
Myriad Emperor World, Dao Opening Sect:

After reassuring his wife, Wang Tian flew to one of the sect's mountains where his father along with a few other people were waiting for him. All of whom were from the Wang Clan.

Without saying anything, he took out his sect master's token and activated it. In his mind, a list of places that he can be teleported to appeared and he chose the Secret Artifact Storage.

A portal made of runes appeared in front of the group and they entered it. In an instant, they found themselves in a room full of magical artifacts with the weakest one being Quasi-Emperor Level.

A brief calculation of these artifacts would show that there were more than a hundred thousand of them.

"I need the Star Road Map," said Wang Tian out loud, and as soon as he finished these words, a powerful consciousness began to scan his body, bloodline, and even soul leaving nothing intact.

During the whole process, the sect master remained calm as he waited patiently. A few minutes later, the process was finished. Then, a palm-size map glittering like stars appeared in front of him.

Wang Tian's eyes lit up as he knew that with this artifact, he had a greater chance of finding his son. That's because this was an Innate Artifact, the very one that their founder, Emperor Qiyuan, used to travel to other World Communities in his early years.

"Have the other things been prepared?" asked Wang Tian to the other people behind him. One person nodded before handing him five glowing orbs.

After taking them, he nodded as he knew that they should be enough to use as a power source. That's because each of these orbs was an entire world the size of a Great Thousand World that only has Origin Source Veins planted inside of them.

The energy that one of them contained is enough for more than a 1000 Supreme Realm powerhouse to cultivate, and that's only an underestimate. And without hesitation, Wang Tian was prepared to use five of them to find his son.

Using the orbs, he activated the Star Road Map. Soon afterward, the group found themselves floating amongst the stars. There were countless of them shining throughout the vast universe with one of them being the brightest.

Looking at the shiniest stars amongst them which seem to be the center of all the others, one of the people asked: "Is this the Myriad Emperor World?"

"Yes," replied Wang Tian. "And all the other stars are worlds that we have the coordinate for. Let's not waste time."

Then, Wang Tian, Wang Chang, and all the other Wang Clan Supremes pricked their finger to take out a drop of blood from their bodies, then, they began to chant a long spell.

As they do so, their individual drop of blood fused into one, then, it began to move around the star map. It rapidly flew from a very far away place to a place where the star was broken and its light scattered.

This was the location of the previously destroyed Heavenly Abode World. The drop of blood stayed there for more than an hour before moving. At some point, it seems to have crossed a barrier to a place where there were little to no shining stars.

The others frowned a little as their suspicions were verified; their young master was in another World Community. This will make the search even more difficult.

After staying in this area for a while, the drop of blood once again crossed another barrier. And after seeing this, Wang Tian immediately said to one of the people: "Go to the Wang Clan's World and have all the clan members give a drop of their blood."

The person who received the order immediately went to execute it as he knew that the patriarch wanted to use this method to further increase the strength of the Bloodline Tracking Spell.

Meanwhile, Wang Tian also took out a few bloodline-related artifacts from the storage to help the process; he knew that the longer time passed, the more variables to the general situation.

Heaven Profound Continent, the Sun:

After setting up the formation to protect himself, Wang Wei began to plan for his future. His first step was to refine a few pills to once again stabilize his injury which was recently further aggravated.

Then, he has to plan for the future.

He knew that in his current situation, he couldn't return home. Based on the knowledge he received from that woman at the meeting, he knew that he was in another World Community.

As such, he did not even know how far from home he was. So, even if he knew the coordinate of the Myriad Emperor World, he could not return. With his ability, it's not impossible to create a Quasi-Emperor Tier Void Boat to navigate the Endless Void.

However, that would be useless as unique spatial artifacts are required to travel from one World Community to another. And he did not know how to create such a thing.

As such, the best solution to his problem is to wait for either his sect to find him or his wife. Of course, Wang Wei was also prepared for the worst-case scenario that he is never discovered, or that it takes too long to do so making him miss the Heaven Will Battle.

In that case, he will build his Void Boat in search of the Heaven Will World of this Community, found a way to acquire an Identity Token, and become an Emperor there.

