
I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actorchapter 147: artillery fire (2)

Chapter 147: Artillery Fire (2)

Translator: Dreamscribe

The ‘Kang Woojin’s Alter Ego’ channel started with about a hundred subscribers. Now, it has.

[Subscribers: 5.02 million]

It surpassed 5 million. A figure to be wide-eyed about, but not surprising. The weight of the issues Kang Woojin had stirred up in both Korea and Japan was immense. It was fair to say it was an unprecedented storm on Youtube.

However, the skyrocketing subscriber count was just the icing on the cake.


Because the grandeur of the uploaded videos was even more explosive. Kang Woojin’s first video, which included a greeting, astonishingly surpassed 8 million views. Of course, the main subjects, the cover song videos, were.

-【(1) Elani/’Ballerina’】Cover [Japanese.Ver] Kang Woojin’s Alter Ego

-Views: 27.55 million

An insane level.

-【(2) Elani/’Ballerina’】Cover [English.Ver] Kang Woojin’s Alter Ego

-Views: 29.11 million

It surpassed 20 million views. This situation was beyond the term “skyrocketing.” Even now, both the subscriber count and view count were rapidly increasing. Refreshing the page showed the numbers changing in real-time. Listing only the highest views might seem selective, but even the other added cover videos had a baseline of 5 million views.

Even the simple talk videos meant as a breather in between had a baseline of 3 million views.

The comments were saturated, surpassing 100,000. More than half of them were in Korean, but Japanese comments had exploded.

-2000万回再生おめでとう!!! (Roughly means “Congratulations on 20 million views!”)

-素敵な曲を生み出してくれてありがとうございました(Heart) (Roughly means “Thank you for creating a wonderful song”)

-もし可能であれば, CD円盤化していただけないでしょうか??? (Roughly means “Could you release a CD if possible?”)

-ビジュアルがいいからMV映えするし! 声もいいから音源映えもするし!! (Roughly means “Good visuals so it looks great in MVs! And the voice is great for the audio too!!”)





Thanks to the English version, the number of English-speaking fans also significantly increased. Kang Woojin’s issue continued to grow in size, hence the acceleration. There had never been such a relentless surge before. By appearances alone, the power of the main character “Kang Woojin” and the hobby “Kang Woojin’s Alter Ego” seemed almost equal.

Well, the main character’s power was still more intense. Kang Woojin’s SNS was already.


Posts: 103

Followers: 6.119 million

Following: 13

It had surpassed 6 million followers, and his official fan cafe had also grown significantly. In such a state, adding “cooking content” to the “Kang Woojin’s Alter Ego” channel?

It was blatantly obvious it would become a hot topic.

At least, that’s what Choi Sung-gun thought. Moreover.

“The ‘Kang Woojin’s Alter Ego’ theme fits well with it.”

The additional content was a perfect match. After all, the “Kang Woojin’s Alter Ego” channel was fundamentally about filling it with hobbies and other activities, not his main profession as an actor. Currently, the main content was his vocals. In fact, Choi Sung-gun had planned to gradually expand the domain based on vocals.

But suddenly, cooking?

Vocals, cooking. It clearly smelled of an alter ego, but the timing was oddly off. Because of this, those around the silent Kang Woojin, including stylists like Han Ye-jung, blinked their eyes in surprise.

“Wow- Cooking?”

“It kinda fits but also doesn’t at the same time. But why suddenly cooking??”

Why, you ask? Because I’m a master chef. Woojin thought simply to himself but couldn’t say it outright. Soon, Kang Woojin vaguely deflected with a low tone.

“Just thought it would be good.”


Here, Choi Sung-gun in the passenger seat thought to himself.

‘With channels of 100,000 to 200,000 subscribers struggling to come up with content, Woojin doesn’t seem to have thought this through lightly, having a 5 million subscriber channel.’

‘But surely he won’t be like a professional chef, right? Eh, I don’t know. This guy has now exceeded the realm where I can judge him carelessly. First, I need to figure it out.’

He then posed a question to Kang Woojin.

“Cooking content would be nice, it easily racks up views. It’s a main theme on Youtube these days. That’s why it’s still selling everywhere. But what kind? Mukbang? Or cooking? What exactly are you thinking, Woojin?” (TL: If you don’t know Mukbang, Just google it.)

The question was about the nuance of cooking content he planned to adopt. Of course, Kang Woojin had something in mind. However, it wouldn’t fit the concept to just blurt it out immediately, so he pretended to think for a moment.

Woojin opened his mouth a few seconds later.

“I’m not planning to go professional. Just something simple that the general public can enjoy, creating dishes with super simple recipes in a short amount of time.”

“So, cooking? What about mukbang?”

“I don’t really know good restaurants. Nor how to eat deliciously.”

