
There is a reason that the Supreme Gods did not find anything wrong with their followers since the means that the Shadow used was so unique that even in the Myriad Emperor World, no one has even used this method.

Because Wang Wei invented it.

The wine that these Gods were drinking had something extra inside; a pill called Spying Pill. Although the name is bland and unoriginal, its creation and use are quite clever.

Wang Wei asked the sect to combine the Heavenly Eye Talisman that can be used to spy on other people from thousands of kilometers away with a pill. That way, the power of the talisman can be crushed and fed to their target.

Then, they can view everything from the target point of view. They can even spy on the surrounding of the person.

This pill required quite the expertise to combine the runes of the talisman and the runes of the pill and ensure that not only do they not conflict, but supplemented one another.

After years of study, this method was successfully developed a while ago, so Wang Wei's Fate Guard and his father's Shadow Guard have begun to use them in the field.

Because the pill will be digested and absorbed, it is very difficult to detect by many methods like Divine sense–especially by those Gods who do not know much about Pill Refinement and Talisman Making.

In the Fire Realm, after making sure that the Spying Pill was working perfectly fine, the Shadow nodded in satisfaction. He raised his head in the sky, feeling the power of Law in the far distance.

"Now that my job is partially done, it's time to leave."

Immediately afterward, the eyes of Liu God changed from the calm and calculated look to a confused one, before returning to calm. The consciousness of the Shadow left this body and return control to its original owner.

As for the real Liu God, he felt the past year has been like a dream; he remembered everything he has done–with a few minor details erased from his memories–but he did not feel like he did these things himself.

It was like he was looking at himself doing things from a three-dimensional point of view, wondering whether that was truly him. However, a few minutes later, he removed these strange thoughts from his mind and accepted that he might not be in the right state of mind.

Meanwhile, outside of the Fire Realm, in the space between the realms, the Destiny Goddess slashed her sword sending the Fire God flying away a dozen meters before stopping.

His body was riddled with sword wounds that refused to heal. His mind was slowly losing control as countless memories of his death flooded his mind. This was the memory of his destined death, constantly hunting him and affecting his soul.

The Fire God knew that if continued this battle, not only would he lose, he might become insane. In the end, he gave the Destiny Goddess–who did not have a single scratch on her–a fierce look before returning to his Heavenly Abode.

He wanted to heal as fast as possible. In the current situation of the world, being in a weakened state is dangerous.

The Destiny Goddes did not pursue after her victory, instead, she entered the Fire Realm, forcefully broke through Liu God's abode. As she stood in front of him, she did not say anything but directly search his soul–focusing on the changes that occurred a year ago.

Liu God was powerless to resist, so despite his hatred, he just lowered his head and bore with it.

However, not long after she began, a deep frown appeared on her face; she did not found anything.

From his memory, she discovered that he became quite depressed after his failure against the Outsiders. So, he began to drink wine to wash his sorrow away.

Unfortunately, he was not satisfied with the Wine God's wine, so he tried brewing some of his own. And by luck, he succeeded in creating the [Forgotten Sorrow Wine].

Finally, he had the idea of making friends with different Gods just in case he found himself in a situation like the one a year ago, he could use his connection to ask for help.

Truth be told, Liu God's actions are similar to many other gods who like to make friends and connections to help them in their times of need. One of the main reasons he was suspected was the timing of his change.

During those sensitive times, any odd behaviors will be suspected by the Supreme Gods.

After not finding what she wanted, Destiny Goddes was not happy. She waved her hand and a book appeared. The title of the Book was: Book of Destiny.

She flipped the book until she found Liu God's name. In the book, it recorded everything he did before becoming a mortal. However, after becoming a God, only a few things were mentioned.

The silver book flashed a white light that enveloped Liu God, then, his entire life story appeared on the book. From the moment he was born to the current day, everything he did was recorded in the book.

The Destiny Goddess once again focused on the events of more than a year ago. Regrettably, to her disappointment, the book said the same thing she discovered from reading his memories.

"Could these people even have the ability to control destiny?"

After sighing out loud, she disappeared from the Fire Realm. Although she wanted to check all the other Gods who attended this banquet, she knew that her actions have already offended many people.

If she did the same thing again, she could foresee that many of the other Supreme Gods would use this as an excuse to besiege and kill her. Over the years, despite being as low-key as possible, she also has many enemies.

The Destiny Goddes will not count on these people to take into account the current situation and be benevolent. After all, they could not even work together properly.

After the Shadow returned Liu God's consciousness to him, his main body secretly headed to the War Goddess' Realm. He flew to a snowy mountain in the north. After arriving at his destination, he used his Divine Sense to scan every inch underground the mountain.

About 15,000 kilometers deep, his Divine Sense was momentarily blocked by a white light.

"Found it," he muttered before taking out a Teleportation Talisman. After activating it, the paper in his hand burned, a light enveloped him and he disappeared.

Once the Shadow appeared again, he found himself in a vast space with many houses and buildings around. In the far distance, he could even see a farm.

"A Heavenly Abode?" he muttered.

While the Shadow was observing his surrounding, his arrival alerted many people. Countless Gods flew in his direction and surrounded him. He looked at the two people leading the group: one man and one woman.

"I cannot believe you guys have fallen to the point that only two Title Gods are left as your most powerful battle strength," sneered the Shadow.

"Who are you?" asked the man who called himself the Sword God. As he looked up and down at the Shadow, his face became ugly as he yelled:

"You're one of the Outsiders!"

"Do you want a prize for figuring this out?" replied the Shadow.

"There is no need to talk to him. Let's just capture him," said the Spear Goddess next to the man. However, as soon as she said these words, a terrifying aura enveloped all the people around.

Instantly, the Sword God and Spear Goddess knew that they were not the opponent of this person despite their higher level of cultivation. And even if they managed to subdue him, they would pay a very high price.

Currently, they cannot afford to lose too much.

"What do you want?" asked the Sword God with gritted teeth.

"I know that you rebels have been trying to liberate the common people from the clutches of the Gods by spreading the cultivation system," said the Shadow with a calm voice.

"Unfortunately, all of you are too weak. So, I'm here to help."

"We do not need help from invaders like you," replied the Spear Goddess.

"Are you sure? From what I know, you guys are almost on the verge of extinction. At any moment, all of you could be eradicated."

"As long as our headquarters is still standing, as long as our ideas is believed by one person, we will never be eradicated."

"Beautifully spoken words," said the Shadow as he looked at the mighty woman exuding a courageous and powerful aura.

"Unfortunately, all of you are living in a bubble. Your so-called headquarters only exist because the War Goddess needs you guys to spread chaos and war, so she allowed all of you to hide in her realm.

"As for your 'ideas', time is your biggest enemy. With the passage of time, your ideas will be slowly forgotten and twisted by the Supreme Gods. By then, your so-called revolution will become either a joke or a passing note in history.

"And unfortunately for you, the only thing the gods do not lack is time."

The Sword God and Spear Goddess' faces became ugly after hearing. And this was not just them, but all the other gods who follow them.

"So what you said is true?" argued the Sword God. "In the end, you Outsiders are the same as the Supreme Gods."

"You are partially correct. We also want to spread faith and control the cultivation system. However, we will not be as strict as the Gods in the process. More importantly, after we achieve our goals, we will leave this place.

"By then, all of you will be free to spread your ideas and do whatever you want."

Everyone became quiet for a few minutes as the two leaders began to discuss secretly through their souls. Then, the Sword God asked: "How are you guys going to help us? Forming an alliance?"

The Shadow did not respond, instead, he threw a book at him. The two took the book and looked at the Title:

[God Swallowing Technique]