider, more than a dozen figures crawled up. As the cries of pain gradually weakened, waves of dense red mist that could be seen with the naked eye wrapped around their bodies.

It was strange like a mist of fresh blood was wrapped around them. It was extremely terrifying!

Extraordinary strength.

Rolf naturally knew that this was not something he could deal with.

Even if there were more than 200 Elite Desert Bandit by his side, they were probably not able to deal with those extraordinary monsters that were covered in red mist. They looked like they were covered in blood!

Human monsters, monsters that could kill a group of ordinary people like them!

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})However, no one was afraid.

Because right behind them, the sound of footsteps could be heard. The reinforcements in full plate armor had already arrived.

Although there were only 20 of them, the aura that erupted from their extraordinary strength was no less than the dozen figures that were slowly walking over like monsters among the pile of corpses.

These 20 people were all elite Sarleon Lion Knights from the strongest national order of knight on the Pendor Continent!

And around the temporary camp, Elite Desert Bandit had already raised their pilums and long spears, and with the help of the complex environment and obstacles in the camp, they engaged in a chaotic battle with the knight attendants who had already charged in.

The knight attendants' charge was blocked, and because there were too many obstacles in the camp, they only lingered around the periphery for a moment.

They could not charge in at all.

If they wanted to charge fearlessly and break the deadlock first, it would be in vain.

While these knight attendants were fighting with all their might, the elite desert bandit was not the only one resisting. There were also the Sarleon Lion Squires who held a lance or a half-sword in their hands, gradually launching a counterattack.

During the chaotic battle, these Sarleon Lion Squires were really good at battle.

They swiftly moved around the Elite Desert Bandits and killed the enemies.

More and more knight attendants fell down

The knight attendants, who had been scattered on both sides and had lost their orders and commands, were pulled off from their warhorses among the tents and obstacles. And then they were pierced through their throats and stomachs by the spears and swords mercilessly.

In the direction of Nali Village, the militiamen who came to reinforce were all forced back by the attacks of pilums.

They were ambushed during the night attack.

They ended up badly.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})But there was no mercy on the battlefield.

Looking at the panicking militiamen and the knight attendants who had been shot down from their warhorses, no one held back.

The pilums were still thrown out fiercely and killed the enemies. The enemies got hit, followed by miserable howls, crying, and dying due to their serious injuries and finally stopped their struggles.

Kant just looked at the militiamen and the knight attendants indifferently.

He watched them die.

This was war!

Round after round of pilums were hurled out.

Then, one by one, the armed militiamen in leather armor or without leather armor were nailed to the ground.

The formation was broken, and then the Elite Desert Bandit charged forward with bloodshot eyes, howling. They used the spears and scimitars in their hands to carve out a bloody path!

Those armed militiamen were no match for these bandits.

Even if they were well-trained, to the Elite Desert Bandit, they were still like inexperienced newbies.

As the pilums attack continued, the already scattered formation of the armed militia instantly broke into pieces. The bandits took the opportunity to rush in and engage in close combat. The bandits swayed their scimitars, blood was splattered out from their enemies and the broken limbs kept falling onto the ground.

For a moment, the militiamen that had rushed out of the village were forced back.

Or rather, they had been defeated to the point they had to retreat!


However, the Elite Desert Bandit did not pursue. Instead, they stabilized their formation on the spot.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"})The grain drying field was originally flat land, but Kant and his men were stationed here. For safety reasons, the tent space was not too small, but it was not too big either. Many packages were used as low walls and obstacles, establishing two layers of defense.

The Elite Desert Bandit and the outermost were the first defense line.

There were also those Sarleon Lion Knights and Lion Squires who formed an inner defense line specifically to protect Kant!

They could not be too chaotic.

Because right on the outer perimeter, those knight attendants were still attacking.

After their charge was thwarted, these knight attendants did not continue to charge. Instead, they cooperated with the armed militiamen and begin to attack from sides, using their high mobility to deter the Desert Bandits in the temporary camp, while at the same time dodging the precise and deadly pilum.

Desert Bandits with superb skills could throw the pilums accurately within 20 meters.

And the elite desert bandits, they could even be able to hit the target within a distance of 30 meters.

In addition, these knight attendants did not have the cooperation of archers. For a time, they actually did not dare to approach the grain drying field. Not to mention, now that they saw that the armed militia had been defeated and scattered, they did not even have the intention to charge.

