
Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperorchapter 297: strange world

After spending an entire day constantly teleporting, Wang Chang realized that the coordinate of this world was farther than he anticipated. The only reason he did not use a Void Boat was because he was faster than it, but even with his cultivation technique, he knew that he might take a while to get there.

Not wanting to waste time, he took out a Space Treasure from his space ring, then crushed it with his bare hand. The destruction of the treasure created a large amount of spatial energy.

So, Wang Chang used this energy to support his teleportation. Previously, he could only teleport a few million light years in a single instance, not he could teleport a few billion light years.

As such, by constantly destroying space treasure and using such a wasteful method, Wang Chang arrived at his destination in just six days instead of 6 months.

After arriving at the coordinate, Wang Chang immediately noticed something odd about the world he was sent to discover. Unlike the majority of worlds that were covered by a transparent dome, this one was covered by a crystal wall.

With an intriguing look on his face, he approached it before using his Divine Sense to scan for some information.

"Huh?" muttered Wang Chang with a slight surprise. After scanning with his Divine Sense, he could only acquire two pieces of information: one, this world is only a Middle Thousand World. Two, this world is larger than most Greater Thousand Worlds, even approaching Heaven Will Worlds in size.

What puzzled Wang Chang was the fact that he could not gather any information with how powerful his Divine Sense is. So, he decided to check it out himself.

Wang Chang rushed straight into the world.


He was bounced back by the crystal wall, preventing him from entering.

"Interesting!" muttered Wang Chang, who then clenched his fist and hit the world barrier.


The barrier trembled slightly, but nothing happened. This time, Wang Chang was truly surprised. His attack was at the level of Void Shattering Realm, and since this world is only a Middle Thousand World, the highest level of cultivator it can hold is the Primordial Spirit Realm.

As such, his attack should not only break the shield, but shake the entire world. With great interest, Wang Chang began to increase the strength of each of his attacks.

However, even after using an attack at the level of Supreme, the crystal wall shook for a moment before blocking the attack. In anger, Wang Chen called his Dharma Bodym fused it with himself, then used the most powerful attack of his [Overlord Fist]:

[Tyrant Sovereign Fist]

A massive explosion occurred in the void, spreading to a few hundred million light years away. A few world remnants that were floating in the void were instantly annihilated by the shockwave of that attack.

Unfortunately, Wang Chang's attack--which was strong enough to even destroy a Great Thousand World or at least, severely injure one--was blocked the crystal shield, and it was quite easy too.

Floating in the empty void, Wang Chang had a serious look on his face as he realized the seriousness of the situation. He began to think to himself:

'There is only way for such a thing to be possible, one of the Great Emperors from our world or a Dao Ancestor placed that shield on this world. However, the question is why?...Well, it's not necessarily them.

'This world is very far away; to be exact, it's located at the intersection of our World Community with another. So, there is the possibility that someone from another World Community came here and placed that protection.'

After coming to this conclusion, he pondered whether to retreat as things got a little too complicated. However, an idea popped in his head, so he decided to try it before returning to the sect.

He took out a demonic beast from his space ring before sending it inside the world. And unlike when he tried, the beasts easily passed through the crystal wall.

Wang Chang's eyes lit up, then he tried a few more times. Some beasts managed to enter, while some did not.

So, he muttered: "So, that's how it is. Since this world is a Middle Thousand World, the shield only allows people in the Primordial Spirit Realm and below to enter. I guess the person who made this shield wanted to protect this world from foregn invasion."

After coming to this conclusion, Wang Chang took out a bunch of materials from his space ring to create a Teleportation Array connecting to the Dao Opening Sect. A few days later, he finished and teleported back.

After Wang Chang's return, another meeting took place in Tianwei Peak. Everyone had a serious look on their faces while analyzing the information that they received.

"Personally, I think it would be best to choose another world," said Great Elder Li Jiang. "This world seemed to be too mysterious and might create too many variables."

However, Wang Wei shook his head. "I divine this world as the one with the highest chance of success, and the information has proven that I was right."

"Indeed. This world is only a Middle Thousand World, but as large as some weak Heaven Will World. So, the population should be relatively large," commented Yu Yan.

"The question now is what do we do with the cultivation level restriction?"

"Easy, just send Li Jun and Tie Gang. It's about time that they moved their muscles around," replied Wang Wei.

"That's a good method, however, the plan will take longer than previously expected if we do that," added Wang Tian.

"Anyway, we have plenty of time; there is no need to hurry."

Soon after the meeting ended, Li Jun and Tie Gang were summoned and given information about the world they were going to and their mission there. Then, they immediately organized their armies and used the Teleportation Array that Wang Chang made to teleport to the void next to the strange world.

In order to make things easier for them, Wang Wei even sent Wang Ju and a few elites of the Shadow Guards to help them with information.

As for Wang Wei, after the group left, he pretended to enter a retreat while disguising himself and secretly traveling to the Southern Vermilion Bird Continent.

The next step of his plan lay there.

(AN: Sorry about the short chapter, but I'm really not in the mood to write today. Since I did not post a chapter yesterday, I forced myself to write one for today.)