
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 585: domain's power

Wang Wei flew to the sky, looking oddly at Ao Tianyi.

"What's with the look?"

"I feel pity for what is about to happen to you. You could have lived your entire life without suffering as much as you will today."

"You! Enough nonsense," said the prideful dragon. He did not waste time and immediately transformed into his original shape. Meanwhile, Wang Wei instantly deployed his Domain, assuming control of the surrounding.

Then, he received a divine hint and used his mother's Darkness power to isolate the sight of everyone watching this battle. He even installed many formations inside the Domain to prevent other forms of spying.

As such, the participants on the ground can only see a massive sphere of darkness covering thousands of kilometers in the sky. Many people with eye secret techniques tried their best to see if they could see through the darkness.

Unfortunately, even Xiao Tiandi could not see anything inside. Of course, he also did not try much. After his first attempt failed, he gave up using other methods.

As for Ao Tianyi, he frowned after sensing he was in a Domain. He immediately used the technique of Law Oscillation to make his Innate Laws vibrate and resonate with the surrounding, effectively rendering Domains useless to him.

Regrettably, Ao Tianyi soon discovered his method was useless; his technique did not even weaken the effect of the Domain.

"Interesting," muttered Wang Wei. He had never seen this technique before. He wondered if it was unique to the upper dimension or if some other cultivation system that did not have Domains also had it.

Most people will use Domain to combat Domain or use brute force to break them.

'Maybe the Primordial System had such a method, but it was lost to history,' rapidly thought Wang Wei. Meanwhile, Ao Tianyi sensed it was his opportunity when the enemy was distracted to attack.

So, he created numerous tree branches before coating them with his Chaos Thunder, creating a thunder aura around the branches; this attack was the perfect combination of his two Innate Laws.

Unfortunately for him, with just one look, his attack stopped as if frozen in time. And to his horror, Ao Tianyi realized he also was immobile. Wang Wei then waved his hand, and the tree disappeared.

"There are so many ways I could end this battle," Wang Wei said. "For example, death."

As soon as he said this word, a dark aura suddenly enveloped Ao Tianyi, and he could feel his body begin to decay. His scale became as thin and fragile as a piece of wood, his majestic dragon body became as thin as a dry mummy, and his vitality diminished at an unfathomable speed.

Ao Tianyi pushed his Innate Law to its maximum to stop the process, but it was useless. Horror and fear overwhelm his mind, thinking about how he will die in just a moment.

And right before his demise, he heard his enemy say "Life," and the process stopped before reverting to his formal appearance.

"Interesting, isn't it?" asked Wang Wei with a smile. "But there is more: Time."

Then, the powers of time began to affect Ao Tianyi. The dragon rapidly controlled his fear and acted swiftly: he revealed his third and finally Innate Law–Fire.

He fused Chaos Fire, Yellow Qi Wood, and Chaos Thunder into a protective armor: he planned to use Chaos Thunder Fire to burn or destroy time itself, while the Yellow Qi Wood protected him from any residual power.

Unfortunately, his attempt was useless. Wang Wei's Time Law overwhelmed his Innate Laws, and Ao Tianyi found his body rapidly aging backward.

His kilometers-long body began to shrink until he was the size of his adolescent year, preadolescence, and early childhood. But to his horror, things did not stop there. Under that power, he eventually returned to the egg stage of his development while retaining his memories and consciousness.

While inside that egg, all vulnerable and powerless, Ao Tianyi could feel he would cease to exist with a thought from his opponent; he would turn into a state as if he was never born.

Wang Wei snapped his finger, reverting the dragon to his original state. However, Ao Tianyi could not move, simply out of fear. Wang Wei slowly flew before the dragon while talking:

"Domains are horrifying when the power gap between two people is overwhelming."

Wang Wei stood in front of the dragon's eyebrow between his two deer horns. He slowly raised his hand to touch it, and Ao Tianyi jerked his head back; at least, he tried to.

However, when he saw the cold stare Wang Wei gave him, the overwhelming fear once again flooded his mind, rendering him immobile: this was not a technique or the power of the Domain–it was pure fear.

Wang Wei calmly placed his hand on the dragon's forehead and pulled out a phantom version of Ao Tianyi: it was his soul. Under Wang Wei's control, the soul quickly shrunk until it was the size of his palm.