Even Viscount Gibran's charge had been thwarted. Now that they did not know whether he was alive or dead, they did not have a clear command.

They did not know what to do!

The night was bright.

The campfire in the temporary camp was even brighter.

However, when the cold wind from the East County blew at night, it made them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

The moans were lowered, but the sounds of killing continued. The battle situation in the village had already been settled. Occasionally, there would be some knight attendants rushed into the camp of the grain drying field rashly with red eyes. Then, they pierced through by the spears including their horses.

More than 200 knight attendants who had come had already been killed and injured.

However, Kant's troop didn't suffer many casualties.

Everyone was shocked.

They could not help but shudder!

They were not the barbarians disguised as trade caravans.

It was clear that they were some noble's elite troops!

Avilis Castle had suffered a great loss!

However, what made these knight attendants afraid to flee was that right in front of them, there were more than a dozen figures who stood up from the pile of corpses. They held weapons in their hands, and their bodies were shrouded in a thick blood mist.

There was Viscount Gibran.

There was Bertram the knight.

There were also three well-known knights in the castle. They were grand knights!

Now, this group of people had gathered extraordinary strength.

Even Bertram was covered in a red blood mist.

Not only him, but also the dozens of knights and knight attendants who were favored the most were also covered in blood mist.

They seemed to have just walked out of a world filled with blood. The power that belonged to an extraordinary power swept across the entire battlefield, causing the knights around them to not dare to approach or leave.

They had once heard of Viscount Gibran's secret.

Blood Warrior.

The title that he had obtained ten years ago on the north bank of the Resniston River.

Hundreds of people had exploded into such a bloody mist, and the main force of the Silver Platter Kingdom, which had thousands of people, had perished together with them.

In the end, only Viscount Gibran survived. It was said that his face had become younger and stronger, and he had also become the strongest grand knight in the East County. He was one of the best extraordinary power controllers in the Dukedom of Leo!

He estimated that there were no other unfamiliar grand knights in this temporary camp, so it was impossible for them to resist his men.

Meanwhile, in the camp.

Kant came to the front.

Rolf followed behind, the heavy machete in his hand on his shoulder. "It's them."

"Interesting." Kant smiled instead.

Looking at the figures covered in blood-red mist, he raised his eyebrows and said, "If that Bunduk was here, perhaps they would still have the intention to communicate."

"Well," Rolf also raised his eyebrows and said, "From what you said, they are the same kind of people."

"No." Kant denied it.

He smiled calmly and said, "Bunduk is an apostle of the underworld, representing the will of the underworld." He paused, and there was a hint of mockery in his smile. "But these guys are the fallen knights who were lured by the demonic power."

Rolf understood what he meant, "Lowly fallen knights."

The dozen figures in front heard what Rolf said.

They were not furious.

Instead, they were strangely quiet.

The corpses around them, be it the knight attendants or the warhorse, were all skin and bones.

All the blood essence in their bodies was extracted and turned into a blood-colored mist that gathered around the Blood Warriors. At the same time, there seemed to be some strange power descending from the void, penetrating through the space and transmitting to this place.

If the mages were here, they might be able to sense that this power originated from underground.

However, Kant still knew the true source of this power.

The abyssal demon!

This was also the reason why Kant said that Bunduk understood them.

And in front of them, the figures shrouded in the blood-red mist finally began to move. They slowly stepped forward, stepping on the corpses of the warhorse and knights, there was a clear cracking sound.

The bones-like corpses shattered under the stress.

In a short moment, these corpses were actually as fragile as if they had been through thousands of years!

The essence of life had been completely absorbed, and there was a mastermind behind those fallen knights.

The leader was naturally the white-haired Viscount Gibran.

The current him was no longer as old and decrepit as before. Instead, he was as strong and valiant as a middle-aged man.

Holding his carefully forged knight sword in his hand, he looked at Kant, who was protected by the Lion Squires and Lion Knights in the middle. A red light flashed in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth cracked into a sinister smile.

"Ah, I didn't expect it, it's Baron Kant." He laughed sinisterly.

He looked like the most terrifying monster. "So, it was you. I was wondering how you could see through my sneak attack so easily and even counterattack. You instantly exposed my current form. I really didn't expect it to be you."

"Mm-hmm." Kant nodded, but didn't reply.

Viscount Gibran didn't care, he continued to smile ferociously.

The red light in his eyes became even more intense. "But, Baron Kant, since you've seen me now, you have to keep this as a secret. After all, I don't want everyone to know about the current me."