
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 536: xu shi vs barbarian siblings

Wang Wei looked at Li Jun, who had just landed next to him; he was in terrible shape. He had blood all over his face and bare upper body. He had purple spots on his left arm, indicating someone had poisoned him.

"How are you in such a terrible state?"

"Hehe, these participants are crazy; they'll do anything to kill people in their ways," Li Jun said with excitement. After seeing this fighting madman enjoying himself, Wang Wei ignored him and focused on Xu Shi's battle.

The two barbarian leaders–Tolui and Khutulun–stood before her, displaying aggressive auras.

"So, you guys think I am a soft persimmon you can pinch easily?" Xu Shi said, releasing an ancient aura full of power, vicissitudes, and nobility: a primordial aura.

"Yes, we do," replied Khutulun. "Brother."

Then, the two rushed toward her. Tolui punched her in the face while his sister went for a kick on the ribs. Unfortunately for them, a black aura naturally came out of Xu Shi's body and bounced their attacks back, sending them flying away a few meters away.

They immediately frowned as they sensed that the aura injured the part of their bodies touched. The injury was not severe and instantly healed because of their fleshly body; it was still abnormal.

The two siblings looked at each other and communicated through their eyes. Immediately afterward, they went on the offensive again. This time, they mobilized their fleshly body's blood energy to protect themselves.

Meanwhile, Xu Shi did not want to fight for long with these people and revealed all her abilities. She opened her mouth to sing a beautiful and melodic piece of music.

Blood spilled from Tolui and Khutulun's eyes as the sound wave from Xu Shi's voice instantly destroyed their eardrums and even attacked their brains directly.

Despite the tremendous pain of this attack, Tolui summoned a giant bow more than 1.5 meters long. He pulled the strings, and his muscles bulged in the process, showing how difficult of a process.


The arrow traveled countless times the speed of light, heading straight for Xu Shi's throat. She flew in the sky to evade without stopping to sing. Nevertheless, the arrow followed her. So, she changed direction many times in the sky, but to no avail.

In the end, she slapped the arrow away. At that exact moment, Khutulun replaced the arrow's position, holding a black ax and slashing it down.


Xu Shi crashed to the ground, destroying numerous houses in the city. However, after the dust of her crash blew away, she appeared before everyone, not even a scratch on her beautiful skin.

She raised her head to look at the two calmly. Then, her surroundings seemed blurry, as if the passage of time was slowed down. Then, she suddenly appeared next to Khutulun to punch her.

However, the barbarian reacted in time and disappeared.

'Shadow Displacement? So, her main Dao is Law,' thought Xu Shi, who did not stop her punching her action despite her opponent already gone. Then, something magical occurred.

The spot where Khutulun disappeared suddenly changed, and she reappeared right before Xu Shi's punch.

'Time Reversal?' Her last thought was before her head exploded due to the punch, and her body crashed to the ground. At the same time, Tolui's arrow hit Xu Shi's heart; however, it did no damage.

The moment the arrow came a few seconds close to touching her clothes, it decayed and disappeared since it was made from Tolui's energy.

"Sister, we can no longer hold back," suddenly yelled Tolui as the tattoos on his arm lit up. Then, a dragon-like creature appeared behind him. It had a pair of wings, a deer's head, and a snake's tail.

'Feilian,' thought all the spectators. It is common knowledge that most demon races came from Innate Demons. As such, there is a particular group of demon races called Primogenitor Demon; they were the first demon clan created by the Innate Demons and were crucial to the Innate-Acquire War.

Many people believe the Primogenitor Demons to be the perfect combination of Innate and Acquired Lifeforms. And during the war, many of them sided with the Acquired species and became a real problem after acquiring the Heaven Will.

Their contribution to the war was on par with Degraded Demons–Innate Demons who abandoned their Innate Nature to become acquired races. Many of them did that to infiltrate the Heaven Will Worlds, where only acquired races could prove the Dao, and weakened that side. Others did it to escape the shackles of being an Innate Lifeform.

For example, Three-Legged Golden Crows are Degraded Demons. However, they usually do not like that name to refer to themselves.