"Let's see what is in your memory," he muttered as he reviewed the dragon's life. From his time as an egg to the present, Ao Tianyi has lived over 100 million years, and Wang Wei skimmed through them rapidly.

He learned many things about the upper dimension in greater detail. However, there were many powerful seals in Ao Tianyi's memories, some of which he did not dare approach.

Wang Wei frowned as he was not satisfied with the cultivation techniques he got from the latter's memories; he wanted some secret techniques that were truly powerful or unique.

'Let's try something else,' he thought before a small black and white wheel appeared next to the dragon's soul. The wheel rotated as it shone on the soul, and with each rotation, Ao Tianyi underwent reincarnation or Samsara.

Through repeated reincarnations, Wang Wei wanted to wash away the seals in the latter's memories.

'My experiments failed,' he thought after forcing Ao Tianyi to undergo hundred of reincarnations in just a few seconds. He wanted to know if he could use this method to wash away Karma.

And his method succeeded. Unfortunately, an unknown power acted and prevented stopped his actions. So, Wang Wei guessed Heavenly Dao would not allow a mortal to wash away Karma for people through this method since such power is only allowed by Great Emperors.

Another experiment he tried was to see if this technique could help others go through the orthodox path of the Nine Extremity Foundation. However, this part did not work even a little bit.

Nevertheless, Wang Wei was satisfied since he broke some powerful seals inside. So, he learned what he could. Most of them were useless to him except for one particular one.

It was a memory of Ao Tianyi and his father, Ao Jing. The latter explained in detail a secret technique of the Primordial Dragon Clan to boost the bloodline process of tempering the body.

'This method should help me optimize the Fiendgod 12 Body Revolution,' thought Wang Wei as he listened attentively. Then, something odd happened.

The older dragon suddenly looked directly at him; the memory of it suddenly became alive.

"Young lad," said the Dragon, directly toward Wang Wei.

'Interesting. Is this some form of memetic power?'

Wang Wei remained calm before answering: "Are you Ao Tianyis' father?"

"That's right," replied Ao Jing. "You don't seem scared."

"If the lower dimension were not blocked, I would be."

"You know a lot," replied Ao Jing. "I won't stay for long. All I have to say is don't kill my son. You can make him suffer, but don't kill him."

"That's very unexpected." Wang Wei really did not expect these words to come out from Ao Tianyi's father.

"My son's cultivation journey has been too smooth; it's about time he suffered some major setbacks."

"No problem. But how far do you want me to go?"

"You can break his Dao Heart, but don't completely annihilate it."

"No problem," said Wang Wei. "You're a good father."

"I try my best," said Ao Jing; raising a son alone was hard without his mother. But he tried his best.

"Alright, I'm leaving," said the older dragon before disappearing, and Wang Wei was kicked out from Ao Tianyi's Sea of Consciousness.

"This should be a lesson to me: I should not so easily try to search the souls of these geniuses from the upper dimension," muttered Wang Wei before looking at Ao Tianyi's soul.

"Now, what should I do with you?... Let's begin by wiping your memories."

Since he knew these upper seeded-players wanted to observe the lower-dimension geniuses and learn about their capabilities, he could not allow Ao Tianyi to remember everything that occurred during the battle.

So, he erased the latter's memories–including the trace he used Samsara on his soul. He even placed a method on the latter's soul in case someone tried to use the power of time to see Ao Tianyi's past memories.

He used counter-divination methods and counter-Ying-Yang Calculations, then sealed and removed all traces that he had modified the latter's memories. Of course, he left the trace of searching through Ao Tianyi's soul since his father already knew.

"Well, all these methods might be useless against some of these powerful cultivators," muttered Wang Wei as he realized a problem. Then, he shrugged as there was nothing he could do about that. It was now too late, and there was nothing he could do to fix this problem.

After all, no matter how clever he was, he was powerless before the might and method of a Paragon.

'In that case, let's just leave it to luck.'

Wang Wei knew he was a lucky individual, so it was not a problem to rely on it. Furthermore, even if it did not work, the only consequence was his existence would be known to the seven parasites sooner than later.

So, he placed Ao Tianyi's soul back into his body.

'I should probably give them some information as a misdirection; it could help with the situation.'

After coming up with this plan, he decided to have a brief fight with Ao Tianyi, revealing some of his strength or hidden trump cards.

'Plus, I also need to torment this man, break his mind and Dao Heart so his great father can fix him.'