
Lennok adjusted the illusion magic he had cast on the passing soldiers, one after another, manipulating their senses with precision.

He planted subtle hallucinations in their ears and conjured flickering shadows to heighten their alertness. Satisfied with his work, he released the magic.


In the ensuing silence, he skillfully infused signals that distracted their attention, blocking their sight and hearing. Some of the soldiers, unable to withstand the illusions, raised their guns and cautiously followed the deceptive traces. Observing their approach, Lennok smiled faintly, knowing they had fallen right into his trap.

Even if the chance of encountering a wizard is rare, they wouldn't have expected to meet a wizard who knew how to use illusion magic.


With calculated preparation, Lennok had brought enough ammunition for this moment.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

As the soldiers slowly approached the container, one by one, he calmly pulled the trigger of his revolver, causing blood to spray and the rigid soldiers to collapse like lifeless dolls, offering minimal resistance.

After dispatching approximately ten soldiers swiftly, Lennok emerged from behind the container and took cover in a corner of the vacant lot, skillfully concealing himself within the moonlit shadows. He reached into his waistband, retrieving the druid's amulet he had received from Mila.

Casually rubbing the amulet in his hand a few times, he then reattached it to his waist. Instantly, Lennok's presence diminished, his breathing imperceptible. Although it meant expending one use of the consumable amulet, Lennok refused to let his guard down.

While Paul may not possess the ability to sense his presence, considering Russel's background as a former war mercenary, it was highly likely that his senses were sharper than others. Using the amulet to evade detection was a wise choice, not a waste.

Time passed.

[……Entry complete. From now on, standby, and let the first to spot the target send a signal.]

…..The masked man's words are slowly becoming commands.

Lennok furrowed his brow slightly but decided to observe and wait until the conclusion of this task. It was a minor inconvenience at most.

Before long, the entrance of the port became momentarily chaotic, accompanied by the sound of several footsteps and murmurs. Merely by listening to the escalating noise, Lennok could already deduce, "It's my side."

Tapping his earpiece lightly, he muttered a few casual words before promptly utilizing the amulet once again.

The gaps between the containers were illuminated by the headlights of an approaching car, accompanied by the roar of a powerful engine. Around ten individuals entered the vacant lot, casting anxious glances in all directions. They appeared to be distributors involved in dealings with Paul Ackerman.

After a brief wait, a sleek sedan smoothly entered the lot from behind them. The car door swung open, revealing a prosperous middle-aged man and a black man stepping out in unison. It was Paul Ackerman and Jude Russel.

Paul, with his deep blue shirt fully unbuttoned, exuded confidence as he wore a smile and waved at the people before him.

"Hey, friends!! It's a splendid night, perfect for some business talk, don't you think?"

The distributors, without uttering a word in response to his remark, visibly shrunk their shoulders. The power dynamics between them were evidently skewed.

Nonchalantly placing his hand on the shoulder of a distributor standing before him, Paul began speaking loudly.

"I want to say I'm very grateful for setting up this meeting today. Actually, I had a lot to say to our co-workers, but it was hard to find the opportunity."

"What do you mean…."

"I've been busting my butt backing up your work, making sure the drugs get delivered on time, and even slipping some cash to the public servants. But, there’s nothing coming back to me. I'm not someone who digs the ground and does business, you know. There's supposed to be some give-and-take here, but it's just not happening."


Paul, gripping the distributor's shoulder tightly, muttered.

"Are you fucking with me."

"….Damn! Let go of me!"

The distributor's face reddened as he forcefully knocked Paul's arm away, displaying surprise. However, Paul had already crossed a threshold where his emotions couldn't be restrained.


The distributor took a solid blow to the jaw, collapsing to the ground, and Paul unleashed a frenzy of stomps upon him.

"Fuck Fuck Fuck…. These damn fuckers keep fucking my money! Do you think I wouldn't get pissed off? Fuck you!"

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Helpless, the distributor hunched over under the relentless assault. The others standing behind silently observed the horrifying scene.

From a distance, Lennok calmly observed the unfolding chaos, slowly retrieving his revolver from his pocket. Although he had alerted the other team members, he had no intention of merely watching until they arrived.

Ultimately, it would be cleaner to strike first and handle the situation in his own way. The crucial factor was timing—the opportune moment to launch his attack, allowing the team members to swiftly eliminate everyone assembled here upon their arrival.

Lennok, with his exceptional mana-sensing abilities, had already accurately gauged that moment. He cocked the loaded revolver, gradually positioning his finger on the trigger. The muzzle was precisely aimed at Paul's back.

He piled up auxiliary magic.

[Aim Correction]

[Trajectory Concealment]

[Rotation Acceleration]

According to the gathered information, Paul Ackerman was a mana-less individual, while Jude Russel maintained a distance of more than 5 meters from the scene.

Three supportive shooting spells were deemed sufficient. [Aim Correction] compensated for Lennok's modest shooting skills, [Trajectory Concealment] obscured the bullet's path in the darkness of the night, and [Rotation Acceleration] was poised to tear through Paul's upper body upon impact.

Counting down silently, Lennok pulled the trigger, activating [Silence] simultaneously.


