
Chapter 122: Fireworks (2)

Translator: Dreamscribe

A newcomer, not a top actor? The words of Director Kyotaro left the three journalists momentarily dumbfounded.



But Director Kyotaro’s nonchalant expression remained unchanged. He wasn’t joking. Soon, the journalists exchanged glances, their eyes conversing though their lips remained sealed.

‘Is he serious?’

‘A newcomer? Even the mere joining of a Korean actor caused such a stir, and now you’re saying the lead is a newcomer?’

‘Why not a top actor, but a newcomer instead?’

Their confusion was understandable. Suddenly a Korean newcomer was brought into the picture. Why? For what reason? With the names of Director Kyotaro and writer Akari Takikawa, they could have easily brought in top actors. The situation was rife with question marks. One journalist hesitantly asked, clearly finding it hard to believe.

“Di-Director, so, you’re saying that the casting of a Korean actor in ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ is confirmed, but it’s not a top actor, but a newcomer?”

Director Kyotaro’s response was again brief and clear.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“And- what about the language issue? Even with practice, there’s bound to be some awkwardness.”

“There’s no problem.”

“……May I ask about the process involved?”

“It’s difficult to go into details.”

“Director, it’s rare even in our country for a newcomer to take a leading role. But a newcomer from Korea would be unprecedented. Could you please explain at least a bit-”

“No, the process is too lengthy and prone to misunderstanding, so I’d rather not discuss it.”

The journalists furrowed their brows. At this moment, Director Kyotaro cleared his throat and added,

“Hmm- However, both I and the original author, Akari Takikawa, fully agree with this decision.”

“The author too?”

“Yes. It’s more of a conviction than an agreement. Both the author and I have made this decision after seeing that Korean newcomer actor in person.”

“Can you tell us who it is?”

“Not at the moment.”

At this point, a hint of dissatisfaction appeared in the journalists’ eyes. Regardless, Director Kyotaro continued his speech unwaveringly.

“I’m aware that ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ is currently causing a lot of noise. However, the entire production team, including myself, is pouring our heart and soul into making this film.”

“Ah- Of course.”

“I’d appreciate it if you could add a request for understanding from the public.”

After hearing the explanation, the three journalists’ eyes lit up. Today’s interview was supposed to be a simple schedule, merely asking about the hot issue shaking up Japan recently. They were content with getting any comment, but unexpectedly, they landed a major scoop.

Then, the journalists exchanged awkward smiles, seemingly wrapping up the interview. Of course, Director Kyotaro was satisfied too, as it was all part of his plan.

‘Those eyes are screaming ‘scoop’. That should be enough.’

Everything was going according to plan.


The statement from Director Kyotaro about ‘a Korean newcomer actor’ was released on the Japanese internet on the afternoon of the 14th.

『Director Tanoguchi Kyotaro Finally Speaks on the Controversy: ‘The Korean actor cast is confirmed, but it’s a newcomer, not a top actor.’』

Being a major media outlet, the news quickly made it to the front page of their website. Naturally, the title and content of the article were derived from Director Kyotaro’s interview, meaning it was factual. The article even included:

[“I can’t disclose everything yet, but it’s confirmed that a Korean actor has joined ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’. The role has already been assigned. It’s a male actor.”]

[“It’s not a top actor from Korea; it’s a newcomer.”]

The interview video, spoken calmly by Director Kyotaro, was also attached to the article. Given that Director Kyotaro had been silent on the controversy until now, this could be seen as his official stance. As a result, Japanese media, which had been skeptical until now, rushed to cover the story.

『‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ Casts a Korean Actor as Lead, but Why a Newcomer?』

『A Korean newcomer cast as the lead in ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger,’ an unusual choice for the acclaimed director.』

The issue, which had spread like fake news or rumors, was now firmly stamped with confirmation.

『What’s the reason behind choosing a Korean newcomer for the lead role? Still silent, ‘Author Akari Takikawa’.』

With Director Kyotaro finally addressing the issue, Japan was abuzz once more. Interestingly, the controversy only escalated with Director Kyotaro’s clarification. One controversy led to another.

Both the Japanese media and the public reacted similarly.

– So it wasn’t fake news? But it’s even more confusing if the lead actor is a newcomer and not a top actor?

– A newcomer? …Why exactly did they choose an actor from Korea if it’s a newcomer? I don’t get it.

– Who is it!? Tell us right now, Director!!

