
Wang Wei shook his head to remove these strange thoughts from his head. Then, he motioned his head sideways to Wu Hong, who immediately understood what he meant.

She waved her hand and placed a blockade of the surroundings. Although Wang Wei had already placed a formation, he was more reassured with her method.

Then, a grey light came out of Lou Cheng's body, and Wang Wei's real body appeared. He looked at Lou Cheng on the ground and placed a sleeping spell on both him and Lan Ling to ensure that they do not wake up halfway.

Finally, he rushed to hug Wu Hong's slim body while caressing his favorite legs. However, a few seconds later, his brow furrowed as he seemed to realize something:

"Something does not feel right…Are you a clone?"

"Yes," replied Wu Hong. "I previously traveled to another World Community. On my way back, I had a whim and wanted to check something out. So, I sent a clone to see you."

Wang Wei nodded his head and did not ask further. Whatever his future wife was involved with was not something his current self could get involved with–even if he had the strength of Supreme Realm.

So, he asked her about the information she could reveal, like what other Heaven WIll Worlds were like and other cultivation systems. And Wu Hong told him plenty of things. Besides information about the previous timeline, she told him about her experience.

One thing that is fundamental to the progress of cultivators is their vision. The more they know, the more they can understand the world, which in turn makes it easier for them to cultivate.

For example, an ignorant child born in a small sect in a Small Thousand World and has never heard of higher-level worlds. Such a person will think that the highest level of cultivation possible is most like the Divine Altar Realm.

However, once that child heard about Middle Thousand Worlds and higher levels of cultivation, his vision will increase, then he will be motivated to reach higher realms to see better scenery; this is the benefit of vision.

Of course, it can also be damaging to a person. If that child reached the highest level of his world, then learned about Heaven Will Worlds and Great Emperor and realized his insignificance in this vast universe, this might be a fatal blow to him that affects his state of mind and cut off his future path of cultivation.

For the next few hours, the two of them talked non-stop. Then, Wang Wei seemed to have remembered something and said:

"During the Academy's Tournament, you promise to give me a cultivation technique of the Beginning Emperor Era but you forgot. I want it now."

"Did something happen?"

"A member of the Ancient Aristocratic Clan suddenly showed up."

"So soon? These guys do not usually show up until near the time of the Heaven Will Battle. Which one is it?"

"The Huo Clan."

"The first acquired human who discovered fire and taught our race how to cook their food."

"So, the rumors are true," commented Wang Wei. "From what you told me that era, countless Great Emperors existed at the same time. For such an achievement, the Huo clan should have garnered a lot of merits.

"So, how could they have so few Emperors?"

"They probably died during the Null Era," replied Wu Hong. "From what I know, the battle between the Great Emperors and the Primordial Gods and Innate Demons was a battle of luck between Acquired Life and Innate Lifes. The winner would be the protagonist of the lower dimension and become its ruler.

"Luckily, Acquired Life won but it was also a tragic victory. Too many Emperors died."

Wang Wei nodded his head as he could not imagine how tragic such a battle was. He wished he could have participated.

Wu Hong took out two booklets along with a stone to hand over to Wang Wei. The latter was confused as to why there were two, so he took them.

One of them was the basic cultivation system of the ancient time, while the other was another cultivation technique called [Fiendgod Body 12 Revolution].

With intrigued, he opened it and read the opening:

"In this world, all lives can be classified into two categories: Acquired and Innate Life. The Peak of Acquired Life is known as Paragons, while the peak of Innate Life is known as Fiendgod.

"Although I do not know much about the former besides a name, I know plenty with the latter.

"When it comes to Innate Lifes, they are further divided into two; those born by Heaven and Earth and those bred by Primordial Chaos itself. Those born by Heaven and Earth are referred to as Primordial Gods and Innate Demons, however, the common name for them is Innate Demon Gods.

"As for those bred by chaos, they are called Innate Fiendgods. From what I know, the weakest of them are born at the level of Great Emperor, while the strongest, well, I do not know.

"Most likely, they are born at the level of Paragons since that is considered the peak of Acquired Life.

"After knowing about this information, I set out to acquire the power of these mighty beings known as Fiendgods."

Wang Wei read through the entire technique and understood that this was a body refining method that allow an Acquired Life to create a Bloodline Seed of A Fiendgod. Then, slowly cultivate that seed into a real Fiendgod Bloodline is created, thus achieving a powerful body and developing their divine abilities.

To cultivate this technique, three materials can be used. The first one is to find the body of an Innate Demon God and acquire their bloodline. Obviously, this is not possible as these things are extinct now. And even if they were alive, how could someone easily get their blood.

The second method to cultivate this method is to use Demon Bloodlines since, in most worlds, the demon race was created by Innate Demons based on their bodies.

As for the third method, it is to use a race called Ominous Beasts.

After reading the entire thing, Wang Wei sighed:

"In the Endless Void, there are really too many geniuses. It's a shame that this book only has 9 revolutions."

According to this book, only by the 10th revolution could the true Innate Fiendgod bloodline will be born.

"This inheritance was left before that person ascended. At that time, he did not even know if the other 3 revolutions were possible; this is the reason that he did not know much about Paragons and could only speculate."

"Did he succeed?"

"Yes. And since he did, so can you. Once you become an Emperor, you can deduce to the next 3 revolutions on your own."

Wang Wei nodded his head as he stare in the distance, seeming a little distracted. A few minutes later, Wu Hong asked: "Did you think of something?"

"Instead of creating a foreign bloodline inside the body that could cause problems, it would be better to sublimate the human bloodline. Reverse the Acquire Bloodline into Innate; creating a Human Innate Fiendgod Bloodline."

Wu Hong nodded her head, "This is indeed a good idea. That way, not only can you increase your strength, but also your talent for cultivation. Plus, once you succeed, both the Wang family and Yu family will benefit."

At first, he was confused by her words, then he understood. As long as he succeeds, the sublimation of his bloodline will also affect the people connected to him by blood, like his father, mother, grandfather, and all the Wang and Yu family clansman.

"I did not think about that."

Then, Wang Wei asked her about this brown-colored stone that looked very ordinary. So, Wu Hong explained to him the purpose of this Path Seeking Stone.

His eyes lit up after hearing this. Tempering his blood required three steps: the first is to remove the impurities in the blood and create new blood.

The second is to installed vitality inside the blood to turn it into spiritual blood. The spiritual blood is the foundation of the realm of Rebirth With A Drop of Blood.

Finally, to reach the level of perfection, Understanding or Enlightenment is needed. This enlightenment could be on different concepts like "Immortal". "Eternal", "Undying", "Unextinguishable", etc. It's all based on the person's choice and his or her choice forwards.

So far, Wang Wei has not chosen his Path of Enlightenment as he did not know which one was the best for him. However, with this Path Seeking Stone, not only can he find the answer, but also, saved a lot of time in the process.

"Is this what it feels like to be raised by a rich lady? Should I use my handsome face to eat white rice?"

"If you decide to do so, this rich young lady will be more than enough to raise you to become Emperor," replied Wu Hong with a smile.

"Forget it. I still have some pride left."