
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 391: outclassed (i)

Li Jun reached his hand as he flew from the space tunnel but he seemed to be catching thin air. With a confused look on his face, he found himself in the void, looking at the crystal wall in front of him.

He seemed to have thought of something and rushed back inside but he was bounced back from the crystal wall, unable to enter.

Suddenly, Wang Wei's grandfather, Wang Chang, appeared next to him.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. Big brother suddenly sends us out and it seems that I cannot enter back."

Wang Chang frowned after hearing this. He immediately contacted a few people in the Primordial Spirit Realm and below to try to enter this world but they all failed.

In the end, he decided to contact his son and ask him to take a look at Wang Wei's Soul Lamp to see whether he was in danger or not.

Meanwhile, inside the Heavenly Abode World:

Wang Wei looked at the young man with white hair floating in front of him straight in the eyes; he had a very serious look on his face.

"I did not expect that my method could not completely nullify your intuition," said Di Tian with a calm look on his face.

"How did you know that I was here?" asked Wang Wei as he looked at the sky; he could see that the entire world was surrounded by a powerful formation. On top of that, he could not immediately identify the formation.

"Do you think your little action managed to completely get rid of my Sleepers? They have survived under the noses of Eternal Emperors, let alone you."

"If you say so," replied Wang Wei as he did not completely believe these words. Most likely, the opponent was trying to implant doubt in his own people.

This is a basic mind tactic of every Heaven Chosen when confronting one another–even if they have the advantage.

Di Tian glanced at him, then, before Wang Wei could process anything else, he heard a cracking sound. An overwhelming force hit him in the middle of his chest without having time to react.


He was sent flying away. In less than a nano-second, his body broke the sound barrier as he flew away. And this was far from the end. A moment later, his perception changed.

He found that everything around him seemed to go extremely slow: his breathing, the flow of blood inside his body, his clothes fluttering, and even his thoughts.

Wang Wei knew that this was the result of him flying away faster than the speed of light. He tried everything to reduce the force on him but it was useless; he was completely overwhelmed.

So, after flying through more than 3 Realms, Wang Wei finally landed in a large city in the Earth Realm.


A powerful shockwave came from his landing site, spreading in all directions. Then, everything in its path was instantly destroyed: houses crumbled, trees were uprooted, and all living things exploded into millions of pieces.

Whether it was children, women, animals, or the elderly, all of them were instantly killed. Even the Gods that were stationed in this city could not resist and were annihilated.

And the shockwave did not stop after destroying that city of a few hundred million people. Not, it was spreading. Luckily, Wang Wei used his spiritual power to prevent this from happening.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the crater, Wang Wei calmly looked at his two hands that looked like they were chewed by dogs. His broken bones were displayed along with torn muscles, skins, and blood.

Blood was flowing from all the orifices on his face, his ribs and organs were partially destroyed by the force of that punch. If he did not instinctively cross his arm to block some of the power of that punch, the situation would have been even direr.

A frown appeared on his face as he analyzed the severity of his injury; he could feel a strange yet familiar power hindering his healing ability. Knowing that situation was dangerous, he immediately activate his Life and Death Wheel Talent to increase his regenerative abilities.

In a moment, he healed himself and returned to his peak shape; his limbs regrew along with his ribs and organs. Nevertheless, he was not happy. His opponent just speed blitzed him and he could not even react in time.

Additionally, that punch relied solely on the power of the fleshly body; not origin technique or spells.

Immediately, he focused on the spirit particles of his soul and dedicate all the hundred million of them that were lit to his reflex. As soon as he finished doing these things, he saw Di Tian rushing toward him with unmatched speed.

'Damn it,' cursed Wang Wei inside as he realized that he still was no match for his opponent in terms of speed. Although he could not now see him move, he could barely react.

So, he activated his Innate Shield to protect him. Unfortunately, his proud shield which could probably resist the explosion of a Great Thousand World was as thin as paper in front of Di Tian.

The punch easily destroyed the protective field, heading straight for his head. Nevertheless, the shield still delayed the attack by a nanosecond. Taking this time, Wang Wei immediately moved his brain along with his Soul from his head inside his body.

Then, his head exploded like a balloon, with blood spreading everywhere. The spot where the blood landed immediately began to grow flowers and trees because of the massive vitality contained inside.

Meanwhile, Di Tian–who was aware that his opponent was alive–kicked Wang Wei's headless body, once again sending him flying away. The headless body flew in the direction of the adjacent cities.

Because of Li Jun's work, the population of the entire Heavenly Abode World has drastically increased to the point that most areas in all realms are not occupied by large cities that can easily hold millions upon millions of people.

So, when Wang Wei was sent flying in a straight line at ground level, the clash of his fleshly body with anything resulted in the other thing being destroyed.

He could feel myriad people instantly exploding into blood mist after he crashed into them. Mountains, rivers, glaciers, forests, and many more were evaporated in his path.

'Damn it,' once again cursed Wang Wei. He was used to abusing his opponent because of his superior fleshly body, but now it was his turn. This fact made him seriously angry.

However, in the process of growing his head back, he quickly calm down to enter a rational and calculative state; he knew that anger was detrimental to his current situation.

The current problem he was now facing was that his opponent was too fast for him to even react. Adding to that in terms of physical prowess he was outclassed, this further aggravated the situation.

While Wang Wei was trying to come up with a solution to his current predicament, Di Tian was essentially using his body as a demolition tool. He jumped on it to destroy the ground, tossed it everywhere to destroy buildings or houses.

He punched it until it looked like meat sauce, sliced it like it was a cucumber, and many more.

During the entire ordeal, not a sound came out of Wang Wei's mouth. And every time he regenerated himself, his face was always calm, shining with luster, shining with the desire to survive.

No despair or negative emotion could be seen.

Di Tian frowned slightly after seeing this.

'I guess my plan to use physical pain, humiliation, and despair to break his mind has failed. Well, I expected this since he is a Young Emperor. With his Dao Heart, how could his spirit be easily broken.'

Di Tian did not care whether he succeeded or not as he already expected this. Anyway, he did not suffer anything from trying, and it was quite satisfying to beat his opponent until his mother could not recognize him.

Suddenly, numerous invisible to the naked eye grey strings appeared from Wang Wei's body; they attached themselves to all the cells in his body before rushing into the sky where an illusory river suddenly appeared.

"The River of Fate," muttered Di Tian as he watched the river that seemed to be made of uncountable strings. "So, he's using his authority as the only Supreme God of this world to summon the River of Fate."

Without saying anything else, he rushed toward Wang Wei to attack. However, things went a little differently this time.

Wang Wei did not block but moved forward to clash head-on with Di Tian.


His right arm exploded into millions of pieces, and he was sent sliding more than a hundred kilometers before managing to control himself and stopping.

'Interesting,' thought Di Tian as he paused to analyze how his opponent managed to make up the gap in his reaction speed in such a short amount of time.