– It seems unprecedented to cast a Korean newcomer as a lead.

– Who exactly has Director Tanoguchi brought in??

– Isn’t this unheard of in the entire film industry?

-So who is this Korean newcomer actor? Can someone tell me!

Given the scale of the controversy, its impact was like a tidal wave, swiftly engulfing all of Japan. Perhaps, or rather, certainly, the controversy had grown several times larger than before.

And it didn’t take long for this tremendous wave to reach Korea.

『[Exclusive] Facts emerged from ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger,’ confirming the casting of a Korean actor… But a Newcomer?』

Around late night on the 14th, crossing past midnight into the early hours of the 15th, the issue, now laced with facts, stirred up a significant wave in Korea as well. It started in various online communities.

-(Repost) Japan is in turmoil right now, the rumor about Director Kyotaro casting a Korean actor has been confirmed as fact.

-Director Kyotaro himself spoke about casting a Korean actor! And it’s a newcomer from Korea!.jpg

Naturally, this news spread rapidly across Korea, especially within the media.

『[Issue Check] Who is the Korean newcomer actor chosen for the lead by Director Kyotaro?』

The situation was different from before. Initially, there was a possibility of fake news, but this time, Director Kyotaro himself had confirmed the facts.

At this point, it would be foolish for the domestic media to remain silent.

Right? Director Kyotaro Tanoguchi, a renowned figure in Japan, had definitely cast a Korean actor in a massively anticipated film, choosing a newcomer instead of a top actor. The stimulation was sufficient, and the media was eager to dive in.

『‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’s’ lead role goes to a ‘newcomer,’ causing a surge of interest. Film industry insiders say it’s unprecedented.』

Therefore, Korean entertainment media went wild, continuously churning out articles. From dawn till morning. Like Japan, Korean netizens were abuzz.


-This issue was out of nowhere? And why a newcomer, it makes no sense?? LOL

-What the… I knew Director Kyotaro liked Korea LOL but I didn’t expect him to use a Korean newcomer actor, especially as the lead! LOL

-Is this true? LOL Has anything like this ever happened before??

-‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger,’ isn’t this book super famous as a bestseller? This is crazy

-A Korean newcomer in the lead role? That’s crazy! LOL

-?? But regardless of who it is, how will they handle the Japanese language? It’s a Japanese movie, after all, and you can’t just learn it on the fly

-Damn! I’m so curious! Go Netizen Conans!!! (TL NOTE – Reference to Conan from Case Closed anime)





The unusual yet innovative situation caught everyone’s attention. CEO Choi Sung-gun also noticed the escalating situation.

“Okay, the game is starting to get big.”

On the morning when Choi Sung-gun was about to pick up Kang Woojin, Woojin was also checking his phone while getting ready.

“Ah- is this how it’s going to play out? Amazing.”

On the same day, around noon on the 15th.

The location was a live cafe in Seoul. The lighting was slightly dim, and the cafe was relatively large. The layout included a small stage at the front with various musical instruments visible. The customer tables were arranged to face the stage.

Dozens of staff members were gathered at this live cafe.

It was the ‘Male Friend’ filming team. Cameras and audio equipment were set up near the entrance of the cafe.

– Swoosh.

Even a boom microphone was placed.

Currently, the customer tables were empty but would later be filled with extras. This part was to be filmed separately. Anyway, the focus of all the equipment was on Hwalin and a male extra actor standing on stage. Hwalin was dressed in a denim jacket and skirt, while the male extra, appearing to be in his 50s, played the role of the cafe owner, stood beside her.

At this point.

“Let’s go!”

Director Shin Dong-chun, sitting near the monitor amidst dozens of staff, shouted.

“Hi- Action!”

The camera zoomed in on Hwalin, who instantly embodied the character ‘Lee Bo-min’, and grabbed the forearm of the cafe owner who was standing in the way. Her expression was desperate.

“Sir! You promised to play my song today! How can you do this?”

In contrast, the cafe owner, standing close by, showed an expression of irritation and disregard.

“No! How many times do I have to tell you?! The singer who was supposed to sing that song bailed! What do you want me to do about it?!”

“…So, you’re not even going to try to contact them?”

“Aish, so annoying! I’m fed up too. They think they are some top singers, always disappearing without a word!”

“But, you could play the guide version! Or, I can sing it! I’ll do it!”

“Yeah, yeah, just stop it. Do you think you are the only one here like this?”

