
I Hate Systemschapter 918: leaving on a trip

"Man as heaven, Earth as star." Earth Star muttered as he clenched his hand into a fist, suppressing his powers. Or rather, he sensed that due to his body mass, the gravitational force he was unleashed was too destructive, almost akin to a super weak supernova.

So, he had to control that in order to prevent destroying everything in his way. And that, he did by using his powers to counter his innate gravity.

He activated a variety of his powers to counter his innate qualities to appear like a normal human, muttering, "This will take a while to get adjusted to."

"At present, you're suppressing your body's innate nature using your powers. But, you should quickly get your body under control. Only then will you be of use in the upcoming war." Stencil said, "We have less than two months left before the Invader System launches an attack with all its might."

"Yes, I'll be meditating to get it under control…" Earth Star stopped speaking upon seeing Stencil get up suddenly and pat him on the shoulder, suddenly teleporting him into the living room of a house.

There was a lady in the kitchen, filling a water bottle with water for drinking purposes. She turned around the moment they arrived, unsurprised at their arrival to speak, "Are you done with your preparations, Stencil?"

"Yeah," Stencil nodded as she slapped the back of Earth Star, "And now, I have a competent bodyguard."

She then looked around, asking, "Where's dad? I thought he would be here."

"He's slacking at the Hero Academy." The lady was Gehera who offered to make tea for her two guests as she stared at the time before continuing, "He'll be home in thirty minutes. He just has two classes to teach in the morning anyway."

"She is…?" Earth Star stared at Gehera, asking in confusion. He was somewhat surprised that there existed another person that knew about Stencil. And judging by the comfortable way she spoke, it was apparent that the two of them went way back.

"The one playing as the Contained Villain using my dad's powers," Stencil said, watching Earth Star become stunned in response.

"No need to worry though, she doesn't bite," Stencil said, catching the glass that was thrown at her by Gehera as she casually placed it on the table. Not a single drop of the tea within was spilt out.

She casually sipped it and watched Gehera take a seat before her.

"What's your plan now?" Gehera asked, "Since you have come here, it means you're done with all preparations?"

"Yeah, all the collective consciousnesses are under me now. I've also created three concept Representatives to passively reinforce my strength even when I become a baby." Stencil nodded and said, "Now, all that is left is the final issue at hand. I'm planning to leave this world for the time being."

"Are you prepared for the journey?" Compass Carburettor's voice resounded as he arrived at the living room, setting his coat on the hanger as he hugged the figure of Stencil that leapt into his embrace, "Welcome back, brat."

"Aren't I awesome?" Stencil grinned smugly.

"Yeah, you take after your father." Compass Carburettor replied in response, watching Stencil slam her head on his forehead lightly and walk away.

"Will it kill you to compliment me properly?" She pouted a little before resuming her drink, extending the empty cup towards Gehera for a refill, "I plan to return before the Invader System launches the invasion. But just in case I'm delayed, please protect this world."

"Don't worry." Compass Carburettor smiled in confidence, "I've already made preparations for the war. They won't be invading this world anyway."

"They won't?" Stencil was surprised at the statement.

"Yeah," He nodded and stared at Gehera, "The two of us have been working on creating a barrier in the form of a battlefield. It's a manner in which we're bringing the 3D battle space into a 2D format. The 24 Rings would exist as is on one corner of the battlefield. And any existence arriving from other universes would create doorways on the other corner and march from there."

"This way, it'll be easy for us to face the enemies since the Heroes and Villains of this world haven't reached a level where they could fight in the void yet." Gehera finished the statement, "We've yet to launch it at the moment. If we do so in advance, the scouts belonging to the Gunmetal Gold World would gain the information and allow the Invader System to prepare beforehand."

"Ok, I'll leave all preparations to you." Stencil said and left two dragon plushies with them, "The majority of control of this world is done by this fella. So, you can cooperate with the dragon plushies to get everything done."

"Alright," Gehera nodded and observed the figure of Stencil and Earth Star vanish in response, sighing as she muttered, "And they disappeared. That was fast."

"They are in a hurry. You can't blame them." Compass Carburettor said as he patted the closest dragon plushie, "Earth Star's potential has exploded to a ginormous extent, but he has less than two months to acclimate to it and gain enough experience to fight Systems."

"Thankfully, Rhizen's world is surrounded by Systems that can serve as a good whetstone to train him." He continued, "But yes, he doesn't have enough time. So, they have to hurry."

"Are you sure you can leave them as is?" Gehera asked in worry, "Even though Stencil has grown stronger and has prepared a lot, she lacks enough time to see the fruits of her efforts. She might fail."

"That doesn't matter." Compass Carburettor smiled as he took a seat on the sofa, "I'll give her all the time she needs. Even if she fails to return on time, nothing will change."

He said in confidence, "I alone am enough to destroy our enemies."

"We!" Gehera snorted, "I too am strong, you know. Except for Arnark, the Grade 4 Systems, and the Genre Representatives, I'm confident in fighting against the rest."

"Haha, yes, yes. We are strong enough to destroy our enemies." Compass Carburettor corrected himself as he thought in all seriousness, his mind calculating bone-chilling thoughts, 'This will be an endless wave of enemies. So, I need to prepare.'

He got up and hugged Gehera, followed by a kiss on her forehead as he said, "I need to make a small trip and recharge my batteries. You sure you won't miss me?"

"I will," Gehera said as she pulled him closer, "So, do something about it."

"Haha," Smiling wryly in response, Compass Carburettor carried her to the bedroom and closed the door.