In an instant, Choi Sung-gun, Han Ye-jung, and everyone else understood.

‘If Woojin eats in that mood- Hmm.’

It didn’t seem like it would look tasty. Since the essence of mukbang is to make viewers drool with the way one eats. Regardless, Choi Sung-gun, who had already opened his diary, spoke again.

“Okay- Woojin’s Cooking.”

“Would that content be insufficient?”

“No? It’s definitely worth a try. It would be great if it includes making the food and eating it, but that can be done by inviting someone else to enjoy the meal, like a guest. The problem now is the taste and skill of the dishes you make, and perhaps the character?”

Choi Sung-gun locked eyes with Woojin.

“Your character is already sufficient. It will be unique just as it is. But what about your cooking skills? How’s the taste?”

Chef level, but? However, Woojin’s response was modest.

“I think it’s just edible.”

“Right? Just like cooking for oneself?”


“Hmm. But if the skill is ambiguous, it might be difficult to use it as a long-term content? It’s okay for one or two videos. We’ll confirm it, but I think we need to test it out.”

“Yes. That’s fine with me.”

“Really? You sure??”

Kang Woojin nodded calmly. Following this, Choi Sung-gun, pointing to himself and the staff in the van, suggested.

“Then, within this domestic schedule, let’s all go to your house one time to test it out. It looks like it will be at night, but it’s a bit late though we can also do your housewarming.”

At this point, the stylists and Jang Su-hwan’s anticipation shot up, and Woojin, seeing their excitement, asked an important question.

“Understood, then what about the menu?”

Choi Sung-gun seemed indifferent to that detail.

“Just make whatever you feel like on that day, anything.”


Once the cooking conversation was wrapped up, Choi Sung-gun in the passenger seat recited the schedule for about a week.

“So- Let me give you a rough explanation of the 1-week schedule. It’s quite packed because we condensed it due to the ‘Island of the Missing’ schedule.”

Go ahead, it’s fine. Woojin was currently riding high thanks to his return to Korea. Thus, he was genuinely overflowing with energy, not just in concept.

“No problem.”

“Ha-ha, you, just you are buzzing with energy. Look at the kids, all wilted, everyone was excited at first about going abroad, but after coming back from Vietnam, they’re nearly dead.”

“The menu should include meat, then.”

“Ooh!! Meat!!”

In the midst of the excitement, Choi Sung-gun steered the conversation back.

“First, today is straight to the commercial shoot. Looks like that’ll take up the whole day. Tomorrow is post-recording for ‘Freezing Love’, a few photo shoots. And I’ve added a few related to ‘Male Friend’.”

Kang Woojin, reminded of his friends who were freaking out in the group chat earlier, forcibly held back his laughter and nodded.

“Yes, CEO~nim. I’m aware.”

“Just so you know, the ‘Male Friend’ Japan release is on the 22nd, you know? But we’ll be too busy to even monitor it. Anyway, on the 23rd, 24th, there’s shooting related to ‘Our Dining Table’s one-day restaurant and more······”

Perhaps the endless stream of schedules starting with the “1-Day Restaurant,” akin to the first shooting of “Our Dining Table,” yet Woojin listened calmly with his concept acting and current energy.

Being in Korea for the first time in a while also contributed to his vigor.

‘But how will “Male Friend” perform? Uh- It’s been a while, so I’m nervous.’

The throbbing anticipation was a bigger reason.

Hours passed by like that.

By the time it was the afternoon, the internet was abuzz with “Male Friend” growing exponentially. Not only were articles being published, but as more people watched “Male Friend,” reviews exploded everywhere.

At this time, in the medium-sized meeting room of Netflix Korea.

“Wow- The visuals turned out great!”

“Right! It’s really fun, Director~nim!”

Applause filled the room. It seemed like the key staff of “Male Friend” and Netflix employees had just finished watching “Male Friend,” including Kim So-hyang, the Executive Director who had just arrived. Director Shin Dong-chun, with his square jaw, couldn’t help but smile awkwardly.

“Haha, it’s all thanks to the actors.”

Simultaneously, the hands of a few Netflix employees started moving faster. About a dozen of them. Laptops were placed in front of them, intended for monitoring real-time reactions.

“On SNS! The talk and shares about ‘Male Friend’ are steeply rising!! It has increased several times since this morning!”

“The community reaction is significant too! The influx is noticeably increasing, and the posting speed is insane!!”

Director Shin Dong-chun, immediately getting into work mode, asked about something else.

“How about the real-time viewer chat rooms??”

“It’s been crazy since ‘Male Friend’ opened. Do you want to see?”

Director Shin Dong-chun nodded and checked the laptop screen. It was, to put it crudely, as if they were ‘on drugs.’ The chat was being flooded every second, whether by those who had watched it or were currently watching. At this time, the plump Kim So-hyang, the Executive Director, leaned next to Director Shin Dong-chun and laughed.

