
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 573: lower seeded players

Wang Wei could see both Zhang Yucheng and Monk Wuzhi glancing in Feng Heng's direction. Although brief, they could not escape his eyes. And immediately, he knew he would get dragged into the fight between Taoism and Buddhism. And since he had the Future Buddha Scroll, he had already chosen sides.

Countless thoughts flashed across his mind as he pondered how to deal with the situation appropriately. If he did not play his card correctly, he might be used as a pawn before being discarded.

"Now, for the introduction of the Lower Seeded Player," Lord Spirit said. "First is Chu Luo, the Emperor Child that wields the Outlaw Dao of Creation. He is a man who has tempered his Will and Dao Heart through reincarnation itself."

Xiao Tiandi kept his eyes closed, a listless aura emanating from his body. The others, however, looked at Chu Luo. They did not care for his Emperor Child status. In the upper dimension, Blessed Children are too common.

Although it is a statistical anomaly for Immortal creatures to reproduce, there are so many of them, and they have lived for so long that it has become somewhat common.

What they cared about what the fact of his Outlaw Dao and the implications of tempering his mind through reincarnation.

"The second player is the heir of the Dao Opening Sect, Young Master Wang Wei. He is a Dao Overlord, creator of his own Heavenly Physique, and a person of unquantifiable Willpower.

"The man's accomplishment could write a legendary tale. However, his most important quality is his intelligence and ingenuity. I can say without a doubt that he is more intelligent and cunning than all of you here combined. And I mean all of you."

Wang Wei's lips twitched as he sensed the eyes full of killing intent on him. He sighed before taking out a cup of freshly brewed tea and casually drinking it, ignoring everyone else.

The upper-seeded players looked at him with squinted eyes. They knew what it took to be a Dao Overlord. In the Eternal Ascension World, Outlaws would summon a special area to go through their trial. Cultivators must do so before comprehending and using the Outlaw Laws. Otherwise, they won't even be able to enter any cultivation stage that requires understanding and using laws.

In the summoned area, Heavenly Dao will place them under a perfect illusion that recreates their lives. Then, it will use the person's life to scheme against them, and they must find ways to pass the test.

If a cultivator failed, the person would not be able to control an Outlaw Dao.

The main reason for this method was due to how complicated a Karmic Trial could become. In a world full of Emperors, Empyreans, and Paragons, if Heavenly Dao started to scheme against these people, firstly, no one would pass, and these powerful individuals would never allow such a thing.

The trial is of some similar difficulty in both dimensions, so there are a few people who hold the title of Overlord. However, many people wielded Outlaws Dao similar to Chu Luo; they usually had to pay the price to control their Daos and have some limits.

When it comes to the Overlord Title, even a Paragon could not help someone else acquire it. As for creating a Heavenly Physique, some people have succeeded in doing the same in the upper dimension.

But their rarity also makes it a great accomplishment.

'Interesting.' thought Shi Ruolan. Everyone knew Dao Overlords were extremely powerful, cunning, and tactically minded. But to say this person was more intelligent than all of them combined, she did not believe it.

Of course, she also knew that Lord Spirit was just saying these words to rile them up and ensure they fought to their full capability for this trial.

'What's the point of being intelligent? Strength is all that matters,' thought Ao Tianyi. Despite his thoughts, he decided to keep a watch on Wang Wei; he did not want to be schemed against.

Xi Shangyan only glanced at him but did not have any reaction. Zhang Yucheng also only politely looked at him with a neutral face. Monk Wuzhi gave him a smiling nod, and Wang Wei pretended he did not see anything.

Meanwhile, the lower seeded-players had different reactions. Most of them did not know what a Dao Overlord was. However, the intelligent comment got to them, igniting their fighting spirit and desire to prove otherwise.

A few intelligent individuals suddenly began to piece some things together. Recently, news of the essential destruction of the demon race from the Demon Supremacy World has spread throughout other World Communities.

By calculating the time frame of the incident, they realized it was soon after Ye Tuizhi had a conflict with the player from the Myriad Emperor World. And by considering Lord Spirit's insinuation, a few people concluded Wang Wei might have something to do with the downfall of the Demon Supremacy World.

