
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 361: petty revenge

Wang Wei's real body waited for a while until he received a communication talisman from this clone. After reading it, he finally understood the situation at the core of the secret realm.

"It should not be long before the truth of this secret realm is revealed," pondered Wang Wei. Although he did not really care what it was as his main purposes were Lan Ling and Liu Meixiu, he still wished that it was something that would benefit him.

'According to the clone, it will still take a year or two before Liu Meixiu or the Demon race to reach the core. This should be more than enough time to deal with Fu Caiyun's people.'

Fu Caiyun held too much power in the Origin Pill Dao Sect and with his nature of suppressing talent, Wang Wei could foresee that this guy will be an obstacle for his plan to acquire the Origin Pill Flame Scripture.

As such, he has long decided to kill all the people related to him that came to this secret realm. Although this will not affect the latter that much, it's better than nothing.

Maybe this act could give his cheap master a chance to breathe and gather power.

After making a decision, Wang Wei turned into someone else as he began his hunt. He still decided not to use his own power, however, although Lou Cheng was as weak as a chicken in his eyes, he still has ways to deal with the situation.

Mainly the use of poison. Over the past two hundred years, his alchemy has progressed drastically and he learned and created many poisons.

Time is like an unstoppable river that can only flow in one direction. For Liu Meixiu, the past three years felt like an eternity. She has been under so much pressure that she felt like her lifespan was dramatically reduced.

She turned around to see the people behind her that were not too far behind.

'What is it with the Demon race? Why are they so determined to reach the core so much?'

Liu Meixiu looked at the white hair of these Demon True Monarchs. When these people first came here, all of them had black hair and the majority looked middle-aged.

However, in the short 203 years, these Demon races have aged rapidly that they looked like their lifespan would run out at any time. It is common knowledge that the demon race has higher lifespans on average than humans.

So, the people around could imagine how much they have paid to get an advantage in breaking the formations.

'They must know something about this Secret Realm. After all, it was in their territory,' thought Liu Meixiu. 'Luckily, I was prepared.'

Right before these people entered the secret realm, her faction in the Herd Raising Valley brought many resources. So, using countless pills, the True Monarchs on their sides were able to keep their heads up after the desperate advance of the demon race.

"Young Lady, we have broken through the last formation," said one the True Monarch with a slight tremble voice.

"Hurry up then," replied Liu Meixiu as she woke from her daze. She immediately led her group to the top of the mountain. As soon as she took that final step, she found herself in another place.

It was like she transitioned from one space-time to another, from one world to another. More ever, the transition was extremely smooth which showed that the person who created was a master of Space.

The first thing that Liu Meixiu noticed was the large puppet army standing in two rows; they looked like they were guarding something. However, there was something odd with these puppets.

Although they looked humanoid in shape, all of them had one thing in common: they all had deer-like horns on their foreheads. Liu Meixui instantly became excited after seeing this.

"We were right; this should be the tomb of a True Dragon from ancient times!" she muttered, her voice slightly higher than normal. And it was not just her who felt that way, but all the other members of her faction.

One of the most powerful Great Emperors to ever have the Myriad Beast Physique was the True Phoenix Emperor. And the reason for her strength was because she acquired the blood essence of a True Phoenix: an Innate Demon.

In this tomb, there is most likely the blood essence of a True Dragon. As long as Liu Meixiu can acquire it, she can reproduce the might and grandeur of the True Phoenix Great Emperor.

That meant that in this generation, their faction has the chance to cultivate a Great Emperor. They can finally get rid of the control of the Ji family, and maybe even annihilated them.

After a few minutes of excitement, Liu Meixiu calmed herself down, so she said: "Go set up a formation to prevent the people from the demon race from entering. At the very least, delay them long enough."

The True Monarchs nodded and went to execute her orders. Meanwhile, Liu Meixiu walked deep into the tomb, full of excitement. Oddly though, a few minutes later, she returned with an ugly look on her face.

Her Dao Protectors taught that she might have encountered a powerful opponent that required their help to solve. However, once they saw the weird runes that appeared on her left hand, they knew something weird had happened.

