
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 579: inextinguishable [gift bonus ]

(Thanks to PunchedHaddock5 for the gift)

Quyuan frowned as he remembered some things long ago. The Prehistoric World was a unique, Normal Chaos World floating in Primordial Chaos. The special aspect of it was no individual could enter, no matter who it was. People could leave the world but not enter.

Furthermore, an intense aura of taboo emanated from the Prehistoric World. Many people knew one of the 13 Taboos was inside, but no one knew what it was and why it was a taboo.

As for Myriad Devour? It was also related to the Prehistoric Word. The entire Primordial Chaos was in turmoil during the Second Origin Battle. Then, a significant World Collision occurred; many Source and Normal Chaos Worlds clashed with the Prehistoric World.

This event was an anomaly that many people believed was artificially created. However, no one cared whether that was the truth because of the benefit of this event.

The clash released a large quantity of World Essence, a rare resource for people who wanted to cultivate a Paragon Soul or Tier 12 Soul. Many Paragons and other powerful entities fought for the World's Essence.

Because of this event, many people reached the peak of the Paragon Realm because of the World Essence–including Shadow Ruler and Rainbow.

But not long afterward, a creature that was a massive accumulation of Paragon Soul Quantity and Quality appeared in Primordial Chaos. The creature had immense Willpower and only used it as a form of battle' it did not have laws, Dao, bloodline, or any spells–just pure Willpower and Spiritual power.

The creature would devour anything weaker than it–including some Tier 10 and 11 Fiendgods and even many Normal Chaos Worlds.

Regarding strength, the creature was only on par with some of the weakest Paragons–and barely at that. However, its Willpower granted unimaginable protection. Moreover, a mysterious and mighty power protected the Myriad Devour whenever someone more powerful tried to harm him.

Many people feared the Myriad Devour was an experiment from the Prehistoric World to create the fourteenth taboo. Luckily, the creature disappeared one day, never showing up again.

"His past does not matter," said Qiyuan. "What matters is he might be the one to show us the path forward."

"I agree," said Sword Empress.

"You're only saying that because of his relationship with Wu Hong," commented Battle Maniac.


Qiyuan Emperor looked at Miscellaneous. "Go hide all information about him; we don't want these parasites to notice his anomaly and become extreme in their attempt to get rid of him."

Miscellaneous frowned before sighing. He looked at Wang Wei, that was flying toward his mansion. With a wave of his mind, he placed an invisible formation on him to hide his taboo auras, his connection to the Prehistoric and even elevated the formation Wu Hong placed on his soul from an Empyrean level to the peak of the Paragon Realm.

He also left a way for Wang Wei to detect and control the formation once he became a Great Emperor. Once he was done, Miscellaneous' phantom became even more transparent.

"Are you alright?" asked Qiyuan.

"I'll survive."

Qiyuan then looked at Sword Empress.

"How is your situation?"

"I've stabilized my injury. But my strength has dropped to the Emperor Realm, and it's the weakest Third Class."

"Why do you sound so salty?" commented Battle Maniac. "At least you're alive. Look at us." She ignored him.

"I bet she's salty Wu Hong survived with Empyrean strength," said Ancient Desolate with laughter, forcing Sword Empress to stare at him with killing intent.

"Don't look at me. She must likely survive because she was both an Inextinguishable Paragon and a Boundless One. If you had listened to me, tempered your body, and opened both Gate of Power and Flesh, you might have been in a better situation."

Ancient Desolate never understood why these swordsmen refused to temper their bodies. The sword they loved so much was a metal weapon: a solid and hard object. So, wouldn't it make sense for them to temper their bodies to be like a sword–the very thing they admired and pursued with so much passion?

"Don't act up," said Qiyuan, preventing his little sister from throwing a temper tantrum. " Wang Chong is correct. If there is something we've learned in the previous failure, if we want to take that step, we have to ensure our soul, body, and Dao reaches the pinnacle."

The others nodded in agreement with him.

"Does that mean we have to open both Gates?" asked Turtle Shell.

