
I Got a Fake Job at the Academychapter 341: magical beast summoning (3)

Chapter 341: Magical Beast Summoning (3)

◈ Chapter 341: Magical Beast Summoning (3)

After the field trip, the first and second graders became quite chaotic.

Even Aidan, who usually lacks awareness, could clearly sense it.

"Leo, why is everyone acting like this?"

Aidan asked Leo while observing their fellow students talking animatedly among themselves.

Leo turned to Aidan with an expression of disbelief.

"Do you seriously have no idea why they're acting like that?"

"Yeah. What happened?"

"...Forget it. It's not as if you haven't behaved this way before."

Realizing Aidan's personality, Leo decided to solve his curiosity without further comment.

"You're aware that the academic program has changed, right?

"Yeah. They had to make changes due to the significant delay in the field trip period."

"Yeah. The schedule, which was already packed, has been extended by nearly 1.5 times because of that."

"Is that so? However, they don't appear to be overly concerned about it."

"About half of the classes have been substituted with other subjects."

"I see."

Aidan didn't know about this because he hadn't confirmed it himself.

Leo continued with a serious expression.

"The authorities at Seron appear to be treating this recent terrorist incident with great gravity."

"Yes, I can imagine. It was a significant event."

"Typically, practical magic-related classes are introduced from the third year onward, correct? However, this time, due to a major overhaul, even first and second-year students will have the opportunity to learn."

"Oh, really? What's the reason behind that?"

"There are a few reasons, but the most fascinating one is..."

"The summoning of magical creatures!"

Tracy, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation from behind, suddenly interjected.

Leo frowned, but Tracy simply ignored his reaction.

"Aidan, as you know, summoning of magic beasts is a class that can only be taken in the third year. But now they're allowing us to learn it too. It's natural to have high expectations, right?"

"Magic beasts..."

Aidan savored the words on his tongue like a delightful treat.

His eyes gleamed with a blend of passion and curiosity, entranced by the allure of the unknown magic.

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

Tracy nodded satisfactorily, considering it a natural reaction, while Leo sighed, knowing that this would happen.

However, deep down, even Leo had high expectations for the summoning magic beasts class.

There is no magician who dislikes summoning companions to accompany them.

Moreover, magic beasts are different from spirits.

Unlike spirits imbued with the power of nature, magic beasts vary greatly in form and performance depending on the user's magical power and disposition.

Depending on the user, magic numbers can accomplish tasks that even spirits cannot.

Of course, for students who do not know what form their magic beasts will take, it is just a hopeful wish.

However, unlike the Department of Spirits, where you cannot learn if you don't have talent, magic beasts, which everyone must naturally possess, can be seen as an opportunity.

That is why students were already excited, holding high expectations about the magic beast they would summon.

"It's a pointless assumption. Unique magic beasts account for less than 1% of the entire magical community."

"Oh, really?"

"Magic beasts are creatures that exist within the realm of common sense. Most of them take the form of animals or plants. In some rare cases, they might even manifest as tools. While that alone is impressive, it's unlikely that such expectations will be fulfilled."

As Leo spoke, he subtly glanced at Tracy.

Tracy bristled under his gaze, as if to convey the message, 'You're no different'.

"How amusing. Leo, you will summon a meager and insignificant magic creature."

"Are you done talking?"

As the two began to growl at each other, Aidan had to intervene desperately.

Aidan, who barely managed to quell the conflict, wiped away his sweat and changed the subject.

"But is summoning magic beasts really that easy? It's a course that we start learning in the third year, so I wonder if it's too difficult for us to learn now."

Leo and Tracy fell silent at the very reasonable question.

Leo was the first to speak up.

"Well, it will probably be like that. After all, the reason it's part of the third-year curriculum is that it's considered learnable by then."

They couldn't be sure that they could easily learn it just because they were forced to learn it as freshmen.

"I have a different thought."

It was Tracy who objected and spoke out.

"Have you heard of Mage Tower? Not Seron, but the people who receive education in the ancient Mage Tower from a young age learn difficult magic."

"So what?"

"They don't learn to summon magic beasts when they reach the third year. They can summon them even when they are younger. Considering that, there's no reason why we can't learn it."

"But those people have received systematic education for a long time. Are we, who are just starting to learn, the same as them?"

"You won't know until you try. Maybe there's a talent for summoning magic beasts that we haven't discovered yet."

At that moment, Iona, who had been listening quietly, spoke up.

"Or perhaps a teacher who is exceptionally skilled in teaching the summoning of magic beasts, so even beginners can learn it easily."

Leo gave a sly look to Iona.

"So, you heard too?"

Iona nodded her head.

Only Aidan and Tracy did not understand the meaning of their words.

"What? What is it?"

"What is it? Has someone already been announced as the teacher?"

The teacher in charge of magic beasts.

Could it be the teacher who currently teaches the 3rd and 4th grades? Or could it be a temporary instructor brought in from outside, like the mentor for field trip?

Aidan and Tracy's expectations were about to be fulfilled, but in a completely different way.

"You didn't know? It's Teacher Rudger who will be teaching a special lecture on summoning magic numbers."

* * *

"It's been a while."

Rudger looked around at the students and spoke those words.

Even though they had seen each other during the field trip, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it had been a considerable amount of time since their last meaningful interaction.

Since the terrorist incident, the students had their personal resting time, and from then until today, there had been a considerable gap.

"It's a relief to see that everyone seems to be doing well."

Even if it was Rudger, he couldn't speak harshly to students who had experienced the terrorist incident.

However, even that remark didn't sound particularly friendly or gentle. Perhaps it was due to his characteristic cold and stern tone.

