
I Killed the Player of the Academychapter 170: summer and with it, trouble (2)

༺ Summer and With It, Trouble (2) ༻

The capital was the most developed city of the El Rath Kingdom. Not only were all the administrative bureaus located inside the city along with the palace, but it also served as the center of transportation that was linked to every important city.

Actually, despite all that, it was a place that was rarely visited in the game. None of the scenarios took place here unless they were events related to the princesses, and the only one apart from that was when the player officially became the Hero of the Kingdom.

That was the same for me in the last iteration, so I had rarely ever been to this place.


“What’sh wong?”

Alicia mumbled with a parfait in her mouth.

“You see, I don’t have good memories about the capital.”


“But weren’t you raised in the capital, Mr. Korin?”

“That’s true, but the nobles were annoying and my childhood wasn’t the brightest.”

“Ah~ nobles. I think I understand what you mean. Their eyes are like…”

“Have you been to the palace before?”

“Only for Unni’s coming-of-age ceremony.”

“Must have been rough.”

I could imagine how it must have gone. They probably talked down on her, labeling her as an illegitimate child and whatnot.

Nowadays, most of the nobles in this world only had honorary titles without any territories and spent most of their time in the palace. As such, they became similar to forums of yellow journalism.

They didn’t have the influential authority of the past and just turned into shady people who talked behind other’s backs.

“But how do you know that, Mr. Korin? Didn’t you say you were a normal civilian?”

“I was the consort of the prin- I mean, I had a few opportunities to come across them.”



That was when Ren called me while pulling my sleeves. Unlike Ron, who now appeared like a middle schooler, Ren still looked like a child.

“Boss. That one. I want to try that.”

She was mesmerized by the fancy and ornamented streets of the capital.

“I will give you some cash, so you can go buy one.”

“You have some too, Boss.”


What Ren wanted was a shish kebab that was being sold on the other side of the wide street. They were certainly not of the highest quality, but street food had its upsides.


Alicia and Hua Ran, who were behind me, were also having a skewer each alongside Ren and I. That was when Marie yelled out loud while running up from afar.

“Sorry for the wait! I had to take something!”

“Did the capital branch give you a few presents?”

“Nn nn! There was something I ordered through them as well!”

Marie was carrying a bunch of stuff, starting from boxes to shopping bags.

“Give them to me. We can’t call Doggo out after all.”

“Ah, thanks.”

I took the boxes off of her arms. These were quite heavy, making me wonder what was inside.

“Senior Marie. What are these?”

“Hehe. We’re going to see your parents, right? I prepared some gifts for them.”

“You didn’t need to…”

Wait… this is something I’m now experienced with.

Marie Dunareff – the owner of 25 peerage titles and the master over several cities of the South. A super wealthy individual who was printing out money on repeat!

Is there any chance that her gifts are going to be normal?

“You didn’t put in… jewelry or pouches of gold coins, did you?”

“Uht… I think you have a very big misconception about me, Korin.”

“Am I wrong?”

“You are! These are all foods. Like dried fruits and crops!”

“Oh… Sorry about that.”

Did I misunderstand her the whole time? I suppose even the wealthy wouldn’t spend every day having a glass of wine with shark fins.

They probably also did normal things just like everyone else.

“Mr. Korin. I also have some gifts for your parents.”

“You really didn’t need to though.”

Alicia showed a gift box that was wrapped in a pretty cheesecloth. She must have gotten that when she stopped by the Arden Dojo of the capital.

“This must have taken you guys so much time even though you didn’t need to. By the way, what’s inside?”

“Horse jerkies from the East. Unni told me to take them.”


Now that was something I would like to try at least once.


The two of them were presenting their gifts for the visit, while Hua Ran was standing off to the side, hesitantly looking around while shedding cold beads of sweat.

“I, I’ll… go buy…”

“It’s okay. It’s the thought that counts.”

How adorable.

That was nothing strange, considering her limited experience in social settings.


“There’s no need to be.”

It was still impressive though, that Hua, who used to be the most self-conceited and self-centered person in the world, was now social enough to care about others.

I caressed her head but she soon pushed my arm away.

“Don’t touch my hair…”

“Alright alright.”

“And don’t smile like that.”

“Okay okay.”

Was she sulking? Her lips were pursed but even that looked very adorable. When dealing with Ran, who gave off a mature and alluring charm, I would miss the cute and sulky Hua sometimes.

Ran liked me so much that it made my heart race.

“By the way, Korin. What kind of people are your parents?”

“They’re normal. They run a restaurant and my younger sister is a student at the Royal Academy.”

“Wow~. A restaurant? That’s amazing~”

When I first came to this world, the word ‘home’ meant the same thing as ‘awkward’. I was always under the impression that I was an outsider from Earth who overtook Korin Lork’s memories and his outer shell.

Well, it was what anyone would go through. Park Sihu rejected that notion until the end, but I approved it and accepted it as a fact.

That all happened in the last iteration, and I started to simply believe that I was Korin Lork.

