
Wang Wei directly told her about the conversation he had with his Heart Devil, his worries, and the flaws in his Dao Heart. Wu Hong frowned slightly before ending the communication.

Then, she disappeared and appeared outside his retreat room. And after opening the formations for her, she entered so they could have a face-to-face conversation.

The young couple sat opposite each other to have their conversation.

"I understand how you feel, but what do you want me to do to fix the situation?" asked Wu Hong. "You should understand that there are some things I physically cannot say even if I want to."

"I'm aware of this, and I've come to terms with that."

"Then, what can I do? If you want, I can link my [Existence] with yours."

"What does that mean?"

"It means if you die, I die. And if I die, you also die."

Wu Hong felt this was the best way to show her love and devotion to him and how far she was willing to go to save this relationship. She never wanted any harm to come to him; her main goal was to ensure that he did not have many regrets or suffer tragedies.

At the same time, she wanted to meet him earlier than they did in the previous timeline and create more beautiful memories; she did not want their relationship to go through all the dramas.

Wang Wei looked at her deeply in the eyes before holding her hands.

"I never want you to have to prove your love for me. I know you love me and would be willing to die for me. And I would gladly do the same."

Wang Wei sighed aloud.

"But I still have my insecurities. For Heaven's sake, you are Empress Wu, a beautiful and renowned Eternal Emperor. No, a Boundless Paragon. Your name and beauty are probably known throughout Primordial Chaos.

"I cannot imagine how many men more handsome and capable than me who desire you. So, why me? Why did you choose me, of all people?"

Wang Wei did not evade her eyes as he said these words.

"I've thought about this many times. What is so special about me that you, of all people, choose me? The first explanation I used to convince myself was my potential. But, upon deeper analysis, it did not make sense.

"My Paragon Soul made me unique, but I know for sure many people have the same soul or something similar. My background is nothing compared to your achievement.

"The only thing special about me is that I'm from Earth. But, with the recent encounter with Hongjun, I doubt I'm the only one."

Wang Wei paused as he felt his voice was slightly elevated, so he took a moment to control himself.

"I've thought about it all. I tried to convince myself that you did not care about these things as they were artificial. I convinced myself you love me because of who I am, my personality, or how I make you feel.

"But is that really enough? Are those things enough to make me worthy of you?"

Wang Wei once again sighed out loud. After his recent conversation with Heart Devil, he realized his real problem was not whether Wu Hong was planning his downfall. He did not care about that; he knew her and her character, so he did not think she would do such a thing.

And even if she did, he did not mind dying for the chance at finding love.

The real issue was his hidden insecurities about their companionship. Although Wang Wei was a confident person about his future, he had to admit he had many insecurities about his relationship with Wu Hong.

Of course, the secrets they had to keep did not make things better, even though he understood it was simply unavoidable. There was a significant gap in their status, and without filling it, he literally could not access these secrets.

"Yes, these things are enough," replied Wu Hong as she held his hands. "I love you because you were not like these other men: you did not want me simply for my body, beauty, strength, or reputation.

"You treated me like a real person instead of the fame 'Empress Wu.' You never tried to change to appease my likes or dislikes. You never wanted to change me into something I was not.

"You never wanted to possess me or treat me as a consoling prize for conquering the famous cold and prideful beauty, Empress Wu]."

Wu Hong looked slightly disgusted as she said the last sentence; she had met too many men like this.

"I love you because you were you," she said with great conviction, squeezing his hands and not wanting to let go–even if Heaven and Earth had suddenly disappeared. And Wang Wei squeezed back.

"Now, I acknowledge the power unbalance in our relationship. And I never want you to feel that you have to be worthy to be with me. I support you in your cultivation journey, not because I want you to reach the same status as me or so that we can be socially compatible.

"I simply want to support you in all your endeavors, just like you have done or will do for me. I just want you, or us, to be happy."

Wang Wei held her hands even tighter than before, then gently laid his foreheads against hers.

"I know this about you. And this is one of the many reasons that I love you. But, sometimes, I cannot help my insecurities get the best of me."

"I know how you feel."

"You do?"

"Of course, I have my own insecurities as well."

"What are you insecure about?"



"You have no idea how charming you are."

"Although I know I'm handsome, it's not to the point of causing insecurities. Look at all the women in my generation; they all want to kill me instead of being attracted by my charm," said Wang Wei with a smile.

"That's because you live in a Glorious Age. All the women in your generation are focused on the throne and have no time or desire for companionship, which would make things complicated for their future.

"However, after you prove the Dao and ascend, with your looks, strength, achievement, smooth tongue, and personality, I can already foresee how many women will throw themselves at you."

Wang Wei laughed joyously before he saw the sneering and severe look on Wu Hong's face.

"You're serious?"

She sneered even deeper. In the other timeline, Wang Wei had attracted so many women even though he was not as accomplished as he would be, and always being cold and indifferent like some emo kid.

However, she could already imagine how things would be a hundred times worse in this timeline. His future self will be irresistible to many immortal women that have lived for countless epochs, searching for the perfect Dao Companion.

"I'm warning you right now," said Wu Hong with a deep tone. "If you dare cheat on me, I will castrate you and seal your regeneration ability for a thousand Yuan Epochs."


Wang Wei swallowed his saliva as he touched his legs. Just imagine not having his Little Wang Wei for such a long time was the worse form of torture. And he would also imagine that the process would not be clean, not to mention the pain.

"Come on, give me some credit. I'm not Li Jun or Lin Fan. I would never do such a thing."

"Don't forget today's promise since I'm not playing with you."

"I promise," he hurriedly said with sweat falling down his back. Then, the two laughed out loud. Then, Wang Wei felt a weight suddenly removed from his shoulder; his mind became refreshed, and his control over his power increased by a negligible amount.

The flaw in his Dao Heart was now gone, and he could not be happier.

"Wait, why don't we talk about you cheating?"

"Women don't cheat," replied Wu Hong with no shame. "Only men cheat."

"That's the worst double standard I've heard of."

"But it's true."

"Based on what?"

"Because I said so," replied Wu Hong, and Wang Wei became speechless by this response. However, he soon lost the strength to argue when Wu Hong kissed him. Instantly, he gave up arguing for man's sake; at this moment, she was correct.

While this young couple indulged in their animalistic instincts, a bird with enormous wings traveled in the Endless Space. The bird was unique as it had a small world inside its body.

After traveling for a few days, the bird suddenly stopped, and the person living inside its body suddenly opened his eyes before appearing outside.

The man looked at a compass in his hand before muttering: "We've arrived?" As he looked around, the man thought.

'According to the information, I should be near the Abyss Gap. Luckily, I don't have to go deeper.'

The man then followed the compass to a specific location in the void. At first, there was nothing until the man used a few techniques to see an enormous pitch-black coffin appear.

And before the man could do anything–even react–an irresistible power swallowed him. When he reappeared, he was in a dark and stale space. But before he could look around and analyze the situation, the man heard a deep voice:

"I've finally found you."