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Getting this kind of reaction.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Well, there’s the opening hype, but there’s definitely a feeling of massive firepower. We haven’t had this kind of momentum recently.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“Moreover, ‘Male Friend’ is a short drama, and it’s the first time we’ve seen such sparks fly for a one-shot.”

Kim So-hyang then locked eyes with Choi Sung-gun.

“The deep kiss scene at the beginning. That was the right move, wasn’t it?”

Director Shin Dong-chun, again creating an awkward smile, gave orders to the staff.

“Prepare to upload the videos we have ready for tomorrow on the Youtube channel! Oh, how are we doing with our OST?”

Kim So-hyang was quick to answer.

“It will officially released in two days at noon, on all music platforms.”

As Netflix Korea and Director Shin Dong-chun enthusiastically planned for the future, perhaps because it was rush hour? The crowd flooding into the subway was tremendous. It was the same at every station.

Packed to the brim.

Well, this was routine for them. The only friend on the commute was, of course, the cellphone. 90% of the crowded subway’s passengers were looking down at their phones.

Here’s the peculiar thing.

-‘Male Friend’

Many people’s phone screens were displaying “Male Friend.” Not everyone, but a significant number. Some were already on episode 2, while others had just started episode 1. Various scenarios. Of course, it wasn’t just the subway; the phones of people on buses and walking down the streets were similar.

『Kang Woojin♥Hwalin ‘Male Friend,’ Starting with a Deep Kiss Scene? Netizens Buzzing』

It was a sign that a volcanic eruption was about to start in earnest.

The next day, the 20th, early in the morning.

A day had passed since “Male Friend” opened. The current time was around 8 AM. The location was Director Shin Dong-chun’s house. Perhaps because he had almost pulled an all-nighter yesterday, he was still in bed. Then.


The cellphone by the bedside spit out a ringtone. The caller was Kim So-hyang, the Executive Director, and Director Shin Dong-chun rustled about before managing to answer the call. His voice was groggy.

“······Yes, Shin Dong-chun speaking-”

Lying down as he took the call, he suddenly


sprang up from the bed.

“What, what did you say??”

And at almost the same time, Choi Na-na, the writer, who was brushing her teeth in the bathroom, also received a call. Interestingly,

“Gasp!!! Really??!”

She, with a toothbrush in her mouth, showed a similar reaction to Director Shin Dong-chun. Adding to this, Hwalin, the female lead of “Male Friend,” who was already on the move in a van, covered her mouth with her hand after seeing something on her phone. Her already large eyes widened even more.


She excitedly showed her phone to the manager sitting in the passenger seat.

“Oppa!! Look at this!”

Meanwhile, Kang Woojin, the male lead of “Male Friend,” was


arriving at the parking lot of the studio to do post-recording for “Freezing Love.” Kang Woojin inside the van appeared to be wearing a hat, possibly not having visited the salon. It was early morning, but his expression was stern, his face showing no signs of negligence in maintaining his character concept.


“Shouldn’t the results be out by now? Really getting nervous here.”

He was inwardly anxious. He was curious about the results of “Male Friend.” A few minutes earlier, Netflix showed no significant changes.

Just then,

-Brrrr, Brrrrr.

As Kang Woojin was about to get out of the van, his phone vibrated. He checked it swiftly.

‘It’s here!’

The caller was the awaited Kim So-hyang. Woojin sat back down in his seat and brought the phone to his ear, his heart pounding but his voice as calm as he could manage.

“Yes, Executive Director~nim. Hello.”

The voice of Kim So-hyang from the other end of the phone sounded somewhat exhilarated.

“Woojin, congratulations. ‘Male Friend’ has set a record. It just got updated on Netflix’s main page. Want to check it out?”

Simultaneously, Choi Sung-gun in the passenger seat turned around swiftly. With a broad smile, he shook his phone in his hand towards Kang Woojin. The phone screen displayed the main page of Netflix Korea.

Or, more precisely,

[Today’s TOP10 Content in South Korea]

1. Male Friend

2. Delinquent Mom

3. World-Famous Gourmet Cart

4. Wise Rural Life

5. The Faker Appears





It was the newly updated total content ranking. “Male Friend” had proudly ranked 1st, surpassing all the long-running shows, and Kang Woojin’s ears perked up again to the voice of Kim So-hyang.

“Did you see? Ranked 1st? By the way, it’s the first time a short drama has ranked 1st overall.”

It was the moment “Male Friend,” a short drama, made an unprecedented mark, further solidifying Kang Woojin’s filmography as something monstrous.

“Following ‘Hanryang,’ it’s another hit, right? Articles related to it will start popping up soon.”

Another ‘first’ title had been added.