
The next morning, when Chu Tian and Bai Xiaochun passed by the milk tea shop again, the store sign had already hung up.

There were four big characters: White Milk Tea Shop!

It was already open for business.

"Hey Chu Tian, look, isn't this the old breakfast shop? How did it become a milk tea shop?"

Suddenly, Bai Xiaochun, who was holding Chu Tian's arm and laughing with Yang Rong, found that the breakfast shop had become a milk tea shop, and hurriedly told Chu Tian.

Chu Tian looked at it and said, "Really, I remember that the business of the breakfast shop was good. Why did it suddenly change?"

Bai Xiaochun said, "Probably not making money, but this store's name is so interesting, White Milk Tea. Hey, do you think their milk tea is white?"

"I don't know." Chu Tian shook his head. "How about this? I'll buy three cups. Let's try?"

"No need." Bai Xiaochun hugged Chu Tian's arm and said with a smile, "I'll just say that there’s no need to drink milk tea after breakfast. Let's go to class."

Just when Chu Tian and Bai Xiaochun were about to pass through the door of the milk tea shop, the door suddenly opened and Li Niannian came out.

Li Niannian looked at them as if she didn't know Chu Tian. She smiled and said, "Hey, the three of you, what a coincidence. Would you be interested in tasting our white milk tea for free?"

Free tasting?

Hearing Li Niannian's words, Bai Xiaochun and Yang Rong immediately became interested.

Yang Rong said, "Free?"

"Yes." Li Niannian smiled and said, "We started this new store, just opened, so I plan to give three cups of white milk tea for free. As a good start, are you three interested in becoming our lucky customers?"

"Of course we are." Bai Xiaochun excitedly looked at Chu Tian and said in a low voice, "Wow, we're so lucky today it's free."

Chu Tian also smiled and said, "Yes, I wish you good luck."

As Chu Tian said that, he looked at Li Niannian nonchalantly.

This Li Niannian, she really could cause trouble!

She was probably just waiting for her to pass by. Anyway, he hadn't arranged for this segment.

Li Niannian smiled and said, "Then, the three of you, come to the store with me."

Watching Li Niannian turn around and go back to the store, Bai Xiaochun smiled and said, "Hey, this sister is so pretty, her figure is so nice, and the sister we met last time in the Korean material store is a bit like, but the two have a different temperament."

Let's be honest, the two of them were sisters. The last time they met was with the elder sister. This time, they met the younger sister. How could they not look alike?

Chu Tian didn't expect that Bai Xiaochun would still remember Li Sisi.

"I remember when you said that." Chu Tian said, "She really resembles the woman we met last time at the Korean store."

"Let's go and choose milk tea."

As he spoke, Bai Xiaochun happily hugged Chu Tian's arm and pulled him in.

When the three of them came to the store, Li Niannian continued to smile: "What temperature do you want to drink? Our store has hot, room temperature, and iced milk tea."

"Do you have pearl milk tea?" Yang Rong said, "I want to drink pearl milk tea."

"I also want to drink pearl milk tea." Bai Xiaochun said.

"Sorry." Li Niannian smiled apologetically. "We only have one kind of milk tea, and that is white milk tea. There are no pearls, only three different temperatures."


There are only threetypes of white milk tea!

Bai Xiaochun said, "Then I want room temperatured milk tea."

"I want iced." Yang Rong said.

"Handsome, what about you? " Li Niannian smiled and looked at Chu Tian.

Chu Tian smiled and said, "I want iced too."

"Wait a moment." Li Niannian looked back at the two shop assistants and said, "Two glasses of iced tea and one room temperatured tea."

While waiting for the tea, Bai Xiaochun held Chu Tian's arm and asked Li Niannian curiously, "Hey, sister, what is this store called White Milk Tea Store? The name is so cute."

"Oh, it's because of our boss." Li Niannian smiled and said, "Our boss's girlfriend's name has the word white in it, so our boss named this store ‘White Milk Tea Shop."

"Wow, it's really touching." Yang Rong looked at Chu Tian with a smile. "Hey, classmate, your girlfriend's name also has the word ‘white' in it. What classes do you plan to take in the future?"

"What a coincidence!" Before Chu Tian could speak, Li Niannian looked at Bai Xiaochun in surprise and said, "Beauty, your name also has the ‘white’ character?"

"Yes, my surname is Bai(white)." Bai Xiaochun said.

"Then wait a moment." While speaking, Li Niannian quickly took out her mobile phone, walked to the side, and made a call.

After coming back she said with a smile, "Hey Beautiful, you are so lucky today. I didn't expect your name to be white too. Our boss said, this is fate so one month from now, the three of you can come to our store to drink a cup of our white milk tea every day."


Hearing Li Niannian's words, Bai Xiaochun and Yang Rong were so excited that they almost cried.

For a month, can we get a free cup every day?

Oh, my God.

I'm so lucky today!

Bai Xiaochun couldn't believe it. "One month?"

"Yes." Li Niannian smiled and said, "For a month, you can have a free tea every day. Our boss said that this is fate, and I will remember the names of the three of you, in the future. You just need to register."

"My name is Bai Xiaochun, and my boyfriend's name is Chu Tian."

"My name is Yang Rong."

"Bai Xiaochun, Chu Tian, Yang Rong." Li Niannian took out a pen and a notebook from her pocket. She wrote down the names of the three and continued to smile. "Remember, you can get it for free every day for one month."

"Yes, we will definitely remember.” Bai Xiaochun thought to herself.

"Okay, your milk tea is ready." Li Niannian smiled and handed all three cups of milk tea to Chu Tian. "Take care."

"Thank you." Bai Xiaochun's eyes turned into crescent moons, then she walked out of the milk tea shop holding Chu Tian's arm.