

“We let them know that there’s a traitor among them. The information Girard has provided so far should be enough. If we pass that along with Girard, their attention will turn to finding the traitor.”


“It’s best if the chairman’s anger is directed not at us, but at the traitor within their ranks. Even if that doesn’t happen, it’s fine as long as we can incite internal conflict within the cartel. The important thing is to buy time to expand our business operations to a scale that the cartel can’t easily mess with.”

Initially, the plan involved keeping the traitor’s identity a secret and attempting negotiations. However, as the situation reached a deadlock, Lennok’s perspective evolved. Being at the mercy of the cartel’s whims proved ineffective. Instead, it seemed more advantageous to indirectly influence the organization’s actions by taking the initiative.

“The idea itself isn’t bad, but…….”

Jenny remarked, her expression perplexed.

“After all this senseless attrition, do you think they would be willing to talk?”

Rather than responding verbally, Lennok retrieved an item from his pocket – a business card belonging to Virgil O’Reiden, a high-ranking executive encountered during the abduction incident involving Jordan.


Two days later.

In the criminal underbelly, rumors spread like wildfire that the wizard from District 49 had resumed his operations.

“That crazy bastard……. Seems like he never tires.”

“Is he really planning to go all out against the cartel?”

“It’s rare for them to back off first, but this won’t end until someone dies.”

The image of a wizard riding a motorcycle and unleashing shotgun blasts was etched in their minds, and the sound of that engine had become a familiar echo in the streets.

The fact that Autoble Company’s prototype was enjoying substantial publicity had become a secondary concern. Those who had witnessed Lennok’s destructive displays were anxious about the escalating conflict.

However, there were more than a few individuals who were excited at the prospect of a full-blown underworld war after so long.

“Maybe we’ll see a high-ranking executive move for the first time in 10 years.”

“If they really want to suppress the situation, it’s not impossible.”

“Who are the executives not currently under a warrant?”

“One thing’s for sure, it’s not Merilda. That crazy woman’s memory of tearing apart a military unit 10 years ago and being put in chains is still vivid.”

“Thinking about it now, that’s all a memory. It wasn’t so frustrating back then…”

“Are you out of your mind?”

These outlaws were accustomed to the stench of blood, gunpowder, and vice. As much as some wished for a quiet passage, many eagerly anticipated the city’s return to chaos.

However, the news that those seeking conflict eagerly awaited did not arrive. In District 30, at a modest business that wasn’t officially recognized as a cartel branch, Van paid a visit and left behind a single business card, the only whisper heard.

Despite the surprisingly mundane news, most lost interest, while only the exceptional few pricked up their ears, yet no information leaked.

Only the man with red eyes discerned Lennok’s intentions and began preparing a response.


“Is this really okay to eat?”

“How many times do I have to tell you?”

Weian wore an indescribable expression as he held a small glass bottle, in response to Lennok’s nonchalant words.

It had been quite some time since they rescued Jordan from his kidnapping ordeal, but Weian still had a cast on his arm. It was a result of the magical rigidity induced by Eolara’s Demonic eye. The brief moment of empathy-induced paralysis had left lingering effects.

Jordan, concerned about Weian’s condition, had been diligently tending to his wound, but it appeared that recovery was a slow process.

Of course, Lennok didn’t want to see such a valuable asset idle and had purchased various potions, yet they had proven ineffective.

However, everything changed once Lennok began taking the pill.

A significant awakening occurred within Lennok, causing the disorganized magical systems within him to form order and coexist harmoniously. This newfound understanding also extended to the alchemical knowledge he had acquired from World 1.0.

Previously, the primary focus had been on creating medicines for Lennok’s personal use, but a shift in perspective opened up possibilities for their application on others.

Lennok’s primary goal was to create medicines with minimal side effects and immediate battlefield efficacy, all while avoiding undue strain on the body.

If he could maintain these two advantages while combining the effects of basic potions, it had the potential to significantly expand the business he had initiated under his name.

