
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 787: huo fenghuang vs mo xingyun (i)

(This chapter was written in phone, so there are a lot of mistakes).

Mo Xingyun did not ask rashly and immediately began fighting with Huo Fenghuang. He chose the same strategy as her–using his troops to test the water. As such, he snapped his finger to summon his legion.

So, an army with black armor and red eyes manifested in the starry sky. The stench of immense karmic sins emanated from their bodies, followed by intense bloodlust and the desire to swallow everything between heaven and earth.

After seeing her opponent, Huo Fenghuang was calm and began managing the battle. She had a few generals, but they were not Heaven Chosens by any account. And this was by design.

The Ancient Clans are united but also competing against each other. And with so many different clans, it's virtually impossible to be in perfect harmony–unless one clan has the absolute strength of an Eternal Supreme.

The complexity of the Ancient Clan is where some of Huo Fenghuang's trouble originated. Many did not like how she broke the taboo and absorbed someone else's bloodline. Even though the council pardoned her crime and gave her authority, many clans despised her actions and actively opposed her.

This confrontation resulted in Huo Fenghuang having to be careful about whom to choose to serve as a General.

Secondly, Huo Fenghuang did not trust any of her generals to have the strength equal to even 1-Leaf Immortal Venerable. If someone happened to her and she had a moment of weakness, such a general could betray her and take the opportunity to win the final battle.

In the past Heaven Will Battle, where the concept of King and General was most prominent, it was common for generals to betray their Kings. So, she needed to watch out for these things.

Because of these factors–especially the second one–Huo Fenghuang and many other Heaven Chosens' generals are rather weak. Only a few people with absolute confidence in their strength and trust in the people around them would train mighty generals who are capable of becoming Heaven Chosens on their own.

Huo Fenghuang ordered most of her troops to use [Flame of Purification] to target the sins of these devil cultivators' troops. This tactic worked, but only briefly.

After killing a few hundred soldiers, Mo Xingyun's troops reacted by using a formation that condensed their Karmic Sins into a flame of corruption, corrupting the pureness in the opponent's flame.

Huo Fenghuang then changed tactics. An illusory white tiger appeared above her legion, gathering the power of Slaughter around her. In the short time of this battle, too many people died. Thus, things like Baleful Aura and Slaughter/Killing Qi were everywhere.

With this formation, the troops could use these powers for themselves.

They used the Slaughter Qi between Heaven and Earth to boost their defense, speed, and attacks. With this increase in stats, they became more ferocious and killed as many devils as possible.

However, the opponent was not to be outdone. Mo Xingyun's troops changed formation and generated a terrifying swallowing power, and also absorbed the Slaughter Aura between Heaven and Earth.

This method weakened their opponent by competing with them for slaughter energy while also boosting their physical stats. The situation became a stalemate.

Huo Fenghuang's troops changed tactics for the third time. A mighty and noble Azure Dragon Shadow manifested above them, releasing pressure that could crush anything into oblivion.

The Devil legions responded by using a formation based on Gravity. Mo Xingyun secretly swallowed the 32nd Heavenly Physique, Gravity Collapsing Physique.

With the power of gravity, they offset the pressure of a Sovereign released by the Azure Dragon.

The Azure Dragon Array has two modes of attack–the pressure and absolute control of water. After the first one failed, Huo Fenghuang proceeded to the second one.

So, the legion created a supermassive tsunami to drown their opponent. Sadly, Mo XIngyun once swallowed the owner of the Pure Yin Physique. So, his troops changed formation and released an intense coldness that instantly froze the tsunami.

'Damn it, we keep going in a circle,' thought Huo Fenghuang. Her plan was to overwhelm Mo XIngyun's legions before using them to force her to take action and revealed some of her trump cards. However, her troops were excellent and well-trained.

'Although I haven't lost a single soldier due to the Phoenix Flame's blessing, I've only killed less than a thousand soldiers of her troops.'

A thousand soldiers is nothing to a legion of 100 million. Furthermore, this stalemate might continue forever.

