
Nidhogg wields two divinities:

The Divinity of Despair and the Divinity of Black Dragons.

Among these two, the Divinity of Despair was Nidhogg’s primary divinity, which gave him the potential to advance into intermediate divine power, while the Divinity of Black Dragons on the other hand, was merely a secondary divinity with a much weaker potential.

Evé had already extracted the Divinity of Despair and sealed it within her own Divine Kingdom.

Although this divinity in particular currently has no use for her, simply discarding or destroying it would be quite imprudent, and bestowing it to someone else carries far too much of a risk.

So, in the end, Evé simply opted to seal it away in case she might find use for it in the future.

As for the Divinity of Black Dragons, Evé eventually plans to bestow it upon Meryer and promote him to become one of her Godwardens.

Although the potential of the Divinity of Black Dragons can only elevate its wielder to a weaker divine power, it suits perfectly with Meryer, who came from the bloodline of black dragons.

Moreover, dragons who possessed specific dragon-type divinities have usually been hailed as Dragon Gods by other dragons since ancient times.

For instance, Reinhart, the Platinum Dragon King, wields the “Silver Dragon” divinity.

As such, Dragon Gods with dragon-type divinities often surpassed those dragons who have mastered other non dragon-type divinities.

Of course, Meryer is currently too inexperienced and weak to handle the power of the Black Dragon Divinity at the moment, so Evé plans to bide her time and wait for him to first strengthen himself before bestowing it upon him.

Furthermore, before bestowing the Divinity, Meryer must also undergo training to completely embody what she envisioned for him or at the very least come close to it.

“In any case, slaughtering gods is still the best way to strengthen myself… Not only can I quickly increase my divine power, but I can also acquire more divinities as well. It’s a shame the Divinity of Despair wasn’t suitable for me; otherwise, I could have just claimed it for myself.”

Eve mused as she idly gazed at the materialized form of the divinity in her hand.

—Slaughtering Gods and Arson for a golden belt ¹

As this phrase rang through her mind, Evé conviction deepened, silently solidifying her resolve in her plans to eliminate other hostile gods.


Why does it feel like I’m slowly turning into a Great Evil God?

After this brief self-deprecating remark, Evé refocused her attention on the Scepter of Life.

With her promotion to a weaker divine power, she now have the opportunity once more search for the remaining fragments of the Scepter of Life.

With this in mind, Evé promptly summoned the incomplete divine artifact.

Whilst perched upon her throne in the Supreme Temple of her Divine Kingdom, Evé channeled her divine power into the Scepter of Life and began searching for the remaining fragments.

Moments later, Evé once more sensed the pull of the Scepter’s fragments in the distance, yet this time around, the feeling was even stronger and just like before, it still originated from the direction of northeast.

Not only that, but the location seems way closer than before…

Evé swiftly perked up upon discovering this and quickly attempted to precisely locate its exact location.

However, just as she was about to establish contact with the fragments, her tracing spell was once again severed.

Failed yet again…

At that moment, Evé perceived the intervention of the other party, blocking her attempts.

Also, the power she felt just now—it’s the same entity that thwarted her initial investigation previously. However, now she could perceive that this entity is significantly stronger than her initial estimation during her first attempt.

After sensing the power that’s clearly more higher than Legendary-rank, Evé furrowed her brow slightly.

“The entity possessing the remaining fragments is even more formidable than I imagined, and it’s continuously on the move, which is a bit troublesome…”

Nonetheless, her attempt is not entirely fruitless.

Although she failed to locate the other party, Evé had, in turn, still managed to established a certain connection between the parts of the Scepter of Life that she holds and those fragments from the northeast.

And should these fragments appear within a thousand kilometers of where she is, then without a doubt, Evé will immediately sense them right away.

Based on her rough estimates, Evé noticed that the entity holding the remaining fragments appeared to be traveling within the territory of the Holy Maniya Empire, which wasn’t particularly far from the Elven Forest.

So… there’s still a good chance she may encounter this entity if she tried to find it hard enough.

Nevertheless, after realizing that the other party’s strength far surpassed her initial estimates, Evé became more vigilant and wary about facing this enigmatic fragment holder.