Back on Array Mountain, the moment that Liu Meixiu's group reached the top, Wang Wei's clone opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

"Let's begin," he said to the others. Then, a mist that seemed to isolate all prying suddenly covered all of them. Many people were paying attention to the Dao Opening Sect's weird actions, so they immediately noticed this when it happened.

However, they did not know what they were doing as the mist could isolate their Divine Sense and other forms of investigation. Plus, not a lot of people dare investigate the most powerful sect.

Meanwhile, inside the mist, Wang Wei took out something weird from his space ring: it was an arm. To be precise, it was Liu Meixiu's arm that he ripped off during the Qi Luck Trial.

An invisible grey line appeared from the hand connecting to something or someone in the distance. The clone looked at the people behind him and said:

"Do not resist, and be on alert as soon as we arrived."

Then, all the people turned into motes of light and entered the grey line connected to that hand. They soon found themselves traveling at rapid speed.

Time seemed to slow down for them, yet at the same time, seemed to be rapidly passing. After what felt like an instant and an eternity at the same time, the group stopped as they appeared in a darkly lit space with jewels decorated in the walls.

Behind them was an army of puppets with horns and in front of them were the people of the Herd Raising Valley.

"All of this is really your plan," said Liu Meixiu with gritted teeth as she looked at Wang Wei in front of her. The moment these runes appeared on her arm, she guessed most of Wang Wei's plans.

Wang Wei looked at her with cold and indifferent eyes, then said: "Kneel."

Suddenly, a strange and mysterious force came from his voice, and to Liu Meixiu's horror, she was forced to kneel on the floor; she was incapable of resisting with her strength.

"Kowtow," said Wang Wei again, and Liu Meixiu's head was forced on the ground. The True Monarchs with her were furious, however, they were all locked by the ones with Wang Wei.

"What kind of ability is this?" asked Liu Meixiu.

"You do not need to know," replied Wang Wei. This was of the two abilities he gained after opening his Chakras and it came from his tongue Orifice and Throat Chakra.

The ability is called [Emperor's Words Are Law].

Liu Meixiu gritted her teeth and asked: "Why are you doing this? Is it because of what happened in the trial?"

"You could say so."

"Don't be so hypocritical," she snorted in disdain. "Cultivators never considered the lives of mortals. The only reason that they are so restrained when dealing with them is because of Karma.

"This is a world where the strong prey on the weak."

She tried to get up but failed. Nevertheless, she still continued:

"You people of Dao Opening Sect have brought disaster to be many Small Thousand Worlds before sending your people to save it to gather merit and used as a Trial of Luck.

"How is that any different from what I did?"

Wang Wei looked at her calmly before saying:

"Maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong. I will not talk to you regarding the issue of morality. What I hate about what you did is that you broke the established rule.

"Everyone agreed on a Battle of Dynasty, yet, you decided to overthrow the entire chessboard to win the game. Do you think that your actions would have no consequences?

"Of course, this is not the main reason for my dislike of you. I promised the people of Great Xia that I would protect them. As their ruler, this was my responsibility.

"Yet, you ruined that."

His eyes concentrated on Liu Meixiu on the floor.

"I counted. 12, 345, 654 innocent civilians died in your beast tide. Not soldiers, but civilians. Do you want me to tell you the exact number of children, women, and elderly?"

The room became quiet for a moment. With his Divine Sense, he could see that Liu Meixiu did not care about his words.

"Okay," he said with a sneer. "Since you only believe in the survival of the fittest, I will apply this rule to you too. I'm more powerful than you, then I can determine your life and death."

Wang Wei no longer waste any time with her and mobilized his powerful soul. Although he was only a clone, he still inherited some of its power. He directly broke into her Sea of Consciousness and went for her soul.

He ignored her Soul Protecting Treasure and went straight for her soul. Liu Meixiu resisted as her Myriad Beast Physique was also activated to protect her.

Countless illusory beast shadows appeared in her Sea of Consciousness to block Wang Wei's attack. However, he simply bulldozed these shadows and went straight for her soul.

Once he found the bronze cloud with slight silver on it, he destroyed it and killed her. All of this happened so quickly that Liu Meixiu did not have time to react, defend herself, or even use her Innate Talent.