Once the concept had taken shape, there was no hesitation in its pursuit. Erasing all traces of alchemical tampering was not a challenge, and with numerous techniques for crafting new medicines at his disposal, subtle incorporation was straightforward.

The crucial objective was to achieve overwhelming cost-effectiveness and above-average efficiency compared to existing medicinal options. While it wasn’t necessary to draw excessive attention in the market, having products that were sufficiently competitive with existing ones would greatly benefit Jenny.

“Hurry up and drink it. A potion made by the wizard himself… Aren’t you curious to see how far his talent extends?” Dray teased from the sidelines.

“Why do I have to test this with my body…”

Weian grumbled with a pout, though no one took his protest seriously. They all trusted that Lennok, as the creator of the product, wouldn’t disregard Weian’s safety.

“This potion is focused on personal recovery and cell activation. It’s twice diluted, so it might be a bit strong, but once we prove its effectiveness, we can start mass production.”

Utilizing Davi’s algorithm and Lennok’s magic-infused tools, they could produce potions even in Lennok’s absence. Essentially, this was akin to what a drug kingpin might do, except here the focus was on creating potions, not narcotics.

“If injected directly into the veins, it might work better, but considering its use in battle, I’ve made it ingestible for now. With an ampoule, injections are also possible.”

“Ah, no… Let’s just eat it first and see. If I feel sick, at least I can throw it up.”

Weian, looking uneasy, closed his eyes and consumed the contents of the glass bottle.

All eyes were fixed on Weian as the green liquid slid down his throat. Even Mad Manson, who was known for fixating on unusual things, was fully engrossed in this event.

“Uh, um… Surprisingly, the taste isn’t bad?”

Weian’s face brightened as he savored the flavor.

“Oh, oh…!! My arm…!!”

“Your arm?”

“It’s incredibly itchy!!”

With these words, Weian ripped off the bandage on his arm and began furiously scratching.


“No, my whole body is so itchy, what’s happening?!”

All eyes turned to Lennok. Lennok pointed at Weian with an impassive expression.

The first to notice that something was amiss was Kidel, an executive from the Krimgal office.

“Weian. How are you moving your arm?”

“Eh? What?”

Startled, Weian suddenly realized that he was moving his previously injured arm, and his eyes widened.

“The itching all over your body is probably due to rapid internal skin regeneration as your cellular regeneration has been activated. In other words…”

Lennok took a step back and explained,

“You’re essentially shedding dead skin in the middle of the bar.”

“What did you say?!”

Jenny, who had been lazily observing the chaos, suddenly sprang into action. She jumped up in a fit of rage, vaulted over the bar with a broom in hand, and began smacking Weian on the back.

“Get out, you brat!”

Weian cried out in the most aggrieved tone imaginable, “Wait, just a minute!!! This isn’t my fault!!”

The scene was almost comical, and the bystanders couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Watching the spectacle with satisfaction, Lennok was approached by Velber, who remarked, “You never disappoint. That was quite effective.”

“Well, it wasn’t exactly meant to be funny…”

Lennok scratched his cheek, looking a bit embarrassed. “It’s a bit stronger than expected. It’s good that the effect is spreading evenly throughout the body, but usually, such effects are more pronounced at the extremities. Definitely needs some adjustments.”

While the enhanced cell regeneration and greater potency than typical potions were promising for healing and health improvement, the rapid regeneration had caused Weian’s skin to shed, and it was highly likely that his nails would grow rapidly too. Such side effects were typically deemed undesirable, so Lennok would need to tweak the formula.

“Furthermore, even after diluting it twice, there were symptoms of paralysis immediately after ingestion. With such side effects, it would be difficult to use it effectively in critical battles.”

Lennok had noticed that Weian’s limbs had become somewhat stiff after Jenny had whacked his back, which was a common side effect when taking potent potions. He hadn’t entirely eliminated this effect during the manufacturing process.

However, Velber shook his head at Lennok’s words. “That’s not what I’m trying to say.”


