
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 761: brutal battlefied

Central Quadrant:

Yu Zhou was invisible as he looked in the distance as two people fought–a woman and a man. Boosted by formations, the two clashed while their troops slaughtered each other.

The woman was a swordsman, but she did not follow the pure path; instead, she used her swordsmanship in combination with her Wind Dao. So, with each strike, wing slashes cut everything in her way.

Meanwhile, the man cultivated the Dao of Righteousness; he had a scholarly atmosphere surrounding him. He used a brush as his Dao Proving Artifact, and with each wave, Qi of Righteousness emanated from his body, turning the surroundings gold.

The woman had the advantage as her swords were fast and fierce. Meanwhile, the scholar's main advantage was to use his Righteous Aura to suppress the mind or the soul. Unfortunately, this kind of attack has a significant advantage over devil cultivators, demon races, or people with tremendous karmic sins.

And the woman–although not an innocent or virtuous individual–was not one of the categories of people the scholar's ability worked on. As time passed, the woman had the advantage as wounds manifested on the scholar's body.

The scholar suddenly roared–an act not fitting his demeanor–before turning into a humongous giant whose fingers are as big as stars and whose palm can hold galaxies. His weapon grew in size to accommodate him.

"Emperor Body? I also have one," said the woman before also turning into a giant. Then, like the scholar, her strength drastically increased after releasing her true form.

The woman swung her sword, using the [speed] aspect of the Wind Dao. So, before the scholar could react, she cut off his left arm.

"You!" said the scholar, his voice echoing throughout the cosmos.

"Your Emperor Path ends here," said the woman before raising her sword. However, a ruthless light suddenly came from the scholar's eyes, making her heart skip a beat; she felt an omen of death. Unfortunately, it was too late.

A purple cloud of smoke came from behind the scholar and enveloped the woman before she could react. Then, purple spots appeared on her body in less than a second.

"You poisoned me? Aren't you scholars supposed to be about morality and righteousness?" she said with gritted teeth.

"Righteousness? Morality? What are those compared to immortality and eternity?" said the scholar with a sneer. "Plus, after I become a Great Emperor, who dares chastise me?"

The woman gritted her teeth as she felt her life passing away; the poison was aggressive and invaded her soul, Divine Sea, and Dao Tree. She tried many ways to remove it, but it only accelerated the process. As such, she knew she would not survive.

The swordswoman felt unwilling. After cultivating for so long and struggling to reach the peak, she became the stepping stone to someone else's path of eternity.

Thinking of this, she felt hatred for the scholar, so a light of ruthlessness also appeared in her eyes.


The woman blew herself up along with her formation, generating an energy wave compared to thousands of supermassive black holes collapsing.

"Nooooo," screamed the scholar, but it was useless. The woman was ruthless and forced her army and generals to explode–she did not want the scholar to live.

So, these two people died on this brutal battlefield, their story becoming a background to someone's else legend.

"Purple Toad's Poison? I didn't expect such a thing to appear in the lower dimension," muttered Yu Zhou, who did not care about the fate of these people; he was only interested in the poison the scholar used.

The Purple Toad was an Innate Lifeform native to the upper dimension. Their Poison Law was powerful and renowned. At their peak, they had countless Heavenly Primarchs (Tier 12) and Paragons.

Unfortunately, they offended a Peak Boundless Paragon that cultivated Curse Dao. The latter placed a curse on the entire race's bloodline, reducing them from Innate Lifeforms to Acquire Lifeforms.

Currently, the highest cultivator of the Purple Toad Race is only Quasi Emperor because of this race. However, their poison is still famous and considered a rare resource because people can cultivate this poison to a higher level.

Of course, Purple Toad Race is one of the ban items according to the Seven Moons' orders. After all, it would be dangerous if someone cultivated their poison to Tier 12 and used it against a Paragon.

Yu Zhou looked at the remaining poison on the battlefield and did not dare take it. The Purple Toad was almost annihilated because of this poison. Luckily, one of their patriarchs was smart enough to become the slave of the Blood Dragon Paragon.

As a result, they only produced venoms for the Paragon; even then, they were not allowed even to have one Emperor amongst their group.

After looking at that battlefield, Yu Zhou looked at others. In this short time, countless occurred on this battlefield, and numerous geniuses died. So, after checking the surroundings, he teleported to other Quadrants before returning to the north.

"How is it?" asked Parasyte.

"According to our plan, I've made arrangements in the North, South, and Central and ignored the East and West."

Parasyte nodded, "Although it is very unlikely for these two to detect our means, it's better to be safe than sorry." The method they arranged in these Quadrants is one of the trump cards the Paragons gave them for this mission in the lower dimension.

As such, they were confident that even Wang Wei and Di Tian could not detect it. After all, the Paragons used many resources to deduce the future and guess some of the rules of the Heaven Will Battle, knowing which one they could bend for their purpose.

Yu Zhou looked in the distance where Designer was controlling a formation. "With more death, we can gather more energy for the weapon."

"The question is, who should we attack first?"

"It has become obvious that Wang Wei is the one the Paragon fears," said Yu Zhou.

"Watch your tongue," snarled Parasyte. "The Seven Moons fear no one–let alone a little ant in the lower dimension."

"Sorry," he swiftly said. "A slip of the tongue. I meant the person they are looking for."

"As long as you know."

A light flashed deep in Yu Zhou's eyes. He knew their mission was coming to a close. As such, his former partners might start fighting for contributions. After all, the Seven Moons will handsomely reward them after they succeed; they might even receive permission and support to become Paragons–thus becoming one of the Moons.

"As I was saying, Wang Wei is the one destined to open this new era of change. As such, he is an uncontrollable and unpredictable variable. Meanwhile, Di Tian is also a good choice for our attack.

"If we can weaken him enough, You might be able to use your ability to control him, turning him into our strength."

Parasyte pondered briefly, "It's not time to make a choice yet, so let's observe the situation a little longer. Anyway, the more chaotic the situation, the more people will die–and the more energy we can gather."

"True, but what about our other associates?"

"None of them can be trusted. However, we can still use them to our advantage," analyzed Parasyte. "Either way, we cannot fail this mission."

Yu Zhou agreed. From the information they received, they knew their other partners in other World Communities had succeeded in proving the Dao. However, these people are only Plan B in case they fail.

And if they fail, they will lose their face and probably their lives. Even if they survived, they would no longer have any opportunities of climbing the ladder and have any accomplishments in their cultivation path.

And these people from the Plan B–who are considered their inferiors or people of less status than them–will now be above them.

So, no matter what, they cannot fail.

"So, what do we do now?" asked Yu Zhou.

"We wait and protect Designer."

"You think any of them would attack us?"

"It is very unlikely they would do it so soon since they are cautious people. However, we cannot leave everything to chance."

After Di Tian's assassination attempt, Parasyte did not want to leave anything to chance.


In another place in the Northern Quadrant, about 2.3 trillion light years from Parasyste's group, another meeting took place.

Mo Xingyun had two screens floating before her.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked Chen Chen.

"You don't need to worry about it," he replied in a strange voice.

"Whatever," she said with squinted eyes before gazing at Huang Yuan.

"How is it? Have you thought about my offer?"