
I scanned my body up and down.

It was the same as usual, identical to the Theo standing before me.

What the hell is this nonsense?

"Me, a demon?"

Having just fought with a contractor of a demon, my disdain for demons was at its peak.

While I was contemplating this, Theo opened his mouth again.

"Is this our first time facing each other like this?"

He was smiling faintly.

Seeing his expression made me feel utterly disgusted.

My inner thoughts slipped out.

"What are you grinning about, you f*cking birdbrain? I'll twist your damn mouth off."

I was surprised at myself.

Since possessing Theo's body, it was the first time I had used such foul language.

Yet, despite my vulgar words, [Twisted Noble's Dignity] did not punish me.

Theo furrowed his brow briefly and said,

"There's no need to be so hostile. I merely came to express my gratitude."

"Gratitude my ass. Not even Neike, but possessing your sh*tty body has been nothing but a pain in the ass."

"That's an unfair part on my behalf as well. Born with a lineage that's considered one of the finest across the continent, I turned out to be a dud, barely more than a commoner. The lowly side branches of my family master martial arts in a month, while it took me a year to barely grasp them. It's sad even thinking about it now..."

Theo had a bitter expression.

Of course, I couldn't care less.

I find it a tremendous waste of time and mental energy to dwell on my own inadequacies. Naturally, I had no intention of comforting Theo.

"Just as I thought, a total loser, preferring to ramble about what you want to say rather than what others want to hear. Anyway, why did you call me a demon?"

"······Do you not realize it? It's astonishing. Do you not remember what happened in the basement? It's a pity."

Theo rested his chin in his hand, lost in thought.

I frowned and exclaimed,

"Cut the crap, will you? Are you talking about the deepest part of the Waldeurk castle's dungeon?"

"Yes. Since you've seen the memo in the lord's room, you must know. I, who was sealed within, was trapped there."


"That cold and eerie place, wasn't it you who spoke to me? It's regrettable that you don't remember... During that long, long period, our conversations were quite fun. You were the only one who recognized my true worth. That was the sole light in a life smeared with criticism and pain..."

Theo sighed, seemingly disappointed.

I have no clue what the hell he's talking about.

All I did was play 'Kyren Zena Chronicles' as usual, and somehow ended up possessing this guy's body.

But now I'm curious.

"Keep talking. What was in the basement, and what did we talk about?"

"It's pointless to tell someone who remembers nothing. It will only tire my mouth."

"Hey, you stubborn bastard. Who knows? Maybe hearing it will jog my memory."

"······Hmm, perhaps that's possible."

Theo began to tell his story.

After hearing his story, I summarized the key points.

"So, if I summarize what you're saying, the basement contains the lingering spirits of numerous demons sealed away by generations of the Waldeurk family?"


"And the essence of what the demon said to you was, 'If you make a contract with me, once you leave here, I will make you the greatest hero of the continent.'"

"Exactly. I didn't know it would involve you taking over my body, but it turns out you are walking the path of a hero in my stead.

And all of this in less than half a year. Does it ring any bells now?"

Theo looked at me with sparkling eyes.


Theo's words did not seem like a lie.

After all, he isn't clever enough to concoct such a detailed lie.

Above all, the word 'contract' stuck with me. In the game, demons are full of bullsh*t, but they don't use the term 'contract' lightly.

Demons are bound to adhere to the terms of a 'contract.'

'It's clear something happened while he was in the basement.'

It was too coincidental to be mere chance.

I even considered going to the basement myself.

If I could find out how I possessed Theo's body there, maybe I could also find a way back.

'No, that's too much of a gamble.'

Judging by what Theo said, there were wandering spirits of demons in the basement.

Facing them could lead to unpredictable consequences. I need to be fully prepared before going.

After organizing my thoughts, I responded.

"No. I don't remember anything."


"However, it might be different if I go to the basement myself. I'll consider visiting if I get the chance."