“Certainly, if you dilute your potion concentrate and incorporate it into Jenny’s business plan, we could quickly dominate the underground distribution network more efficiently than now. But the real value doesn’t stop there. I feel endless possibilities in the potion you created.”

Lennok, curious about where Velber was going with this, looked at him skeptically, unaware of the ideas swirling in Velber’s mind.

“I’m sure of it. I saw Weian’s hair was a bit longer than usual…!! Your potion definitely influences not only the extremities but also the growth of hair!”


“Let’s ditch the mercenary business right now and start a hair growth product venture!! With your potion, we could rule the world……!!”


Velber, who had been passionately speaking with wild eyes, suddenly found his head pushed below the bar. Jenny, holding a sack behind him, peered down at Velber with icy eyes.

“You, get out too.”


Velber left the bar under the disdainful gaze of his twin sister, Velita, while Dray chuckled softly.

“It’s funny indeed, but certainly, the performance is not to be taken lightly. Who would’ve thought Weian could move his arm so quickly without any significant side effects…”

“That kid, didn’t he have a completely shattered bone? So, are you saying a single dose of this potion not only regenerated his muscles but also fixed his bones?”

Killian’s revelation prompted everyone to recognize the true value of Lennok’s creation.

Typically, potions used for healing injuries were costly to produce and purchase, and more importantly, frequent consumption over a short period was strongly discouraged. Repeatedly using potions could lead to resistance against their effects and, in some cases, trigger adverse reactions or even addiction. This made potion usage a cautious endeavor, and individuals often sought continuous magical healing to avoid developing resistance.

Despite advancements in Vulcan’s medical technology alongside magical progress, the expense remained prohibitive, even for freelancers.

If Lennok’s potion not only healed minor injuries but also directly mended bones, it would be more than just a new competitor in the market.

Sensing the attention directed at him, Lennok wore a faint grimace.

“…It still needs further adjustments before a final assessment can be made. Let’s experiment to see how effective it remains after dilution before we discuss further.”

This potion was crafted using the alchemy of the drug lord, renowned for his resistance to drug resistance development. Lennok chose not to reveal yet that his potion might also prevent resistance from developing.

Weian’s injury demanded immediate attention, and Lennok had initially planned to enhance the prototype’s performance. However, it appeared he might need to decrease its potency due to side effects. Altering the medicine’s entire performance was one challenge, but maintaining its efficacy while adjusting its strength required ongoing trial and error with dosage and concentration.

As Lennok sighed at the prospect of the significant time investment involved, he noticed Manson deep in contemplation in the distance.

The typically flamboyant mechanical being was unusually serene and quiet, with even his magical energy appearing subdued.

While Lennok couldn’t pinpoint the cause of this change, it was clear that the potion had somehow stirred something within Manson.


Lennok wasn’t foolish enough to dismiss this sense of déjà vu as mere intuition. Manson wasn’t a challenging adversary, and if something was amiss, it was best to address it promptly.

Just as Lennok was about to navigate through the crowd toward Manson, Weian, who had been expelled by Jenny, reappeared.

“Uh, um… Van?”

Weian’s expression was indescribably ambivalent, as if he couldn’t decide how to react in the current situation.

Lennok halted in his tracks upon seeing him. “What’s the matter?”

“There’s a visitor… Someone you know.”

“Let them in.”


Weian, awkwardly stretching his body near the stairs, struggled to find the right words and ended up sticking out his tongue.

“What are you standing there for, looking like you need to use the bathroom? Who’s come to visit?”

Ike, the bald brawler, scolded Weian, who reluctantly stepped aside, allowing Velber, who had also been kicked out earlier, to sneak back into the bar.

Remarkably, Velber’s expression mirrored Weian’s.

“This person, are you sure they were invited by Van?”


As Weian reluctantly stepped aside, a figure descended the bar stairs. A familiar figure dressed in a suit. A woman with fierce eyes and impeccable hair.

It was Eolara, the cartel executive involved in Jordan’s kidnapping, standing there.

“It’s been a while.”