
I'll Surpass The MCchapter 247: mudropper maroppa

The Boar King was confused, for the last time he arrived here, around four years ago, the Mudropper existed in the Sandy-Grey Void ring. But now, it had disappeared.

He scoured through the entire stretch of the Sandy-Grey Void ring, failing to find any traces of the Mudropper. He then looked through the Sanrey Plains, noticing the changes, 'I see, the Ganrimb Kingdom was annihilated by the Centingers. Did the Mudropper flee when that happened? But it can only jump once a day, travelling a kilometre with each jump. Where the heck did it run off to?'

He then observed the four Ravaged Tribes living there, 'They are all damn weak.'

Everyone part of a Ravaged Tribe was at the Spirit Stage. None were at the Body Stage. So, they weren't even worthy of getting into his line of sight.

Brangara scouted through the Sanrey Plains and observed the changes in the terrain. But other than the four Ravaged Tribes that had begun living out in the open, there was nothing else worth looking at here.

The Mudropper and the Ravaged Tribe it controlled were no more.

Brangara then landed at a location in the Sandy-Grey Void ring where he originally sensed the home of the Ravaged Tribe under the Mudropper. But upon arriving there, all he saw was grey sand filling up the place.

'What just happened here?' Brangara couldn't figure out the cause. His mood took a dip since he couldn't consume the Mudropper's Primary Nature. After mumbling about in disappointment for a few hours, he left the Sanrey Plains and continued with his task of gathering more Sumatra Gold for his wife's cultivation needs.

Two hundred kilometres away from the Sanrey Plains, walking alongside the banks of the Red-Draft River was a certain individual, human in terms of appearance. She sported greyish-brown twin tails that dangled like a pair of pincers along her neck.

Her hair at the back was conical in shape, lifted up like a peacock's crown, the strands curly. Her eyes were jet black, having not a single smudge of radiance, capable of swallowing all light. She had a rather lean physique, sporting a mild slouch.

Her walking pace was awkward, the first time moving bipedally as she tried her best to get accustomed to the state as soon as possible, flinching upon sensing the Boar King's presence from far away, 'Thankfully, I left in the nick of time.'

A Mystic Grade Pranic Beast's presence was akin to a storm, capable of being felt for hundreds of kilometres easily when unleashed. And thanks to her keener senses, the woman, seemingly in her late twenties could sense the Boar King, thanking her lucky stars.

Beginner Gold Grade Pranic Beast—Mudropper!

She was the same Mudropper that had been in charge of the Sandy-Grey Void surrounding the Sanrey Plains, having now assumed human form.

Before, she was an Advance Silver Grade Pranic Beast. However, after obtaining the Boar King's data from Inala, she took advantage of her accumulation to evolve and became a Gold Grade Pranic Beast.

Primary Nature—Sandy-Grey Assimilation!

The Mudropper's Primary Nature experienced growth thanks to her evolution, becoming stronger than before, allowing her to unleash it with more versatility. And the greatest contributor towards her evolution was none other than the Boar King.

Tertiary Nature—Cultivator!

The Mudropper obtained the same Tertiary Nature as the Boar King. After all, she now possessed all the information related to the method used by the Boar King to obtain his three Natures.

This information was extracted from Brangara by Undrakha and then fed to the previous Gannala. Inala inherited that data through his Empyrean Slip Prime Skill.

Inala and the Mudropper made a transaction, cooperating on a variety of things. Inala obtained a lot of things as a result, including the Mudropper's data.

In contrast, the Mudropper obtained the Boar King's valuable data. Since it had already been accumulating in the Sanrey Plains, generation after generation towards the same goal, this final piece of information was just the perfect catalyst required for evolution.

Using all the treasures gathered in its treasury, the Mudropper consumed its Ropper Tribe, using them as the medium through which it obtained the Tertiary Nature of Cultivator, also succeeding in evolving to the Gold Grade.

But there were two problems. First of all was the Boar King who came to know of its existence. Therefore, it was just a matter of time before the Boar King returns to eat it up.

The Mudropper knew the Boar King was only waiting for it to give birth to an offspring before consuming it to obtain its Primary Nature. Therefore, it had to escape from the region as quickly as possible.

Secondly, Inala had all its data, obtained from its offspring. The Mudropper didn't know the specifics, but it could understand that Inala was in possession of all its secrets. Currently, he had yet to understand them.

But the day he does so, he would come for the Mudropper too, for its accumulations would allow Gannala to gain the Tertiary Nature of Cultivator in a matter of days.

Hence, the moment the Mudropper was ready, it consumed all its accumulations and finished its evolution. Following that, it assumed human form through its Tertiary Nature of Cultivator and fled the Sanrey Plains, taking on the name of Maroppa.

Maroppa had left the Sanrey Plains exactly a day before the Boar King arrived there. It was too close for comfort.

While walking along the banks of the Red-Draft River, Maroppa thought, 'I have achieved what my race desperately wanted to achieve. Now, I need to focus on cultivating through the ranks of the Life Stage and attain Transcendence.'

Leaving for the Transcendent World after attaining Transcendence was her goal. She couldn't do so through the Pranic Beast path, as even after evolution, she was only at the Gold Grade. It would take the Mudropper race tens of thousands of years to reach the Mystic Grade.

But that didn't matter, as with her Tertiary Nature, she could progress on the human path of cultivation. As long as she reached the 10-Life Stage, she could become a Transcendent. That way, her race would have a future once again.

'I need to cultivate in safety.' Thinking as such, Maroppa controlled her presence, assuming the appearance of a Free Human. She was the one who refined Inala's Inhibition Needles. Hence, with her evolved Primary Nature, she could unleash that effect naturally as a Skill.

'It'll do for now.' Maroppa thought after observing the Skill's effects, 'I can only unleash thirty percent of my strength while under this Skill's effect. But as long as I keep improving it, I'll be able to unleash all my strength without revealing my identity.'

"Now, where do I go?" Maroppa muttered as she jumped onto a tree and assimilated herself into the surroundings, watching a group of Silver Grade Pranic Beasts walk past. Once they left, she landed on the river bank and continued to walk, making her decision, "Right, the best way to accumulate resources without fighting is to become a merchant in a human society."

With her accumulation and experience, Maroppa was confident in amassing enough wealth for her cultivation needs. This way, she could sit in the safety of a large human civilisation and continue to build her strength without any worries.

As she thought of potential Free Human civilisations, there was a perfect match, "The Brimgan Empire."

"Right, that's the closest Empire and also one of the strongest human civilisations." Maroppa decided, "With their terrain, I'll be safe inside. Perfect,"

"I'll head there then."