"Alright. It's not my place to argue. Honestly, watching you has alleviated much of the frustration in my heart. I'll continue to support you, even if only in spirit."

"If you're going to support me, do it right. Share any useful information you have."

"Hmm. It seems like you already know most of it."

Theo pondered for a moment before continuing.

"Ah, you might not know this."

"What is it?"

"The identity of the entity sealed within the divine object you're using. I've heard something from the demons in the basement... Hmm, judging by your expression, it seems you don't know."

"Don't beat around the bush, just tell me."

"I was going to tell you quickly anyway since we're short on time. That entity is trying to return your body to you. The identity of that entity is..."

Just as Theo was about to reveal it.

The space began to collapse.

The empty white world around us started to tear apart.

I yelled at Theo.

"F*ck, just tell me! It's urgent!"


The sound of the collapsing space drowned out his words, making them inaudible.

Theo fumbled with his words again.

I couldn't hear him well, but I clearly saw the shape of his lips.

'Ash, Light, of, the, Princess?'

That was the last exchange I had with Theo.

"Ugh, ugh!"

The first thing that greeted me as I came back to my senses was intense pain.

It felt like every muscle in my body was being finely shredded.

I thought I had grown accustomed to pain from using [Overrun] and [Overload], but I was mistaken.

I continuously swallowed screams of agony and slightly turned my head.

I checked my surroundings. The devastated venue, and at its center, the corpse of Maitri.

Maitri had become even more demonized than before I lost consciousness, but now he was cleanly split in half, dead.

'...Incredible. Nay must have done it.'

To hear more about it, I grabbed the [Demon Sword] with my trembling hands, thinking I should also ask about the 'Princess' Theo mentioned.

─You've done it, Nay.


There was no response from Nay. I tried speaking several times more, but to no avail.

'I'll have to wait for later. Now that Maitri is dealt with, I'll head to [Ford Company].'

I opened my [Subspace Bag] and took out a bottle of imitation panacea.

However, I couldn't muster any strength in my grip. I couldn't open the lid.

Then, my body flashed for a moment.


Strength returned to my grasp.

More accurately, it didn't hurt to exert force.

I turned to check behind me, and there was Claire. She was reaching out to me.

"You're awake, Theo."

"Yes, fortunately. But what was that holy spell you just used on me? It's very effective."

"······It's a rather extreme one. It temporarily paralyzes most of the body's sensations. You wouldn't feel pain even if your limbs were severed."

"How long does it last?"

"About 3 hours... roughly."

Meaning, I was in a state of partial anesthesia.

It's a dangerous state to be in.

Pain is a precious defensive mechanism humans have.

Right now, I might not even feel it if my arm were to be severed.

'Well, it doesn't matter.'

It's actually for the best.

My energy is depleted, and I need to fight using [Overrun] as much as possible; now I can use it for longer.

I drank the imitation panacea. With my sensations numbed, I couldn't feel the recovery of my stamina.

Better safe than sorry, I opened another bottle and drank it.

I briefly glanced at Isabella, who was lying on the stage in the distance.

Then, I said to Claire,

"Please take care of Isabella."

"······You're planning to rejoin the main force. I'd normally try to dissuade you. No matter how effective that medicine is, your physical condition is not good right now. How about waiting until reinforcements from the Order arrive, and then we can go together?"

That's not an option.

I need to finish this quickly.

If I were to go with the reinforcements from the Order, they might seize all the valuable research data and materials inside [Ford Company].

I need to hurry and confiscate everything myself.

But I had to convince Claire. I needed to erase any suspicion that I had ulterior motives.

I quickly crafted a statement and spat it out.

"I have a long-held belief. One that I've only ever shared with Isabella."

Claire looked up at me, waiting for what I was going to say next.

"I do not compromise with demons or anything related to them. Even if it costs me my life on the spot."

"Ah, oh, ah."

"Please, take care of Isabella."

Leaving Claire, who was staring at me blankly, behind, I ran towards [Ford Company].