Meanwhile, an enormous wolf with black fur and a snake for a tail appeared above where Khutulun landed. The wolf's fur appeared as if they were constructed from shadows themselves.

Shadow Snake-Wolf, another Primogenitor Demon.

Khutulun flew to the sky, her tattoos glowing and her head perfectly intact. The Shadow Snake-Wolf turned into a picture rune on her chest, and Tolui did the same. Suddenly, the aura of these two increased.

[Wing God Arrows]

In many Worlds, different races referred to Feilian as the God of Wind; today, Tolui showed the reason. Thousands of arrows descended on Xu Shi at speed hundreds of times faster than the speed of light.

Furthermore, once they arrived before her, they turned into these enormous tornadoes capable of destroying all matter, energy, and even laws; they could destroy worlds.

Nevertheless, she remained calm as she had the utmost faith in her husband's Primal Chaos Art. However, she did not want to reveal the extent of her fleshly body, for now, so she waved her hand.

Then, all these arrows stopped midway in motion as she had reverted them to their state of inertia.

Suddenly, Xu Shi frowned as she sensed something directly attacking her soul and ignoring her body's defense. Numerous tentacles suddenly appeared inside her Sea of Consciousness and attacked her Primordial Spirit.

'Controlling the shadows created by soul? What an ingenious application of Shadow Law. I should not underestimate my opponent.'

A bright light appeared in her Sea of Consciousness, dispersing all the shadows–which tried to fight off the light to no avail. All of these actions occurred in a blink of an eye, but it was still enough time for the barbarian siblings to go on the offensive.

[Spatial Wind Arrow]

Tolui's arrow bent space-time as it traveled toward his opponent. The ripple created by bending space-time generated wind made of space itself that could shred any matter, energy, or spiritual power.

[Shadow Confinement]

A black dome covered Xu Shi to prevent her escape, but the arrow easily passed through it. Nevertheless, she remained composed. The siblings sensed a terrible danger right before the arrow hit her, but it was too late for them to react. They suddenly found themselves inside the black dome, facing Tolui's arrow, while their opponent was outside.


The black dome exploded, and the siblings fell from the sky, their bodies mutilated and their souls injured: everyone knew they would not get back up.

"What exactly did she do?" asked Li Jun. "I could sense the subtle power of Time, but I could not completely detect her actions."

"Time Exchange: she exchanged their time to achieve spatial displacement. With your reaction speed, you would not fall for this move; the siblings underestimated her."

"I see. Can you do that?"

"Of course, and I can even do it better."

Wang Wei was not lying: he could use space, time, fate, and even shadows to achieve the same effect.

"Do you think I can beat her in a fight?"

"I honestly do not know. She seems to be hiding a lot of things."

Wang Wei then looked at the barbarian siblings; he could see the unwillingness on Khutulun's face. She regretted not being able to use her full power and even her trump card.

'I hope she gets her chance at revenge.'

For Wang Wei, the more the Myriad Emperor World's people fought, the better for him since he could gather information about them. Although he did not consider most of his competitors a threat, he would not let his guard down before the final battle.

Looking at the injured siblings, he took the opportunity while they were weak and helpless to read their fate lines and gather some information.

"The Ancient Spirit World is interesting, including their cultivation system."

"Did you find something?"

"Yes. There is a unique dimension where many spirits of fallen demon races will be born. After tempering their bodies to a certain level, the cultivators in that world will journey through the Ancient Spirit Realm to defeat and subdue a spirit that can even help them comprehend Laws."

"That's indeed unique. What level of spirits is there?"

"Apparently, there are even Innate Gods and Great Emperors who became spirits. However, it seems that few people could acquire them."

"Isn't that a little too overpowered?"

"I'm sure there are some limitations. Plus, I bet some Great Emperors are using this as a method to resurrect themselves."

"That makes sense."

Then, the two looked in the same direction as someone approached them.

"So, Young Master Ye, you could no longer wait."

"Why would I need to wait for a human like you."

"You say that, yet you waited a week before taking action," replied Wang Wei casually.