The bullet was unleashed with a barely audible sound that only registered in Lennok's ears. Concealed by the shadows of dawn, the projectile was on the verge of piercing Paul's shoulder blade with impeccable precision, about to shatter flesh…


Jude Russel swiftly swung his arm like lightning, intercepting and deflecting the bullet. In his hand appeared a long sword, drawn from seemingly nowhere.

Lennok wordlessly lowered the smoking barrel of his revolver.

"What… what's happening?"

"What was that noise?"

"Someone fired a gun! There's someone else here!"

Paul, who had been observing the bewildered distributors, sighed.

With a gesture to Jude, he swiftly took action.



Jude ruthlessly cleaved deep into the shoulder of the first distributor attempting to escape. Blood splattered vividly as the wounded individual collapsed, screaming in pain. The remaining distributors, in an instant, fell into shocked silence.

Paul, having silenced the surroundings with a single decisive move, addressed the distributors.

"My esteemed customers, you drug-dealing scums, trembling at just this?"

"But, but…"

"You won't die, you bastards. Just wait!"


As Paul's words subsided, a brilliant blue laser streaked across the sky, sweeping over the ground below.

Paul and the distributors were engulfed in the searing heat, their bodies swiftly consumed.


"Ah, aaaaaah…!"

"Save me…!"

Piercing screams filled the air as the scorching heat claimed their lives. Lennok glanced over his shoulder at the figure responsible for the devastation. The masked woman, the first to arrive, stood atop a three-story container, gazing down upon the scene.

"How fortunate to be able to eliminate all the trash at once. Is this the conclusion of the mission?"

"Hey, aren't you jumping to conclusions before we've confirmed the bodies? Besides, Jude Russel wasn't caught in that blast."


Amidst the lingering smoke, a slender woman materialized beside the masked figure. Her remark was met with a blue flash from beneath the mask— like an emotional response in its own way.

"I don't care. We'll deal with Paul Ackerman and make our exit."

As Lennok observed the intense confrontation between the two women, he discreetly raised his amulet once again. With attention diverted elsewhere, he sensed an opportunity to utilize the amulet's power once more.

One of the engraved symbols on the amulet disappeared, causing Lennok's presence to fade once again.

Unfazed by Lennok's actions, the women continued their heated exchange.

"Are you making decisions on your own? If you persist with this behavior, I'll file a complaint with Dyke's side as well. Don't assume you're the only one who has been treated fairly and involved in this assignment."

"I already told you to mind your own business…"

Just as the woman in the mask was about to make a dramatic move—


A white blade shot out like a lightning bolt from the skinny woman's chest.


Silence hung in the air as the bewildered skinny woman gazed down at her chest. The blade slowly retracted from her body.


Jude Russel, who had been concealed behind her, suddenly revealed himself as her head soared into the sky.

"Ladies, making such a commotion at this hour is hardly appropriate. It's making my customer uncomfortable."

Jude, somehow positioned on top of the container, spoke with a faint grin. The woman in the mask hesitated, her confidence waning.

"H-How did you… penetrate my detection net…."

"You're too slow to be of any use. You can't even notice until getting stabbed in the heart. I can't believe someone with such a skill level managed to sneak in here."


Jude flicked the blood off his blade and licked it.

"Such an unpleasant taste. But not bad for a starter."

He muttered to himself after savoring the blood. It quickly dawned on Lennok what kind of individual Jude Russel truly was.



The woman in the mask grimaced, and her wrist opened up wide, emitting a blue light. It was then that Lennok realized how she had unleashed the laser.

Jude, too, watched her with an amused gaze, as if he had reached the same conclusion.

"Now that I think about it, you have a remarkably sophisticated wrist. Were you part of Cybrid Echo?"

Cybrid Echo—a group or profession that merged human essence with magical engineering, aiming for optimal functionality with minimal mana. It was rare to notice it with the naked eye, so this was the first time Lennok actually saw it.

However, Jude didn't appear surprised; he shook his head as if disappointed.

"The taste of blood mixed with oil is rather unpleasant. Looks like I'll have to kill you."

"…You seem confused about who's truly cornered here. I've already eliminated Paul Ackerman, so once I take care of you and the rest of your team, it'll be over."

Gritting her teeth, the woman in the mask attempted to regain her momentum. But Jude simply pointed downwards, toward the container below. Paul Ackerman, who had been hit by her laser earlier, was looking up at them and laughing, completely unharmed.

A faint circular shield enveloped his body. It was damaged and feeble, but it had successfully blocked the woman's attack once, and that was enough for Paul Ackerman.


"Hey, lady. You didn't think I would be completely unaware of the uninvited guests tonight, did you?"

"This is ridiculous…"

"I also have my thoughts, and I came prepared. And I invited another guest for tonight. Shall we check their face?"


With a flick of his finger, someone emerged from the darkness concealed by the container, as if they had been lying in wait.

Thud, thud.

The sound of something being dragged.

"Ah, ah….."

The woman appeared to be utterly shocked and staggered. In the hand of the newcomer, summoned by Paul's call, was the head of a man who wore a mask similar to hers.

Through the partially shattered mask, the agonized expression of a young man could be seen, with twisted wires and blood vessels hanging from his torn neck.

And the one who appeared, clutching the grotesque and menacing corpse, was a man who resembled a bandit and had been a member of their team merely an hour ago.

The man wore a mischievous smile and waved his hand.

"Long time no see, huh?"