In reality, Rudger exuded an air more along the lines of 'I'm relieved that no one is missing class' rather than saying 'I'm relieved that everyone is safe'.

"As you all know, you will be attending a special lecture, and I am the one in charge of that lecture. Since you have been attending my classes, I don't think there's a need for self-introductions. Do you understand?"

Responses of "Yes" could be heard from various places in the room.

"Then, let's start the lesson on summoning magic beasts from now on. The schedule is tight, so I expect everyone to do their best to keep up. This is not just a simple suggestion. Is that clear?"

At that moment, someone raised their hand.

It was Erendir, the 3rd Princess.

"Yes, Erendir. What is your question?"

"Um, Teacher. I heard that this lesson is about summoning magic beasts."

"That's correct. Didn't I just say that myself?"

"Yes, you did. That's right."

Erendir glanced around and questioned, "Why are we having a lesson on summoning magic beasts in the training ground?"

The location where the students had gathered was not the typical classroom where they attended Rudger's classes. Instead, it was a training ground on a much larger scale, resembling a vast playground.

"I Heard magic beast lessons require meditation, so they are usually conducted indoors, not outdoors."

"That may be true for others, but this is my class. Naturally, I have the freedom to choose where it takes place."


It was true.

If the teacher in charge of the lesson said they would do it this way, how could the students object?

However, because it seemed like they couldn't fully comprehend, Rudger decided to explain.

"Alright. Since it's the first lesson, I'll be kind."


Is he going to explain?

"As you all know, you are not third graders. There is a two-year gap between you and the senior students who have been following the Seron curriculum for over two years. Even if you take the same course as the third graders, do you think you will achieve the same results? You little chicks?"


The students remained silent, all thinking the same thing.

Teacher, that's not kind.

"Of course, my teaching method will be different from that of the third graders. You may be able to learn faster, but it will be harder. If you don't like it, you can say so. Of course, you will still be forced to learn."

Then why bother asking if we don't like it?

The students stared at Rudger with puzzled expressions.

Rudger's words were somewhat arbitrary, but they made sense logically.

Moreover, since it was not a temporary situation, the students decided to accept it obediently.

"So, is this lesson content being taught in Mr.Rudger's special way?"

Tracy raised her hand and asked, full of anticipation.

The students waited for Rudger's answer.

Rudger's special way.

Just hearing it, it sounded like an incredibly sweet collection of words.

'I wonder if he's going to teach the class with some remarkable idea again?'

'Or maybe he'll help us increase our magic power emission?'

'A new method that others don't know!'

Rudger's thoughts were clearly visible in the students' eyes.

Looking at those students, Rudger spoke calmly.

"There's nothing like that."


"If there was such a method, wouldn't it have been presented in the Arcane Chamber?"


"Instead, what I'm going to teach you now is a method that definitely works. In fact, many groups are using this method."


"In the military."

As soon as the word 'military' came out, a shiver ran down the students' spines.

What did Teacher Rudger just say?

The military? The military?

Hoping that they had misheard, the students looked at Rudger, who delivered the cruel reality to them.

"From now on, you will follow the training program for summoning magic beasts that soldiers receive."

"Huh? Really?"

"If you approach the class in the same manner as the third graders, it will be too late. As you are aware, even the third graders struggled to summon magic beasts until the end of the first semester because they couldn't grasp the essence of these creatures. For those of you starting now, it will only become achievable once you enter the second year. Thus, this lesson would serve no purpose."

Rudger showed the same steel-like dignity as he did in the first class.

There would be no compromise, and he had a firm determination to stick to this method. The students didn't have the courage to oppose it.

"I don't particularly welcome anyone among those attending my special lecture to fall behind. To put it more strongly, it's difficult for me to tolerate."

As those words squeezed the students' breath, Rudger presented the final carrot, a glimmer of hope to motivate them further.

"But I can guarantee the effectiveness. If you attend this special lecture, you will be able to summon magic beasts before the end of this semester."

His confident words gave hope to the students.

'We can summon magical beasts?'

'Well, if that's the case, a little difficulty should be tolerable.'

'Finally, an opportunity has come for me too!'

If they can see definite results at the cost of hardship, they won't hesitate.

All the students gathered here were in that sense, truly wizards.

The confusion in the students' eyes disappeared, replaced by enthusiasm.

Seeing that, Rudger felt a sense of satisfaction within himself.


If they're in such a motivated state, they will follow as instructed.

Now, even if they want to resist, they can't.

'I will teach them properly'.

The students overlooked one crucial fact.

This special lecture will yield certain results in proportion to the difficulty.

However, the students' perception of what is difficult falls far short of the actual content of the lecture.

"Since you all seem eager, let's start the class immediately."

The students brightened their eyes and waited for Rudger's next words.

"First, run."

The students didn't understand his words right away.

"I said run. Just run around this training ground."

"Just run? That's it?"

"There's a condition. Strengthen your body with magic and deplete all of your magical power. Run until your body is exhausted."

"Until we're exhausted?"

"Yes. You have to deplete all of your magical power and all of your stamina. If there's anyone who stops or slacks off..."

Rudger emitted his magical power outward and spoke with a firm tone, word by word.

"I will personally call them for private tutoring after the class ends."

Rudger's private tutoring, of all things.

Where else in the world can you find words that make your heart pound?

Of course, the pounding wasn't due to excitement but rather fear and dread.

"Did any of you not understand? I said run."


"By the way, I'll keep an eye on whoever falls behind first."

Upon hearing those words, the students glanced at each other and started running around the training ground in a terrifying manner.

It was at that moment that the students truly grasped the meaning behind the military-style approach they were about to experience.