After thinking for a moment, Huo Fenghuang changed tactics again. She ordered her men to use the Black Tortoise Array, blessing them with unparalleled defense.

Then, she ordered them to attack without reservation or fear of any injury. So, with their terrifying healing factors, these troops also became a nightmare.

'She's becoming more aggressive,' thought Mo Xingyun, who felt Huo Fenghuang's emotional state. He knew she had a purpose for targeting him. So, he chose to use a safe and stable approach to determine her objective.

Yin-Yang, Yang is attacking, and Yin is defense. Mo Xingyun ordered his troops to use the power of Yin to bless their defense and confront the enemy.

Additionally, the troops have absorbed plenty of flesh and blood before the battle and stored them for later use. When they are injured, they can access the vitality from them to heal themselves. In other words, their healing capabilities are on par with Huo Fenghuang's troops blessed by the Phoenix.

'Another stalemate,' analyzed Huo Fenghuang; she also realized her approach had failed. 'So, I need to take more risks.'

Under her order, the troops disengaged that battle and retreated a great distance away.

"What now?" asked Mo Xingyun with a smile on her beautiful face that made people wish to slap her.

"Let's stop playing around and decide victory between us,' said Huo Fenghuang plainly.

Mo Xingyun wanted to agree directly, but he stopped as he felt something. After sensing the surrounding, 'A probability field that affects judgment?'

The Heaven-Devouring Emperor took a moment to remove the influence on him. However,r he secretly sighed. If he had a fraction of his power, he would never be influenced by such a thing–even for a fraction of a moment.

"There is no hurry," replied Mo Xingyun. He wanted to have control of the situation, to control the momentum in their confrontation.

"Are you timid?"

"Such a low level tactic won't work on me, " added the Heaven Devour Emperor.

However, Huo Fenghuang sneered in response.

"You, Devil Cultivators, have always been cowards who fear the strong and bully the weak. This mindset has not changed even when you achieve the highest form of power in this world."

"What are you insinuating?" asked Mo Xingyun with a terrifying killing intent.

"I'm saying you and your ancestors were a bunch of cowards," continued Huo Fenghuang. "The Heaven Devour was an Eternal Emperor, but he did not dare attacks the top Emperor Lineages. Instead, he swallowed countless ordinary and helpless mortals. If he wasn't a coward, how else would I describe him?

"Furthermore, it seems you inherited this quality from him."

Mo Xingyun looked intensely at her. If looks could kill. Huo Fenghuang would have died millions of times in a few seconds.

The Heaven Devour Emperor knew she was mocking him on purpose to agitate him. However, he was a Great Emperor. No, an Eternal Emperor--a being who embodied the concept of eternity.

So, how could he tolerate this mortal ant with a life span shorter than his nap.

He took a deep breath. Regardless of how he feels, he chose to calm down. His past failure made him weary and paranoid of everything.

'Did this woman discover my identity?'

Only Wang Wei and a few people from the Mo Clan knew he had taken over Mo Xingyun's body. Although many other people suspected otherwise, no one knew for sure or had proof.

But now, he suspected Huo Fenghuang knew.

'The Ancient Clan knows a lot of using Bloodline Imprint as a reviving method. And given how she suddenly targeted me, there is a high chance she knew and came for a reason. But what?'

His mind worked rapidly.

'I remember hearing about a secret technique in the ancient Clan targeting Emperors who were reviving. They created this method as a way to deal with the problem of too many Emperors coming back to life from Bloodline Imprints.

'Does she want to use this method to kill me? No, to steal my power?'

He finally knew her objective. The Heaven Devour Emperor could even guess why she was in a hurry and rushed straight to him.

'She discovered Wang Wei and Di Tian Nine Extremity and wants to use me as a way to deal with them."

He sneered after figuring these things out. Now that he knew his opponent's objective, he had control of the situation and would use it to his advantage.

"You're playing a dangerous game."

'His reaction is not what I expected. Did he find something,' thought Huo Fenghuang.