Chu Luo and Tong Ruobing gave Wang Wei an odd look after coming to this conclusion. Ji Lanfang had a powerful intuition as a swordsman, so he felt Wang Wei was definitely involved in what happened in the Demon Supremacy World.

However, Wang Wei ignored them and continued drinking his tea as if he were the only person present. He did not know what these people thought; even if he knew, he would never admit it.

"The third seat goes to Ji Lanfang, a pure swordsman with a flawless Dao Heart who has entered the realm of [One Sword Breaks Myriad Laws]."

'These so-called geniuses might not be as bad as I believe,' thought Ao Tianyi. All pure swordsmen pursue the realm of [One Swords Breaks Myriad Laws]; it is the state where a swordsman can overwhelm all laws or concepts with their swords.

Many people believe that someone could be referred to as a swordsman by entering this realm before proving the Dao. Otherwise, they are sword users, not swordsmen.

Zhang Yucheng looked at Ji Langfang with a slight fighting spirit in his eyes. He also practiced the Dao of the Sword, so he would love to battle a fellow swordsman.

"Fourth place goes to Tong Ruobing, a Master of Talisman Making; she has created an acquired version of the 27th Heavenly Physique, the Source Rune Physique."

The upper-seeded players finally began to pay attention as they realized their competitors might not be as simple as they previously believed. The Source Rune Physique is considered the best talent for professions like Alchemy, Talisman, Pill Refining, and Arrays.

Any genius with that physique is expected to become a peak powerhouse in these professions, and they could even become masters in all fours. Even if Tong Ruobing has an acquired version of this physique that only worked for Talisman, she was a person with a bright future ahead of her, not to mention a worthy opponent.

"Don't look at me. I did not create the method for this physique. He did," she said, pointing at Wang Wei. "I'm only using his idea."

"You're stealing, not using," replied Wang Wei.

"Wu Ming offered it to me as a gift," she added.

"I'm sure that was voluntary."

"Is something wrong with a lady using her charms to get what she wants? In this patriarchal society, we–weak women–have to do anything necessary to get ahead," said Tong Ruobing with a gentle smile.

Wang Wei rolled his eyes as he learned something new about her: shameless. Meanwhile, these seeded players once again looked at Wang Wei with raised eyebrows.

All they could think was he might become a problem.

"Moving on," said Lord Spirit. "In fifth place, we have Shi Qian, an Immortal Child from the Light Race."

Everyone waited for Lord Spirit to continue, but she did not say anything else. She only shrugged her shoulder as there was nothing she could do. In the grand scheme of things, there was nothing remarkable about Shi Qian.

Her status as an Immortal Child was worthless in the eyes of these upper dimension's Heaven Chosens. Her status as the Light Race is valuable since they have a natural affinity for Karma, an Outlaw Daos. However, this affinity or control of Karma had its limits.

Lord Spirit believed some other people would be better in that spot: Xu Shi or even Liang Shixian, for example. However, he could not arbitrarily change the ranking as he saw fit.

"Our final seeded player is Miss Jingwu Hua: an Emperor Offspring and three-legged golden crow that has once suffered a defeat in a previous Heaven Will Battle at the hands of an Eternal Emperor.

"However, she sealed herself for countless generations, tempering her Willpower in the process to try again. On top of it all, her father left a special reward to ensure she succeeded on the second try."

Jingwu Hua looked at Lord Spirit angrily; she did not expect him to bring out her pain and display it to the public. Moreover, she wanted to know how he knew so much.

The upper-seeded players paid some attention to Jingwu Hua. They understood how scary some Immortals could be once they decided to leave trump cards to their descendants.

In the Eternal Ascension World, it's normal for some mortal who has not started cultivating to suddenly take out a talisman capable of wounding an Empyrean or Dao Monarch. It all depends on how pampered their influential parents are.

'She lost to an Eternal Emperor? Could it have been the Heaven Devour Emperor? That would make much sense timing-wise,' thought Wang Wei. At the same time, he also thought Lord's Spirit seemed to know too much, which could be an issue.

"Lord Spirit, I have some questions," Wang Wei suddenly said, making Lord Spirit's heart jump; she felt things were about to get complicated.