
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 550: true power dao [gift bonus ]

(Thanks to Gordon_4421 for the gift)

Firstly, when it comes to life span, the overall life span is similar to the Origin System–except powerful bloodline gave these cultivators an additional 10 to 30 million years of life span in the Quasi-Emperor Realm–which was only the peak of the Innate Demon Realm when their bloodline had been sublimated to the peak.

The Primordial Demon Cultivation System is more impressive than even both the Origin and Spiritual Foundation System regarding battle prowess. However, they are too restricted by the environment.

Without the special blood factor between Heaven and Earth and all the bloodline inheritances from ancient times, this system cannot be adequately cultivated to its full extent.

Wang Wei can even predict in a few eras, once all the Innate Demons and Primordial Gods' bloodline inheritance have been discovered, this world will begin to go downhill in terms of overall strength.

Even the unique bloodline factor in the environment won't last forever. By then, the cultivators will have to change their system or accept being the weakest of the Primordial God Realm individuals with no bloodline.

He can even predict the vast difference between the Primordial Demon Heaven Will World and the Lower Realm: the majority of cultivators there are probably the weakest versions since they have no bloodline or specific environment to grow.

Another major downside to this system–especially for Wang Wei– is the Dao Engraving Realm. In most cultivation systems, there are three standard ways to control the law: soul, body, and energy.

The Origin System used the soul, the Spiritual Foundation System used energy, while the Primordial Demon System used the body. The problem with using the last one is that it prevents any cultivators from entering the True Power Dao Realm.

Body refiners are classified into three categories. At the top are the people who enter the True Power Dao Realm by tempering their pure physical powers to a certain height.

The second level is for the body refiners who understand the Laws of Powers. Through understanding the law, body refiners can increase their strength, stamina, defense, regeneration, etc. Increasing these stats separately can also boost their comprehension of Power Laws in a cycle of self-improvement.

The second level of body refiners can be as strong as the first level. They follow the same philosophy of using strength to break myriad laws; that's the essence of the Dao of Power. However, the body refiners in that level cannot enter the True Power Dao Realm and eventually open that gate.

Nevertheless, considering that there might not be a single person in the lower dimension that has opened that gate, it is a much better choice for most body refiners, not to mention how difficult it is to walk the path of True Power Dao.

The first category's only advantage is that the Heaven Will will grant them a significant increase in strength without taking away their qualification in the True Power Dao Realm. The boost is not enough to open the gate but enough to increase in layers in the True Power Dao Realm.

Meanwhile, the second category can only comprehend the Power Grand Dao Source.

The third level consisted of body refiners that used their bodies to control the laws. Whatever laws they comprehend will spread through every corner of their body, baptizing it over a long time. These body refiners also cannot enter the True Dao Power.

The Dao Engraving Realm made it impossible for the cultivators of this world to walk on the path of True Power Dao.

After analyzing everything, Wang Wei placed the technique away and focused on his goal of coming here. He did not here to cause trouble; he could not if he wanted to give the strict control of the Realm Lords and how powerful the Primordial Demon World was with 5 Eternal Emperors.

His only purpose in coming here was to set up a faction that could help him gather rare cultivation resources and, more importantly: bloodline. He wanted to prepare for when he cultivates the [Fiendgod 12 Body Revolution].

So, he traveled throughout the 72 Heavenly Realms and 32 Earthly Territories to secretly control Supreme-Land Factions and have them work together to do his bidding.

He focused more on human factions since the human race was only a middle-level race in the entire world; they were strong enough to help but not powerful enough to be always on guard by other races.

Nevertheless, Wang Wei also controlled a few Spirit Race factions, along with other races. He did not touch the demon race since they were the most powerful race in this world. Luckily, these demon races did not act like the ones from the Demon Supremacy World.

After that, Wang Wei headed to Ji Lanfand's world: the Immortal Ascension World.

He did not use his luck to find an Emperor Scripture. He divined someone whose luck had awakened and would receive an Emperor Scripture. Then, he stole it from the poor guy before returning it.

This world's cultivation was similar to the Pursuing Longevity World in the early stages: Body Tempering, Qi Refining, Core Formation, Nascent Soul. However, since they do not have an Immortal Source sealed in their worlds, they walk a different path.

After Nascent Soul is the Divine Transformation Realm which is precisely like the Origin System's Primordial Soul Realm, refining the Three Immortal Souls or Ethereal Spirits as they called it in this world.