For her current self, it would certainly be more ideal to complete the Scepter of Life, but if repairing this artifact proves to be impossible, then its current incomplete state will suffice enough for her…

“Forget it, it’s not a big deal… I’ll just try again when my strength is promoted to intermediate divine power. I refuse to believe that this entity can still block my attempts by then.”

Whilst shaking her head, Evé reluctantly sets aside the issue regarding the Scepter of Life.

She’s not a coward by any means…

However right now, she has far more important matters to attend to.

Mainly, it’s the issue regarding her True Body.

Several months ago, Evé had already cast a divine spell on the World Tree, concealing it from everyone except her own followers and the players, making it almost impossible for any external observers to perceive its true state.

However, as time passes and her subsequent actions attract more and more attention, it will only be a matter of time before someone suspects something is amiss about the true state of the World Tree.

Plus, even if they do not suspect it, many outside parties are already monitoring the status of the World Tree.

Currently, only ordinary beings are monitoring the Elven Forest, so these mortal beings wouldn’t be able to see through her concealment spell.

However, if far more higher ranked mythical beings were to come…

—Mere illusion may not suffice anymore.

Although Evé has already established her Divine Kingdom and can manifest it through the divine spell, Celestial Domain near her True Body, thus making her nearly invincible, annihilating others using this method still poses considerable risk since it has a high chance of revealing her real status.

Unlike Uller, who doesn’t really think much and has been easily duped by her and Hela due to his inherent lack of intellect, other beings might not be so easily fooled.

Therefore…Evé is planning a new cover-up scheme!

In particular, this new scheme of hers involves using her power to distort the space around her True Body, sort of like forming a separate isolated space.

Then, she will conceal her True Body within this distorted space, while at the same time, also leaving behind a fake withered body, crafted using the Scepter of Life, at the original spot of the World Tree.

With help of the Scepter of Life, she can easily deceive others and made them think the fake one is real.

This is a scheme Evé has long considered for a long time, but she only gained the confidence to implement it after being promoted to a weaker divine power.

Mainly because distorting space as she intended consumes a really huge amount of divine power.

However, despite this drawback, this plan of hers is entirely worthwhile since by using this method, no other existence, even higher-ranked beings, can see through her trickery unless they are mythical beings or demigods specializing in spatial laws and come in person using their True Bodies.

She’s confident that mere incarnations won’t see through her scheme at all.

Not only that, but Evé also plans to include the Chosen City within this distorted space, as it serves as both protection and concealment for the city.

Of course, she will not completely isolate it and plans to leave behind an entrance and exit that’s closely monitored by her…

In her estimates, Evé plans to implement all these changes during the next round of beta testing.

Indeed, Eve is already preparing for the next wave of beta testers, intending to attract more players this time around.

With the significant increase of mana all across Seigües recently, although the dimensional passageway has yet to be opened, there’s no doubt within her mind that the entire realm is bound to descend further into chaos.

Based from Nidhogg’s memories, Evé knew very well that Ancient beings have been awakening all over Seigües in the past six months, including many evil gods hiding in various places.

And with the further increase in mana all across the land, it’s inevitable that the awakening of these Ancient Ones will be further expedited, and once these old monsters fully awakened, they will surely challenge the firmly established authority of the Gods of Faith within the realm of Seigües.

This will definitely attract the attention of most of the gods, but Evé can also take this opportunity to personally get involved and fish in troubled waters.

For her, the impending chaos…essentially means more opportunities.

Alas, for her to fully capitalize on these opportunities, she must first acquire more laborers and cannon fodder for herself…

In her estimation, the current ten thousand players are no longer sufficient anymore, and to expand her influence even further she needs to recruit more pawns that are willing to do her bidding…

This time, she plans to put on a new suitable disguise for herself, introduce her army of players out into the public, and officially debut with a “legal” pantheon-recognized identity!

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¹ 屠神放火金腰带啊 – This is a modified chinese proverb and the original phrase is ‘殺人放火金腰帶‘ (Murder and Arson to get a gold belt.) but both conveys the same meaning which is that, in life, some individuals do all kinds of bad things, yet continue to enjoy glory and wealth.

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