I am me.

I got all the memories so of course I’m the same person!

There might be some arguments against that line of thought, but I just decided to accept that as a fact.

“Huu~. It’s been so long since I saw them that I feel slightly guilty and nervous.”

The last time I saw them was before the battle against the Frost Giants in the last iteration so… it had been a very long time. Plus, that was when I was slightly out of my mind…


Korin’s parents, Rudene Lork and Suel Lork were in a state of emergency due to the sudden visit of an unexpected guest.

“Hopefully I’m not being a nuisance. Haha…”

“N, not at all. It’s an honor for us.”

The silver-haired unrealistically beautiful lady, who made them wonder if a person could be so pretty, introduced herself as the Chairman of Merkarva Academy.

If it was just her, they would have questioned how someone so young could be the chairman of an academy because the only other Chairman they knew was the fat and lethargic old man they saw at their daughter’s academy.

However, another beauty who was standing by her side like a secretary immediately dispelled any doubt in their mind.

“J, Josephine Clara?”

The Lork couple had also been to an academy during their youth because the education fees of the El Rath Kingdom were affordable for everyone unless they were from a very poor family.

Because of that, they immediately recognized Josephine Clara, the protagonist of the Witch Revolution, whom they had seen pictures of in history books.

Unlike Tates Valtazar and Erin who had been covering their faces with a mask, Josephine was the one leading the fray with the spotlight on her as a previous victim of the Witch Hunt, and was therefore a celebrity that everyone across the continent could recognize.

“Umm… By Merkarva… you mean the one that my son…”

“If you’re talking about Korin, he is a wonderful student. He’s the top student of the 2nd year students, after all.”

“R, really?”

That wasn’t something that was shared in the letters they received from their son. That damn little boy didn’t really talk about himself so they had no idea.

“And I am also personally related to Korin as a master and disciple.”

“M, master and disciple?”

“I am personally teaching spearmanship to that child, and Korin is an extremely fabulous knight.”

“I, I see.”

“By the way… May I ask what brought you to a humble place like ours, Chairman?”


Erin clapped aloud as if she finally remembered the reason for her visit.

“My original plan was to greet you alongside Korin, but…”

Greet? But why though?

The two of them didn’t dare ask such a question.

“I have some urgent matters to attend to at the palace, so I had to arrange an earlier visit. Clara?”

As soon as she called her name, Josephine gently waved her staff and created a dimensional fissure in the air which started to reveal various items.

“I couldn’t come empty-handed for the visit, so I prepared some gifts. They’re nothing much though.”

“Uhh, you mean all this?”

The couple dropped their chin after seeing all the items and couldn’t hide their shock.

“This is a cabinet with pearl ornaments and a marble desk made by a friend of mine called Luchtaine,

“And that one there is a treasure chest that a friend called Credne made.

“Also, this is a magical steel skewer that I received from Goibniu. Apparently, every meat pierced by that skewer will be very good at providing men with energy.”

Each and every one of those items that were being shared by Erin were treasures with more than a thousand years of history.

Although the two of them were oblivious to the long history embedded in those items, the presents given by the gods to their youngest goddess were all sparkling with radiance, which allowed them to assume how incredible these treasures must be.

“T, these are way too precious for…”

They couldn’t accept such a gift. All of them were priceless artifacts. Besides… why was the Chairman of an academy giving them these presents?

“W, we can’t…”

Right as Rudene was about to turn the offer down, Erin wrapped her hands around his as well as Suel’s, before speaking to them with a benevolent voice.

“It’s okay. The two of you have a wonderful son. All the things that Korin has done for me are worth much more than these.”

For some reason, even though the beauty before their eyes appeared 20 years younger than them… she had a benevolent and loving attitude that they would usually feel from seniors who were much older than themselves.

“Hoho. Looks like Korin, that little guy is doing a great job at the Academy.”

“Of course. You have no idea how kind and soft-hearted my Korin is.”


‘My Korin?’

They were slightly puzzled by that rather strange choice of words, but they silently watched Erin, who continued on and on with a benevolent smile on her face.

“He learns two when you teach one, wipes the sweat off of his master when she sweats a little~, and he’s also an amazing cook. Last time, he made chicken soup. Ah, but I am terrible with hot foods and you know what he did? He gently blew on it a few times and carried the spoon to my mouth. I wonder how he’s so handsome and nice~”



“And the way he tries to protect his master even though he’s the disciple is so dependable! Whenever he assures me, saying that everything will go well, is just so loving… He’s a fantastic adult. Oh right. Korin said everyone over 20 are friends. Do you think the same too?”

“D, did he say that?”

“Of course. That’s why I’m trying my best to be like friends. Ah~. That’s an amazing quote, isn’t it? Everyone over 20 are friends… Right, Clara?”


“And he also said I’m young and pretty! That it doesn’t matter how old I am. You think so too, right? Your age doesn’t matter when you are young at heart, right?”

She… sounded more and more silly as time passed.

