
Myriad Emperor World, Western White Tiger Continent:

Wu Hong appeared in one place, looked in a direction, and waited. A few seconds later, a handsome young man with black and white hair appeared. He looked at her with a frown before sneering:

"So, Wang Wei can't accept his loss so he has to send his woman to avenge him; how weak-minded of him," said Di Tian in a cold voice.

"He did not send me. I don't like what you did to him, so I came; simple as that," replied Wu Hong calmly.

"Because your little boy toy suffers, you're going to kill me?"

Boy toy, what a great name. I think I'll use this from now," she muttered softly. "And no, I will not kill you. But I will seal you."

She understood that Wang Wei needed a real challenge on his Path of Emperor, and Di Tian was perfect for that. However, the latter was also too powerful and cunning for the current Wang Wei.

So, he needed time to grow and learn; and that's exactly what Wu Hong was going to do, buy him time.

Di Tian squinted his eyes for a moment after hearing this. With his intelligence, he could guess that he was being treated as a stepping stone for Wang Wei. So, he sneered before returning to calm.

He had to say that if there was another woman who ever left an impression on him, it was the Sword Empress and Empress Wu. Of all the battles he had experienced in his long life, they were the two most memorable.

"I truly wonder what such an existence like yourself is doing with Wang Wei? Playing Game? Treating him like a pawn? With his personality, he will be truly devastated when he found the truth."

With the same calmness, she responded, "Or, he's another chess player."

Di Tian once again briefly squinted his eyes as he understood the implication of her words. If Wang Wei was a chess player, then, he was nothing but a pawn that had no right to intervene in the game.

He might not even be aware of its existence. Di Tian quickly reigned in his mind not to think about these kinds of things as they were not useful for him. All he cares about is reviving his wife. As for other things, he will deal with them later on.

"For our second battle, I can tell you that things will not go like the first time." A powerful aura emanated from his body. This time, he was prepared to use all his strength, without any restriction or resistance.

"Second time?" muttered Wu Hong as she focused on him. "Oh, it's the little Devil Prince. In some reincarnations, Di Tian looked exactly like his current self, while in others–mostly when he was a Buddhist monk, a devil race, and devil cultivator–he looked different.

After saying this, Wu Hong began to reminisce about her past. The Three-eyes Prince was the bane of her existence at some point, the reason that her life was so miserable.

When the human nobles first wanted to dedicate it to him, she was nothing but a 14 years old girl, always on the constant run. She had no cultivation and no one to rely on; it was pure luck that she managed to survive the early hunts.

Wu Hong could not remember how many nights she spent crying in cold and isolating caves, her small body shivering, starving, and wondering what she did wrong to deserve such treatment.

The only thing that drove her forward, that motivated her to keep on living was because her adopted mother in her home village told her to survive and grow no matter what.

In her cultivation career, she took these words to heart.

And her misery did not end after she had a fortunate encounter and begin to cultivate. Her talent was mediocre in the early stages. Additionally, more and more cultivators were searching for her.

Everywhere she went, she had to hear people discussing how she should just accept the prince's invitation, that it was her honor to be favored by him, that she was unworthy and lucky to be chosen.

On top of all that, she had to deal with the guilt that her action might lead to increasing the suffering of her fellow human race. Despite this, she gritted her teeth and continue to run, continue to survive–even when the entire world was her enemy.

When she entered the Void Shattering Realm and began to display her true talent, she retaliated out of anger. Not only on the devil race but even on the human race.

Unfortunately, she had to stop because the devil race threatened to take action against the human mortals. And despite everything, Wu Hong understood that these people were innocent; most of their actions were the result of their lack of power.

After this incident, she decided to hide until the Heaven Will Battle. She left the Myriad Emperor World to travel to other worlds and even communities. This was possible because of a broken Immortal Artifacts that she acquired during one of her fortunate encounters.

It was because of that weapon that she managed to survive many desperate situations as it allowed her to enter the space inside and hide even from most Quasi-Emperors for a short time.

Wu Hong knew that the only way to truly change her miserable destiny was by proving the Dao in this generation. That way, she can prove to herself and the world, that she was worthy of anything.

No one could dictate what she can and cannot have in this world, no one could determine her status in this world, and no one could tell her what her place was.

Her journey in the Endless Void was not just one of gaining power, but also of healing, of knowing herself. In her voyage, she discovered many worlds that were already occupied by the Devil race.

She witnessed their suffering, their helplessness, their struggle, and their resistance. And many of these worlds were habited by the human race. After this experience, she finally let go of her hatred for what her kind did to her. She understood that it was out of helplessness.

And in the final battle with the Devil Prince, she learned a lot about his character and gained a new perspective on the events of the past. She understood that his actions were taken out of context and even interpreted wrongly.

Unfortunately, it did not matter. The damage had already been done, and even if it was true, it did not change the fact that they were fated enemies since the prince was an invader.

After Wu Hong finished reminiscing about the past, she saw a gigantic black fist headed straight towards full with the power of Samsara. A slight surprise flashed across her eyes.

'He's only in the Primordial Spirit Realm, yet his attacks are already approaching Immortal Venerable level. It seems that Wang Wei has his work cut out for him.'

She waved her hand and a humongous mountain descended from heaven. It instantly crushed Di Tian's attack and headed for him. Di Tian did not back down as 8 glowing Emperor Artifacts appeared in front of him.

Then, the shadow of a world full of floating white clouds appeared behind him. This was a new technique that Di Tian developed after taking away the [Yin Soul Scripture] from Fan Li. He created a world full of souls to sacrifice so that he can use more power of the Emperor Artifacts.

Wu Hong frowned after seeing this, 'It seems that I have to use strength of that level. So be it.'

Many runes appeared on the mountain and their aura of them suddenly increased. Then, they descended without obstruction.

With little effort, Di Tian was sealed.

However, soon afterward, many invisible chains appeared around Wu Hong. She looked at them and sighed deeply, before dissipating her projection.

Meanwhile, in a world surrounded by countless formations with one Emperor Tier one at the core, there was a coffin. The moment Di Tian was sealed, a hand suddenly opened the coffin and sat up.

"Has the main body been sealed?" he muttered as he reviewed the memories inside his mind. "Well, at least the situation is better than the worst-case scenario of being killed by her."

Di Tian has long anticipated the possible revenge of Wu Hong. However, this clone was not created just because of her.

No, it has existed for a long time.

Before his first reincarnation, he had Great Emperors make divination and calculation to prepare. And some of them foreseen that things would not go smoothly for him, so they prepared this world for him–just in case.

After his third failure in the Heaven Will Battle, Di Tian already suspected that something was wrong. So, he send a clone to that world to use its resources to travel to another Heaven Will World and used some means to reincarnate there.

Unfortunately, his plan was foiled by Heavenly Dao and he only reincarnated in the Myriad Emperor Worlds. However, each time, he would ask his clones in that world to gather resources and knowledge from other World communities.

After the clone left the coffin, he looked in the distance while in deep thought.

'I do not know why Empress Wu is back in the world, however, if she finds a way to compete for the Heaven Will a second time, the chances of winning are slim. So, now, it's time to begin our plans to push our foundation beyond the limit of Nine Reincarnation.'

After thinking about this, the clone began to move by activating the Sleepers in other World Communities.

(AN: For anyone wondering who Fan Li is and the Yin Soul Scripture, they appeared in chapter 242.)