
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 401: karma and fate

After stabilizing his injury, Wang Wei took another look at the situation. As he looked at the desolate world that was once full of life, he could not help sigh at the unpredictability of the world.

'A few hours ago, this was a world thriving with life. All its people had a decent life, even a good one. However, now, because of a battle between cultivators, there is nothing left.

'I always knew that the world of cultivation was one where weakness was a sin. But only now did I truly understand what that meant. Without strength, a person can die because of the aftermath of a battle.'

Wang Wei's eyes were deep as he broke down what occurred.

'Cultivators like to say that they are in control of their fate. But is that really true? All it takes is one unlucky day to encounter someone more powerful than you, then that's the end of your road.

"And unfortunately, no one can escape that fact–even me."

He raised his head to look at the dark sky.

'In the Endless Void, people, worlds, Gods, Demons, Buddhas and so many more die every single day. Some are because of natural laws, while the majority are the result of man-made disasters.

'So, how is it that these people control their own fate? Maybe the argument could be made that only by becoming a Great Emperor could someone truly have control over their destiny? However, I know that the Great Emperor is not the end of the cultivation path.

'As such, somewhere out there, they are nothing but bigger ants.'

He squinted his eyes to focus as many thoughts flashed across his mind.

'My journey to becoming free and unfettered requires me to control my fate. However, without strength, I cannot do so. No, maybe I should think about things in a different way.

'Mortals have a very short life. On top of all that, their life is full of unknowns and uncertainty. At any point, they could be killed by someone else or by some unforeseen accident. That is their fate.

'However, many of them decided to live their lives to the fullest, without leaving any regrets. Since they know that they cannot control anything, they accept this fact and decide to make the best of their situation.

'By surrendering to fate and accepting their limitations, by enjoying their short existence, they gain freedom; that is also a form of being free and unfettered.'

Wang Wei frowned as he thought about whether he should also follow this train of thought as it was also a feasible one. Then, he shook his head:

'I refuse to bow down to fate. The mere thought that my life and the ones I love could easily be taken away while I'm powerless to do anything is unacceptable.

'I must control everything. NO, I must have the ability, the choice to be able to control everything if desired.'

Wang Wei's eyes lit up as he once again looked at the destroyed world.

'And I know exactly how to begin: Karma, the law of causality. It is one of the most powerful weapons of fate. With it, fate can connect all things in existence with one another. Whether it is a speck of dust on one side of the world, or an entire world billions of light-year away, they can be connected through Karma.'

Wang Wei's eyes became even brighter. Meanwhile, the others could tell that he had entered a state of enlightenment. So, Wang Tian quickly took out the Enlightenment Tea he had in his space ring and quickly brewed it with spiritual water.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the tea entered Wang Wei's body. At the same time, a purple orb flew out from Wang Wei's space ring and entered his body: this was the Merit he received for inventing the Innate Pill Method.

'This world was destroyed because of me, however, things were not so simple. If I did not have a Paragon-Quality Soul, I would never need to use this method to enter the Primordial Spirit Realm. And how did I acquire this soul? It was back on Earth after my death.

'Additionally, the reason I discovered it in the first place was that I used the [8 Trigram Turtle Shell] to make a divination. Maybe if I had used a different method, I would have discovered another world and spared this world from its fate.

'Then, there is Di Tian's involvement in all of this.

"It is obvious that he has his reason to make such a move. However, no matter what it was, it did not change the fact that all the events in his life and all the decisions he made led to this catastrophic result.

'In conclusion, events that occurred thousands of years ago, if not more, led to the eventual destruction of this world. This is the power of Karma, this is how fate determined many things.'

Wang Wei knew that things were even deeper than stated. One of the main reasons Di Tian succeeded in isolating himself from being rescued by his sect was because of the Crystal Wall. Without it, it would be much easier for the Dao Opening Sect to come to rescue him once they discovered that he was in danger.

The Crystal Wall was created by an injured Great Emperor. So, he too might fall into the power of causality.

'It's truly is everywhere,' muttered Wang Wei. And as soon as he said this, the way he saw the world changed. The Fate Line that he saw above his head split into countless yellow threads which seemed to be connected to different people or things.

They were Karmic Thread.

One of the main threads was connected to his father and grandfather; this is the Karmic relationship between giving birth to him and taking care of him. The other threads were connected to all the other people from the sect.

Wang Wei could feel that all these threads were part of the much larger one. After observation, he knew that this was the Karma he owed as the Sacred Son of the Dao Opening Sect because of all the resources that the sect used to cultivate him.

Then, Wang Wei observed all the other threads. He discovered that he could decipher many of them. One of them was connected to the Heaven Mystery Pavillion. This was because of the [8 Trigram Turtle Shell] that he borrowed from them.

However, Wang Wei quickly discovered that this thread seemed to have recently reduced, meaning that the karma he has to pay back has reduced. After reading it, he knew that the reason Di Tian knew his location was because they revealed it.

Wang Wei sneered as he knew that as long as he returned the shell or compensate them with something similar, he was done with the Heaven Mystery Pavillion.

Another thread connecting him was to Di Tian's wife for the Innate Material she gave him, while another was connected to the Origin Pill Dao Sect. And he was slightly surprised by what he saw.

He thought that he owed them a great deal of Karmic Debt, but he was not completely right. A lot of the things he did compensate for stealing the two Emperor Scriptures.

For example, all the things he did that benefitted Lou Cheng, proving Ya Lao's aid in reaching the Quasi-Emperor Tier Alchemist, and more importantly, giving the sect the method of refining Pseudo Innate Pill.

So, although he owed them, but not as much as he thought.

Then, one particular thread caught his attention. After observing it, he found out that it was connected to Earth from his previous life. This was a little surprising as this showed that Earth might be one of the many worlds out there.

However, Wang Wei did not care much as he somewhat expected this outcome. One of his plans was to go back to see his parents once more when he was more powerful.

Although they were only his adopted parents and things got a little complicated in the family later because of money, he still wanted to see them one last time and remove some of his regrets.

Wang Wei's vision once again change. This time, the dark threads he saw were either golden or extremely dark

The golden-yellow threads were the good Karma that he has accomplished in his life. This includes all the modern changes he made in the Myriad Emperor World and the Warring State World where the Qi Luck Trial took place.

It also included his accomplishment of spreading knowledge to mortal and opening up wisdom to both human and demonic beasts alike. Compared to most cultuvators in their entire lives, this was a great accomplish enough to be called a [Sage].

However, even so, it was nothing compared to dark yellow threads. The biggest one was connected to the Heavenly Abode World. From this thread, he could see trillions of souls mourning, crying, and cursing him.

They repeatedly asked him why their Gods destroy them. Was their faith not enough? Did they do something wrong? Even if they did, should they be punished so severely?

Wang Wei sighed after hearing this. He coud tell that this thread was more active than the others, most likely a curse imposed by Di Tian's formation.

He then began to chant something in Sanskrit, then, all his 7 Chakras lit up golden before spreading throughout the entire destroyed world. Wherever the golden light passed by, the grievances remaining in the void was purified.

The moment that the process ended, Wang Wei could feel the constant voice in his soul stopped talking; they did not disappeared but provided him with some rest.

Wang Wei raised his head to see whethe the Absolute Beginning Magic would activate but nothing occurred, so he was relieved.

With this enlightenment, he had an idea on how to remove this Karmic Sin. However, his intuition also told him that things were not as simple as seen on the surface.