Even though they were his parents, Erin sounded more like a loving parent bragging about their favorite son as time went on. In fact…

‘This is… that, right?’

‘I… guess so?’

The couple felt very confused.

“Thank you so much for giving us such a wonderful son.”

“Ah, right… Umm, thank you.”


“Ah, it’s about time to go. There is a meeting at the palace, you see.”

Erin and Clara left without waiting for the two of them to say anything. While being sent off by the Lork couple, the two of them whispered to each other in a voice they wouldn’t be able to pick up.

“Umm… Did I sound silly?”

“A lot.”

“Did you think so too, Clara?!”

“What do you… mean by that?”


The couple watched the two of them walk away in a stupor. After some time, Rudene cautiously opened his mouth.

“Umm… I think a slightly older wife should be fine for our son.”

“But wouldn’t it be a little strange for our daughter-in-law to be older than us?”

Unlike their son, the couple could read the mood like normal people. While they were packing up the presents that Erin brought in piles which… might be a dowry, another guest knocked on their door.

“Is this the house of the Lork family?”

“Umm, yes! That is right! Who is… Huhp!”

“Honey? What’s wro— Huhp!”

The one that made both of them react in the same way, was the most famous guardian of the Kingdom.

“My name is Lunia Arden. Are you the parents of Korin Lork?”

Lunia Arden. She was one of the top knights of contemporary times who appeared several times in Guardian magazines. Not a single citizen of the Kingdom was unaware of the granddaughter of the Sword Emperor Garrand Arden, who used to be reigning supreme over the era 30 years ago!

“M, may I ask what brings Sir Lunia all the way here?”

“Hmm? Ah, I suppose you have not heard it yet. Father.”



Lunia walked into the house in large strides and gave the couple a deep bow. Why was a celebrity of the Kingdom so respectful to some random restaurant owners? And what did she mean by ‘Father’??!

“Though unofficial, I am Lunia Arden, who had been engaged to your son.”

“H, h, huh?!”

“E, e, engaged??!”

It felt like they were struck by a lightning bolt out of nowhere. Engaged? Who? With who? My kid? With Lunia Arden?

“I had an errand at the palace and thought of visiting on the way for an official introduction. Jennie.”

As soon as she called her name, Jennie, one of the Five Swords of the First Sword Squad, walked forward like a maidservant with a long box in hand.

She handed the box covered in fine silk over to Lunia, who then gave it to the couple.

“Please. This is the Sword of Dispersal, which chases out evil spirits. You can leave it as a decoration and it will create a barrier that inhibits the approach of demonic spirits. If you have an exceptional spiritual sense, you could use it personally to cut down evil spirits.”

That meant it was a magic artifact – a precious item that not even money could buy.

“B, but, why would you…”

“I cannot allow wicked things to approach the parents of my fiancé, after all. Please do not turn down this small offering of this Lunia Arden.”

“Ah, ah yes… T, thank you very much.”

“Please speak casually. You are Korin’s father, and that will make you my father as well. Would it not?”

“I, is that right? So you’re… our daughter-in-law?”


That was when Rudene Lork was poked on his side by his wife. Watching the two of them, Lunia said with a faint smile.

“It seems that the young miss is not around. I heard she’s a student at the Royal Academy, so I have brought some throwing knives that can be hung on her bag as accessories. It is nothing much, but please accept it.”

“H, h, huh?”

The two of them, who were pretty much forced to hold onto the present, didn’t even know what to say in the face of this unrealistic reality as they blankly sent her off.



“Did Korin, that little guy, mention this in his letters?”

“…Not at all.”

“This boy. What in the… We sent him off to the academy to become a knight but he’s only been hitting on girls or something!”

“B, but… He has a solid preference. It looks like he is into older girls… just like you.”

“K, kuhum…!”

The couple cleaned the house after the storm while trying their best to calm themselves down.

The Chairman of Merkarva Academy and the future head of the Arden Household of the East. Either one of them was quite burdensome to have as a daughter-in-law.

“Let’s take the day off today.”

“Sounds good. Ehew, how much is all this? My heart is racing right now because of everything that happened.”

In the afternoon, they finally heard their long-awaited son knocking on the main gates of the house.

“Korin must be here!”

“Kuhum…! Let me quickly go ask him. How could he be two-timing…? Two-timing!”

Rudene Lork and Suel Lork hurried to the gates to welcome their son who was coming back for the first time in a year and a half. Like that, they opened the door and…

“Hello. My name is Marie Dunareff.”

“I, I’m Alicia Arden. Mr. Korin’s… friend.”


“My name is Ren, and I’m under the care of Boss… I mean, oraboni.”

There were all sorts of beautiful girls next to their son, who were all incredibly nervous as if they were meeting their in-laws for the first time.

“MY FARRTHER! MY MORRTHER! Your son has returned!”



It can’t be, right?

There’s no way this little bastard went to the Academy to hit on girls all day, right?

Their suspicion was quite close to the mark.