
At once, many thoughts passed through the bewildered Vampire's mind as he stood there in a momentary daze.

How is he still conscious?

Is he one of the Magi?

Why can't I sense any mana from him?

Wait! Suddenly he thought of a terrifying possibility.

When his thoughts reached this point, his eyes narrowed and a ruthless glint flashed across them. With lightning speed, he raised his fist and delivered a straight punch to Adam.

"Chill, chill, chill!" Adam clumsily dodged the punch by a hair's breadth. He rolled backward on the ground and got to his feet. He patted his chest and muttered, "Phew, I nearly got hit!"

He dodged?! After missing Adam, the vampire's fist stopped inches above the ground, displaying his frightening control. There was no way he was going to ruin the ritual formation. He raised his head and looked at Adam with cold eyes.

"Did you lead the Magi here?"

Adam saw the twisted expression on the vampire's face and shrugged his shoulders while displaying a mocking smile. "Guess?"

"You!!" The vampire was livid. Not only did this kid foil his plan, but now he was even toying with him.

How dare he!

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})He slowly walked toward Adam, while coldly instructing the remaining three vampire spawns in the cavern. "Finish preparing the ritual."

"Yes, master!" The spawns replied nervously, hurrying up their pace.

They secretly glanced at Adam and couldn't believe that one of them was stupid enough to smuggle this human into their secret hideout.

Adam's eyes narrowed as he reached for his Holding Pouch to take out a material component for his spell. "You think I'm gonna let you—"

But the words got stuck in his mouth when he realized that he wasn't carrying anything. Before being abducted by the spawns, he had given his robes, gauntlets, and the Holding Pouch to Edward.

Most importantly, he had even given that to Edward. Now, he had nothing on him except the simple tunic and the pants that he was wearing.

This was to ensure that he wasn't caught by the vampire or his spawns. But now it seemed to have backfired on him.

"Well. Shit." Adam didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This split moment of distraction allowed the Vampire Magus to instantly appear before him and deliver a vicious sidekick to his abdomen.

Adam's body curled up like a shrimp as he flew across the cavern. He smashed against the cavern wall and limply fell to the ground, dust and debris from the smashed wall falling over him.

The vampire sneered, "That should do it."

He didn't want to waste too much time on Adam, he was already cutting it too close with the ritual. Thus, he delivered a kick with the intent to instantly kill the youth.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})That kick should have snapped his spine in half. He was confident that it was over. So he turned around and walked toward the ritual formation, intending to finish everything quickly before the rest of the Magi arrived.

Suddenly, he stopped in his footsteps and an incredulous expression marred his face. He turned around and looked at the place where Adam had fallen, and couldn't help but be shocked.

"He's alive?!" The vampire muttered in disbelief as he saw Adam slowly standing up.

Adam rubbed his stomach and looked at the vampire angrily. "That hurt, you bastard."

"H-How are you still alive?" The vampire was having difficulty trying to comprehend things. Although he was also a Rank 1 Magus, but he was far stronger than any Magi of the same rank.

After all, he had injected in himself the bloodline of a true vampire!

Of course, Adam's physique could be considered to be on the same level as the vampire's. Practicing the Astral Tyrant Manual constantly strengthened every cell of his body, after all.

Seeing Adam slowly walk toward him with a furious expression, the vampire snapped out of his shock and got ready for combat.

"I've underestimated you." The black nails in his palms elongated and turned sharper, meanwhile, his palms had transformed into menacing claws. "But this time, I won't."

He grabbed an ominous rusty chain link from his pocket and threw it in the air in front of him. Following that, he weaved hand signs at quick speeds, and finally constructed a spell model!

The chain link dissipated into fine particles and vanished into thin air. Following that, the spell was finally cast.

Rank 1 Spell: Umbral Chains!

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"})Several black chains emerged from Adam's own shadow and quickly tried to bind him on the spot.

Seeing the shadowy chains come at him, Adam's eyes narrowed and at the same time, he was very fascinated. Shadow Magic? Interesting!

Before the chains could even touch the hems of his clothes, Adam had already disappeared from the spot.

"Impossible—" the vampire was barely able to follow the youth's movements. To think that a mere human could match a vampire's speed was simply ludicrous to him. To say that he was shocked would be an understatement.

But before he could even finish his words, Adam had already appeared in front of him.

Unbridled killing intent gushed out from Adam's cold eyes as he placed four fingers aimed straight at the vampire's chest. Mana gathered on the youth's palm as he followed through with a devastating one-inch punch, while at the same time rotating his arm and fist.

Hand of Doom: One Hit!


At the last moment, the vampire somehow managed to cross his arms and place them in between his chest and Adam's attack.

The sheer force of Adam's punch brutally overwhelmed the vampire's defenses. The force shattered the vampire's forearms and penetrated his chest. A visible shockwave in the shape of a vortex could be seen coming out from the vampire's back as his clothes were torn to pieces.

The vampire spurted a large mouthful of blood as he was swept off his feet. He flew like a cannonball and smashed against the cavern wall, all the way on the other side.

Adam, who was still standing with his fist stretched out, shook his head. "Tsk, you managed to block it, huh?"

He gazed at his fist that was emitting steam. Then, he looked at the vampire who was still miserably lodged inside the wall and his lips curled up into a smirk.

"Good, you will be the perfect guinea pig for me to test out my moves."