The owner roughly shook off her hand, and ‘Lee Bo-min’ was desperate.

“Sir! Just once! Just this once! Please!”

“Get lost! This is a live cafe, live! Why would we play recorded songs! Stop bothering me and go find somewhere else!”

The owner harshly shoves ‘Lee Bo-min’ away.

“Cut,” followed by “Action” again. The shooting alternates between ‘Lee Bo-min’s’ angle and the cafe owner’s angle a couple of times, with the camera angles also changing a couple of times. Then, Director Shin Dong-chun cues the start of the scene again.


To ensure continuity, the scene started from where the owner pushes ‘Lee Bo-min’.

At this moment.

– Tap, tap!

The sound of someone tapping the microphone echoes throughout the cafe. ‘Lee Bo-min’ and the cafe owner both turn their heads towards the stage. The camera does the same.

Soon, they see a man standing on the stage.

Kang Woojin, or rather, ‘Han In-ho’ wearing a hoodie. His face showed no expression, devoid of thought. The sudden appearance of ‘Han In-ho’ on the stage made the cafe owner frown.

“What the heck is that guy doing?!”

Lee Bo-min was baffled to see Han In-ho, who was supposed to be in the restroom, on the stage.

“Is he – why is he there? He’s not planning a prank, is he?”

Then, the owner harshly asks ‘Lee Bo-min.’

“Do you know this guy?!”

“I’m, I’m sorry! I’ll bring him down right away!”

Just then.


A song echoed throughout the cafe. At this, Lee Bo-min, who was about to rush off, stopped abruptly and muttered to herself.

“…Huh? My song?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Han In-ho on stage moved casually. He approached the standing microphone on stage and began to sing.


Lee Bo-min’s composed MR track played, overlaid with Han In-ho’s vocals. The camera captured a full shot of Han In-ho on stage. His deep and low voice filled the cafe. As his singing continued, the cafe owner, his anger subsiding, stroked his chin and spoke. (TL NOTE: MR – Music Recorded track)

“Wow, what’s up with this guy? He’s amazing. Hey, is your friend a singer? Or a trainee?”

Caught off guard by the owner’s words, Lee Bo-min couldn’t respond immediately. She just blankly stared at Han In-ho on stage. After about 3 seconds, she finally managed to speak.

“No… I don’t know him, it’s my first time seeing him.”

This scene was from Episode 2, and the song Han In-ho was singing was his ‘theme song’, one of the official OSTs of ‘Male Friend’.

After Han In-ho’s vocals resonated throughout the cafe.

“…Cut!! OOOK!!!”

Director Shin Dong-chun stood up, applauding enthusiastically. He was extremely pleased with the scene. However, this scene wasn’t completed in just one take.

It took a total of three re-takes.

It wasn’t because Kang Woojin or Hwalin couldn’t perform well. Their acting was more than enough. It was simply Director Shin Dong-chun’s desire for perfection, especially for Han In-ho’s first scene featuring his unexpected vocals.



“Cut, cut!! OOOOK!! Woojin, Hwalin, you both did an excellent job!!”

Director Shin Dong-chun, announcing the end of the scene, applauded and praised the two actors. This applause was soon echoed by the entire crew.

-Clap clap clap clap clap!

Hwalin, standing below the stage.

“Director, you worked hard too! Thank you, everyone!”

And Kang Woojin, still on stage, also bowed deeply to Director Shin Dong-chun and the dozens of staff.

“Thank you – you’ve all worked hard.”

The two lead actors were met with enthusiastic applause and joyful shouts from the crew.

“Wow! That last cut was amazing!”

“Great work, both of you!”

“It’s sad it’s over just when we were getting to know each other?”

“Hahaha, what, you want to shoot for a few more months?”

“No, of course not! Great job, everyone!”

“It’s over!!”

Director Shin Dong-chun, with a deep smile, calmed the excited atmosphere. It had been about a month.

“Alright, alright! Let’s save the wrap-up celebration for later! Let’s start cleaning up! We don’t have much time left for the rental!”

The filming of Netflix’s ‘Male Friend’ was finally complete.

Meanwhile, at this moment, the Korean media was thoroughly engrossed in the ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ issue. Amidst the public discourse, a certain actor’s name was being suddenly mentioned.

-Could the Korean actor cast as the lead by Director Kyotaro be Kang Woojin??? It totally feels like him

It was Kang Woojin.