Although he guessed that there might be consequences for people from other World Communities to take the Heaven Will of others, he was willing to take risks. Plus, his guess might be wrong.

As for how to find the Heaven Will World given how vast each World Community is, he already had a basic plan. It was to use Karma.

From what he learned, the Heavenly Profound Continent's cultivation system is derived from the Heaven Will's World of this Community, meaning that just like back home, the Emperors of this community spread their system to all parts of the community as a way to gather luck.

All Wang Wei has to do is find the Karmic Thread that connects this world to the Heaven Will World. Although this will take some time and he has to deepen his understanding of Karma a little deeper, it was a good start.

Thinking about this plan, Wang Wei then focused on the Profound Cultivation System of this world. And to be honest, he was a little disappointed.

This system was a pure energy sublimation one that Wu Hong mentioned to him. The profound cultivators in this world as they called themselves cultivate profound energy.

And in each realm–from Tier 1 to Tier 9 True Monarchs–they sublimate the energy to become more powerful. In the later stages of cultivation, they did not cultivate the laws or anything similar.

In their system, it was not until Tier 8 (Saint Realm) that they began to cultivate spiritual power. While only in Tier 9 that they have control of their souls.

"Well, at least they have developed energy control to the pinnacle. I can still learn something from them and apply it to my understanding and use of origin essence."

Despite saying these words to reassure him, Wang Wei could not completely remove his disappointment. However, he knew that there might more to this world than he currently knows.

For example, maybe there are some rare resources back in his world that are common here. Plus, there are bound to be many things–like herbs, ores, or pills–that he had never seen before.

Wang Wei then looked at the continent. His eyes could see everything except for the places with powerful formations.

"Should I mess with this world?"

Although he could not do it himself, he could still do it from the shadow. However, there has to be something for him to gain. So, his mind began to rapidly function. If anyone could see him, they would be terrified by the dangerous light in his eyes.

"Dao Source Seed? No, that's too dangerous. In my current situation, if something goes wrong, I will be powerless."

From what he learned from his grandfather, before World Lords transitioned into Dao Ancestors, some of them are so powerful that they can easily annihilate any Quasi-Emperors with Emperor Artifacts, and not just ordinary ones.

Quasi-Emperors at the level of his grandfather and even more powerful. The ones that can bring out a great deal of power from their artifacts

"World Source?" muttered Wang Wei. "If I play my cards correctly, I should be able to gather some without destroying the world. Even with a small amount, I should be able to repair my Dao Foundation and even alleviate the issue of not enough life span."

His eyes became even brighter. "In that case, I need to choose my target wisely."

After looking at the continent once again, he blew something out. Two invisible spirit particles flew from the sun undetected by anyone. One of them flew to the righteous sect prefecture while the other to the demonic sect prefecture.

A disciple of the demonic sects had just died from the previous conflict and his body was left to be eaten in a forest. An invisible light entered his body and the disciple suddenly opened his eyes.

"Where is this? Didn't I die after being electrocuted?"

The disciple suddenly felt a massive headache. Then, his eyes became bright.

"I've been transmigrated? Haha, God gave me a second chance. In this life, I'll never let anyone trample on me again."

"Ding. Detecting Host…Binding to host…Loading process…34%...50%...Loading finished."

"Welcome Host to the Devour System."

"Is this my golden finger? Haha, I really am destined for greatness."

Meanwhile, in an inn in the righteous sect's prefecture. One of the disciples who was meditating suddenly opened his eyes.

"What happened? Didn't I die in the final battle?"

After checking his surroundings, the disciple had a look of shock on his face. "I have travel back in time to 10 years ago? Is this real?"

He rushed next door to call his junior sister. After seeing her, he raised his hand instinctively to touch her face, making her blush.

"Senior brother, are you alright?"

Realizing that he made mistake, he apologized by telling her that he just had a bad dream and thought something happened to her. Afterward, the disciple returned to his room, a look of determination on his face.

'I will never let all these tragedies from happening again. I will never let anyone take you away from me."

Meanwhile, in the sun, Wang Wei had a smile on his face as he watched those two.

"Now, the stage has been set. Let's see how this game plays out."