"I don't think we have to go to this extreme. As long as we opened the Gate of Power and tempered our body to withstand Paragon strength, we should be alright, " added Miscellaneous Emperor.

"That makes sense."

"How are things going?" Qiyuan continued.

"I've gathered some resources for your revival, but things are going slow."

"What's the issue?"

"Time Eater is hunting me down," she said with clenched teeth. "He even cornered me once."

The room quieted down before Ancient Desolate started laughing uncontrollably.

"That brat you almost killed after he confessed to you is hunting you down? How embarrassing. Hahaha."

Time Eater was a Paragon of their era, fascinated by the Sword Empress. However, she despised and almost killed him with her sword after he tried to pester her after a rejection.

Unfortunately, he did not participate in the Ultimate Taboo and became one of the seven parasites weakening the world today.

"Do you want to die?" said the Sword Empress, but Ancient Desolate did not care nor stop laughing.

'I'll kill him after I return to peak strength,' she thought. Of course, she knew that would not be so easy, not because of a lack of trying. Ancient Desolate was an Inextinguishable Paragon, meaning he had all the life savings of a Boundless Paragon and even methods the latter did not have.

"You wait. I've already taken your advice and started tempering my body. When you revive, I'll take my revenge for all the time you made fun of my weak fleshly body."

Ancient Desolate shrugged his shoulder. He always thought she had wasted her potential by now tempering her body. He thought she would have learned her lesson after losing to Wu Hong by one move because of her fleshly body. But no. Instead, she double-down on cultivating her Sword Dao.

Luckily, the recent failures made her realize the truth, and his years of advising her to do made the Sword Empress realize the truth. As for getting beaten once they revived? He did not care since he could take it.

"Anything else to report?" asked Qiyuan, who was used to these two bickerings.

"Supreme Unity found me, but Maitreya stopped him."

"Maitreya? I thought she had joined with the seven parasites?" asked Battle Maniac.

"She's not like that," Sword Empress said. "I don't know why she kept the power balance for so many years, but she must have her reason. I think she's also waiting for someone."

"Or power changed her," added Hell Judgment with a sneer. "Look what happened to Supreme Unity."

"Don't say such a stupid thing. I'm afraid it's only because of her that all of us in Limbo have not been hunted down by Supreme Unity."

No one commented regarding this.

"We already knew the method Supreme Unity got was flawed, so it's not surprising that he changed," added Shadow Ruler. "But what about Maitreya?"

"Before leaving, she told me there might be something wrong with her method, but she was willing to take the chance," said Sword Empress with a frown.

"Do you think we should have settled for a flawed method?" said Rainbow with a slightly lowered voice. "After all, we got nothing in the end, and now, our peers have surpassed us."

The room quieted down for a moment before Qiyuan said: "We made a choice and should live with it."

"You don't have any regret?" asked Turtle Shell.

"No, because I see hope."

"You mean the kid? Do you really think he could show us the way forward?"

Qiyuan was quiet as he looked at Wang Wei in the distance.

"In the Chaos Universe, we know two people have succeeded. And he can be the third. And as long as he succeeds, we can learn from him and succeed as well."

"If he fails?"

"We will start the Third Battle of Origin and try again."

After that, the nine disappeared as if they had never existed. It was rare for them to appear in the lower dimension without being detected by Supreme Unity.

Unfortunately, they also could not stay for long.

Battle Tower:

Wang Wei had just finished fighting a 6-Leaf Immortal Venerable; he lost, but he did not mind. After the sermon, his main body reached peak 4-Leaf strength. With his battle experience, he can survive for dozens of years in a battle with 5-Leaf, and a few days with 6-Leaf.

After checking his strength, he left the tower. Ninety thousand years passed inside that secret room, but only a few hours passed outside. Wang Wei guessed it had something to do with the pool behind his ancestors.

Then, he sent the gifts to Li Jun and Yan Liling before continuing to look for information on Gu Xuan. Regrettably, not long afterward, he received the notice someone had come to see him from the trial.