Then, it is the Star Plucking Realm, which came about due to a unique place in this world: the Dao Star Dimension.

The Dao Star Realm contained numerous stars connected to a law of the universe. By connecting to one, cultivators can better understand the laws. There are levels in the realm; the more talented a person is, the higher they can reach in the Dao Star Realm to acquire their stars.

However, a cultivator does not have to use the stars in the realm. Instead, they can create a unique star for themselves if they have a special law or Dao: Ji Lanfang is a perfect example.

Afterward, they will enter the Body Integration Realm, where they fuse their stars with their bodies. Subsequently, they will undergo nine tribulations in the Tribulation Realm. Each tribulation further elevates their life span and understanding of the laws.

Finally, it is the Dao Treading Realm where cultivators used their stars to create a Heaven Path toward the Grand Dao in their bodies. Once they reach that path's end, that's the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

And after acquiring the Heaven Will World, the path will lead to the Grand Dao Source.

Wang Wei could tell that whoever created this Dao Treating System wanted people to become Emperor or even Dao Ancestors on their own without the Heaven's Will. Regrettably, the Heaven Path led to nowhere.

The only thing it accomplished was giving cultivators an extra life span of about 5 million years. So, this system is slightly better than the Origin System regarding life span, but the general battle prowess is similar.

'This system is interesting and might be worth studying in-depth,' he thought, pondering how he could fit some information in the optimization he would make to the Origin System after proving the Dao.

After his contemplation, he went to do what he came to do. His main objection was finding Primordial Star Energy, as he felt this world might be the one with the highest possibility of having it.

So. he searched everywhere through controlling luck or divination. He did find a small amount in a secret realm but not as much as expected.

'Should I search the Immortal Realm?' thought Wang Wei. The Immortal Ascension World was divided into the Mortal and Immortal Realm. As long as someone reaches Tier 7 (Void Shattering Realm), they can ascend to the Immortal World.

However, most cultivators do not do this for the simple fact that all the Immortal Tier powerhouses are forced by Heavenly Dao to live in the Immortal Realm; they cannot spend much time in the lower realm or fight there. So, that place is a prison for them, but it ensures the safety of mortals.

Due to the danger of the Immortal Realm, many people refuse to ascend even if the environment is slightly better. Only during the Heaven Will Battle where they would do so since the battle usually takes place somewhere there.

After contemplating for a moment, he decided to take some risks. He influenced some poor guy, forcing him to ascend before using his spirit particle to ascend with him.

With this method, he was undetected and avoided people's eyes. After all, this world also had 5 Eternal Emperors.

Then, he went on his search for Primordial Star Energy. He found more than the Mortal Realm but not as much as he wanted; enough to condense a few dozen black holes.

So, he created many secret factions as he did in the Primordial Demon World to gather resources for him, but also to prepare for his plans after he became Emperor.

Afterward, he was curious whether the lower realm could access the Dao Star Dimension. So, he projected himself there and learned they could. So, Wang Wei returned to trial.

As Wang Wei walked out of his room, Ancestor Wucheng waited for him. He handed him a book.

"What's this?"

"An Emperor Scripture from the Emperor Dao World."

Wang Wei's eyes lit up. He could finally begin planning the creation of his Fate Palaces. Regrettably, the next competition was tomorrow, so he did not have much time.

The next day, Wang Wei and the other participants went to the Pagoda, where Lord Spirit waited. As soon as everyone arrived, he displayed every point and ranking. Chu Luo was still first with 4900 Points, and Wang Wei was second with 4544 points. The third place went to Jingwu Hua for a total of 2200 Points, and Xu Shi and Shi Qian were right behind her.

"I have a few announcements," said Lord Spirit. "Firstly, a seeded player needs 1000 points to challenge another."

As soon as he said these words, the participants frowned as they analyzed the situation. They quickly figured out that points were essentially useless–especially if there were only 8 trials and each only granted a maximum of 1000 points as indicated from the previous two. The real way to get the inheritance might be to acquire the number one token worth 100,000 points.

Lord Spirit smiled before continuing. "We will get through the next two trials today, and each one will be worth a maximum of 1000 points."

This information confirmed the participants' conjecture.

"The next two trials will be Energy Control and Comprehension. Now, let's begin." Everyone walked into the pagoda.