
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 819: feng heng vs zhen biyu (v)

(AN: Unedited Chapter)


Feng Heng did think of the flaw of Zhen Biyu's metal. However, she was not a passive fighter and let him have the dominant initiative in this battle. During their brief confrontation, she also had a battle plan when the enemy was trying to figure out her technique.

Her unique metal created by the Five Element Dao was not only hard and indestructible but also contained another property–absorbing and storing power. As such, during the time Feng Heng was assaulting her like a relentless dog after a piece of bone, she stored the force from his attack.


Zhen Biyu's attack pushed him a few steps back, surprising Feng Heng a little. However, the force was equal and even less than his actual physical stats, so he was not too worried.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Their two fists clashed, generating intense shockwaves that twisted the surrounding space. Their attack was on par for a while before Zhen Biyu used the Power of Earth to increase her physical prowess.

However, to her surprise, she could not outclass Feng Heng.

'The strength I stole from him won't last long. And his tactics seemed to delay until my ability was exhausted. In that case, let's use that technique.'


Feng Heng suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood after his fist clashed with his opponent.

'Huh? What happened?'

His mind worked faster than a super quantum computer. However, his enemy did not give him time and went on a tyrannical offensive. In less than a second, Zhen Biyu punched millions of times, leaving fist shadows in the air that appeared as if she had thousands of hands.

And with each attack, Feng Heng would vomit blood. However, the odd part is that he had no visible external injuries.

Feng Heng made a blocking form by crossing his arm. Then, he analyzed the inside of his body.

'Lung Failure? I'm sick?' thought Feng Heng, unable to hide the confusion in his facial expression. Zhen Biyu's attack did not injure her internal organs or something of the sort. Her attack was inferior to his defense.

Yet, his lungs began to fail, followed by his heart; his bones became brittle due to some infection in his bone marrow. Feng Heng mobilized his Yin-Yang Eyes to discover the truth of his anomaly.

"The Body's Five Element Balance is destroyed. Is this a combination of Five Element Dao and Medicine Dao?'

Cultivators are not affected by mortal diseases. Although it's possible for a Body Refining cultivator to be sick, it's very rare. After opening their Divine Sea, they become immune to 99% of mortal diseases. And by the Supernatural Realm, cultivators will be free of diseases.

They can be injured but not sick. Of course, that only refers to mortal diseases. Some artificially created diseases created by cultivators for the purpose of killing are different.

Zhen Biyu's attack used Medicine Dao and the theories of five elements related to the organs. She disrupted the balance in Feng Heng's body, making him sick and injured.

'What a wonderful technique; she probably created it especially to deal with body refiners.' As he thought of this, he controlled his body, re-balanced the five elements, and cured his disease.

However, Zhen Biyu's accomplishment in the Five Elements was beyond him. As such, the process will repeat itself as soon as she attacks.

Feng Heng frowned as his body became balanced and unbalanced; he discovered this method was a great tempering method of the flesh. However, it was not the time to be cultivating.

He swiftly contemplated how to deal with the situation. The easiest method is to evade Zhen Biyu's attack or use Yin-Yang to retain the balance. However, he chose a different method.

According to his previous analysis of the latter's armor, he had two plans to deal with it. The first one was to use Soul Attack since Zhen Biyu's armor was designed to deal with physical attacks.

However, Feng Heng knew this method was not as effective since Zhen Biyu would find ways to protect her soul knowing the effect of the armor. So, the monk chose the second method; this method would deal with the armor and take advantage of his current situation.

[Buddha Feeding Flesh]


Zhen Biyu punched him. However, she was the one who spewed blood. Furthermore, the more she attacked, the more injured she became, forcing herself to stop.

"The Buddha's Feeding Flesh," muttered Zhen Biyu.

"Huh? Do you even know of this?" Feng Heng began to wonder about this person's identity. Meanwhile, Zhen Biyu did not care. She has participated in hundreds of Heaven Will World and has lived since the Ancient Emperor Era.

