
In the sky, only the seven judges remained as Ye Lao took his apprentice away so that he could recuperate. The remaining judges were still a little shocked by what just occurred.

"First there was Yan Liling, now, there is this Lou Cheng."

"As the heir of the Yan family–one of the four great factions of the Dao Opening Sect, it is quite reasonable for her to become a Saint Alchemist at such a young age.

"After all, she is a superior bloodline and the resources. But this Lou Cheng is nothing but a mediocre disciple of Sect Master Ye. A few people even wondered why he accepted him as a personal disciple."

"Be careful of your words; Lou Cheng is now the same rank as us, and his future is not something we can talk about."

"My bad, slip of the tongue."

Luckily, they were talking using their Divine Sense so the chances of someone listening in was greatly reduced.

"Do you think in this generation an Immortal Tier Professional will finally appear?"

"There is a great possibility," replied the red robe old man. "In the Origin Rune Palace, there is Wu Ming who became a Saint Array Master at a young age."

"Then, there is Chen Chen from Origin Weapon Mountain and Tong Ruobing from Great Talisman City. These Young Saint Professionals all have the possibility of succeeding."

"This is truly a Glorious Age. One in hundred generation talents can be found everywhere."

However, one of the judges shook his head and said: "All these people you mentioned are people who inspired to become Emperors. How could they care about our little cause."

"In the end, only one of them can sit on the throne," replied another person with a sneer. "If the loser wants to achieve longevity, they will have no choice but to follow our cause otherwise after a few million years, they will also turn into bags of bones."

The judges became momentarily quiet before changing the topic. After chatting for a while, they returned to the Association to finish their duties.

As for Wang Wei, he was back on his cave cultivating and recuperating; he had to ensure that his Dao Foundation was not damaged and his cultivation level regressing.

While he was distracted healing, the entire world was in a little frenzy–especially for Professionals. His news rapidly traveled to all four continents at an unnatural pace.

Obviously, someone was ensuring that this news traveled far and wide.

As a result, many Elders of the Origin Pill Dao Sect came to see Wang Wei; to congratulate and make connections with him. His third senior sister, sixth and seventh fellow brother and sister also came to see him.

The only exception was his first senior who could not accept the fact who then closed his cave and used the excuse of entering seclusion. Another person was his second senior brother who was already in seclusion.

The people who came to see Wang Wei did not have the chance since he was still recuperating, but his fellow brothers and sisters still send their congratulation through Communication Talisman.

Lan Ling's message was quite sweet and personal.

Many people regretted that they did not have access to Lou Cheng's Communication Talisman. Who would have thought that a mediocre person like Lou Cheng would one day turn from a chicken into a phoenix and soar into the Nine Heavens?

A few days later, Wang Wei woke up and he was already healed. His origin essence was replenished, and so was his spiritual power. And because of the constant overdraft and refill, his spiritual power has doubled.

So, he could now engrave 20 million runes before running out of oil.

After standing up, he immediately rushed to his master's cave. As soon as he entered, Ye Lao was looking at him with a big smile; he seems to be almost grinning.

The old man was more than satisfied with his apprentice. Although the latter told him about the future development of his Innate Talent, he did not think that he would be able to develop in just a few measly hundred years.

He guessed that the latter must have worked very hard to succeed, and also relied heavily on the fortunate encounters he received. After a quick check, he found that Lou Cheng's Qi Luck Dragon was now golden, with a hint of purple.

Additionally, the purple was slowly increasing.

With a smile on his face, Ye Lao took out a badge from his ring with the word "Tier 4" written on it. With a proud look, he personally changed the previous badge with the new one.

"Xiao Cheng, this badge can withstand five full-blow attacks from a Quasi-Emperor. Additionally, it also contained a Quasi-Emperor Grade Void Breaking Talisman that can allow you to escape any dangerous situation."

"How can it be so precious?" asked Wang Wei in surprise.

"For special talents like you, the Alchemy Association has allied with the Refining Association and designed special badges that can ensure your safety and survival."

Wang Wei thanked him, then, Ye Lao invited him to seat while brewing tea.

"So, what brings you to see me today?"

"Master, I want to change cultivation technique."

Ye Lao became pensive. If it was before, he would have dismissed his disciple's request with a few comforting words. However, with his new status and ability, he had to be more careful.

"Is there a reason?"

"Yes. Disciple feels like the [Flame Controlling Art] no longer improved my ability. Additionally, I need a way to make up for my cultivation realm, speed, and more importantly, spiritual power.

"The current technique is not enough."

Ye Lao frowned a little as he began to ponder. The sect had five Emperor Scriptures, however, three of them were unique.

The [Pill Washing Sutra] allowed the cultivator to remove their Pill Resistance. This might sound like a normal ability but was truly terrifying.

No matter what the pill was, after consuming a certain amount, it will become invalid because of pill resistance. And some pills can only be consumed once in a cultivator's life.

However, after cultivating this sutra to a high level, a cultivator can remove the pill resistance and allow the same pill to continue to have an effect. As for the amount of time pill resistance can be removed, it is based on the pill.

However, when it comes to unique pills that can only be eaten once in a lifetime, the amount of time that they can be used is 10. However, [PIll Washing Sutra] has to be cultivated to a high level.

If Lou Cheng could cultivate this sutra, he could consume a bunch of Soul Expanding Pills to increase his soul and spiritual power. Then, removed his Pill Resistances to swallow these pills again until they no longer have any effect.

Not to mention other pills like Soul Nourishing Pills, Yin Soul Pill, Ghost Qi Pills, etc, which can increase the strength and quality of the soul.

As long as he consumed them in large quantities, he would no longer have a problem with spiritual power. Of course, there is still a limit that his soul can reach and that is based on talent and whether his body can bear it.

Nevertheless, this sutra is the most precious thing for people with low-level talent as they can pile their cultivation through resources only. Of course, said people also need a certain level of comprehension otherwise they would never be able to understand an Emperor Tier Scripture.

After thinking about this, Ye Lao secretly shook his head in denial.

The second unique method of the sect is the [Ilusory Pill Canon]. This scripture was created more for fighting. It allows the user to create a fake or illusory pill that can be consumed, and have an effect.

No material is needed since the pill is not real.

In the first level, the user has to have the specially prepared ingredients needed for the illusory pill. After scanning it, the technique allowed the user to gather the aura or Dao Rhyme of the ingredient to make the Illusory Pill.

At the second level, the user can use any material in his possession or the surrounding environment without specially preparing them. As long as they scanned it, the material can be used for the Illusory Pill.

In the third level, the user can just create any pill he or she wants as long as they have the recipe and can refine it. The process is instant and does not require any material whatsoever.

There is a fourth level where the user can create Illusory Pill based on pills that have existed in the past, even without the recipe or ability to refine it themselves.

This sutra is a combination of Alchemy Dao, Real and Unreal Dao, and even a little Time Dao. Of course, it is not perfect.

In the early stages, only the alchemist can consume the Illusory Pill. However, later on, other people can too. The person cultivating the sutra has to have high alchemy attainment.

Finally, the effect of the Illusory Pill is not permanent. Even if cultivated to the highest level and the effect can last for days or more, the effect will still disappear after a certain amount of time.

Ye Lao did not want his disciple to cultivate this technique as it was more used for Alchemists who wanted to have high combat power.

Finally, there is only one scripture left: [The Origin Pill Flame Scripture].

After thinking about it for a bit, a flash of determination appeared deep in his eyes and he said:

"Wait for me for a few days. I will bring you somewhere."