Although Emperor Five Heart was not from the Myriad Emperor World, her clones experienced all the eras and learned many secrets. So, she knew of this technique and its origin.

There was once a mortal monk who cultivated compassion. Although he had no talent for cultivation, he spent years understanding Dharma and practicing compassion.

One day, he was lost in the desert, spending days without food and water. Then, he met a dying eagle in the same situation as him. Out of compassion, he fed the eagle his flesh, hoping one of the two would survive this ordeal.

His action changed their fate as the eagle used the remaining energy he acquired to fly away and get help. Then, the eagle became the monk's companion. Later in his life, a cultivating Buddhist Sect discovered the monk was a person with great virtue and merit, so he changed his fate and allowed him to cultivate.

The monk eventually proved the Dao and became known as Compassion Heart Emperor–a First Class Emperor. This technique was the creation of the eagle as he became one of the Four Protectors of the monk.

With this technique, the eagle would take on the monk's pain, suffering, and injuries, protecting him from the world's harm.

Later, someone modified this technique to transfer injuries to the opponent.


Zhen Biyu spewed another mouthful of blood, despite not attacking. The reason was Feng Heng activated the Hale of Suffering and self-harm; this tactic allowed him to greatly injure his opponent while also activating the ability of the halo.

With more injury and suffering, his strength will increase.

Zhen Biyu's mind worked at an alarming rate as she analyzed all the information she knew about this technique and how to deal with it.

Then, she rushed toward Feng Heng. The monk felt something was wrong, so he did not directly clash with her. Instead, he remained a certain distance from her as he self-harms through the Halo of Suffering.

Zhen Biyu used Wood Dao for two purposes–healing and entanglement. Each of Feng Heng's self-harm attacks equals a blow from peak 7-Leaf strength. Although she had similar battle prowess, her defense and fleshly body were too weak compared to a body refiner.

Luckily, Wood Dao is one the best healing Dao when pushed to the pinnacle.

Then, she summoned a giant tree that filled the surrounding dimension. The tree had one purpose–entangle her enemy and buy her enough time.

[Ultimate Sharpness Sword]

Zhen Biyu gathered the Metal Dao and pushed the sharpness attribute to the limit. She slashes her hand to create an unparalleled moon-shaped sword slash.

This sword attack was so powerful and brilliant that it would make most pure swordsmen blush in shame. And the target of this attack was the Karmic String connecting her and Feng Heng.

And as soon as she cut off the string, Feng Heng could no longer use self-inflicted injuries to wound her. Unfortunately, things did not proceed as smoothly as she expected.

As a highly enlightened monk, Feng Heng deeply understood Karma and Cause and Effect. One of his secondary Dao is Karma, which he had to use his Heart of Hope to prevent having to undergo the Outlaw Trial. Luckily, he only cultivated as a secondary Dao and did not have to pay too deep of a price.

So, the moment Zhen Biyu cut off the connection, he used his Karmic Law to generate a backlash that injured her Primordial Spirit.

Zhen Biyu's face changed as she sensed the injury in her soul. She activated her Duyi Realm to confront Feng Heng while also pushing her Wood Dao to the limit.

'Huh? The backlash was more severe than expected,' analyzed Feng Heng as he discovered an anomaly. His eyes changed as he checked something: 'She has no negative karma; however, she seemed to have a low resistance to karma backlash attacks.'

He evolved the power of Yin and Yang as he calculated the secrets of Heaven and Earth, divining something.

'She owes Heaven and Earth great karma? Who is this person?'

Although he was curious, he also knew this was not the time. So, he acted as he went on the offensive.

[Wrath of Heaven]

Feng Heng waved his hand, and the sky above changed. A phantom of a gigantic eye appeared in the sky, gazing directly at Zhen Biyu.

'Heavenly Dao? How is that possible?' she thought with some horror.