
Platinum Dragon King, Reinhart, is an ancient silver dragon who has survived since the Age of Dragons and has the strength comparable to that of a deity with intermediate divine power.

His dedication to justice and his intolerance towards evil have led him into being Nidhogg’s long-time arch nemesis and the two couldn’t tolerate each other’s existence.

Reinhart is deeply committed to preserving the legacy of the Dragonkind and passionately educates the younger generations of his race.

Most dragons hold him in high esteem, especially the metallic dragons, who consider him their leader and even the chromatic dragons, which are known for their malevolent tendencies, cannot help but acknowledge the Platinum King’s wisdom and power, begrudgingly showing him a measure of respect.

In addition, Reinhart, much like other silver dragons, enjoys immersing himself in human society, often assuming humanoid form or other disguises.

As a result, he eventually became a prominent figure in many human legends and folklores, leaving behind a legacy that spans across various tales and myths.

As Evé sifted through the information within her inheritance, a spark of curiosity ignited within her mind regarding this illustrious dragon.

“This Platinum Dragon King… is probably Meryer’s foster father, isn’t he?”

It all makes sense since only someone with this kind of disposition could completely gaslight a black dragon like Meryer, whose bloodline significantly leans towards becoming evil, into believing that he’s some kind of righteous silver dragon instead…

And, to be honest, the malevolent and destructive nature ingrained within the bloodline of black dragons is as stubborn as the inherent greed for treasure among the Dragonkind as a whole.

Therefore, to be able to instill the lawful values of a silver dragon into a black dragon, this ancient silver dragon is indeed quite formidable.

“The strength of dragonkind, despite their decline from their heyday, is still quite impressive, to say the least and judging from the World Tree’s inheritance, although this Platinum Dragon King did not have much interaction with the World Tree, he is not an enemy of my predecessor, and his core values are also very righteous. If there is a chance in the future, then perhaps I could try to acquaint myself with this dragon if it’s possible.”

With a faint sigh, Eve redirected her focus back to Nidhogg.

After a moment of contemplation, she first extracted Nidhogg, who was still imprisoned from Meryer’s subconscious world before withdrawing herself from Meryer’s mindscape…

After a thorough “mind search,” this pitiful ancient black dragon became even more weaker.

At this moment, Eve noticed Nidhogg began exuding corrupt and evil aura, which were then accompanied by indications of escalating confusion and madness within his consciousness.

“Finally succumbed to the Abyss’s corruption, huh?”

Evé mused aloud.

As expected, even the most ancient deities like Nidhogg, once tainted by the Abyss, will eventually succumb to spiraling paranoia, insanity, and corruption.

In fact, Nidhogg’s ability to maintain the clarity of his mind up until now had far exceeded Eve’s expectations.

However, upon delving into some of his memories, a faint suspicion began to take root inside Evé.

Without hesitation, she chose to directly erase Nidhogg’s consciousness and completely wiped it out!

Thus, an ancient dragon god who had wielded power and dominance all over the universe for millions of years died in such a humiliating manner.

Even if he had some backups and hidden tricks to somehow revive himself somewhere, given that his physical body as well as his consciousness were already wiped out, Evé was pretty certain that this menace of a Ancient Dragon probably wouldn’t be able to return to life anymore.

After erasing his consciousness, Evé decisively consumed Nidhogg’s remaining divine powers…

With each gulp, she experienced a surge of immense power coursing through her.

Nidhogg’s divine powers had very chaotic properties, but given that they came from an ancient being that had lived for a long time, their potency was also very high, with almost half of them being tainted by the power of the Abyss.

Yet surprisingly, as Evé kept devouring them, she also began to sense some pure energy contained within them that emitted a faint green essence.

Evé immediately recognized it—it was a part of the World Tree’s Provenance.

Initially, when Nidhogg gnawed at the roots of the World Tree, he successfully devoured a portion of its Provenance as well.

Although Nidhogg couldn’t withstand the immense power of the World Tree’s Provenance, he absorbed a portion of it nonetheless and over time, integrated it into his own divine power.

And most likely, the reason why Nidhogg could maintain the clarity of his mind and why his believers could in some way use magic relating to life, aside from the influence of the Scepter of Life, stemmed from this portion of the World Tree’s Provenance.

Of course, after a long time, it was finally time for this Provenance to return to its rightful owner.

As Eve absorbed it, Nidhogg’s lingering presence finally faded away, dissipating into a state of raw mana.

This mana, which was once tainted by the Abyss, then merged with Eve’s essence, enhancing her divine power even further…

In the end, an ancient god is still an ancient god.

Though weakened and merely a fragment of his former self, the power of Nidhogg still remains very potent and as she consumed more of it, Eve’s reserves of divine power also quickly advanced further, effortlessly surpassing the value of 2000 and steadily nearing the 3000 mark.

As the divine power surged through her like a rocket, Eve’s expression lit up with pleasant delight.

Yet, her delight stemmed not solely from the surge in divine power alone but also in the fact that the portion not yet corrupted by the Abyss and was converted into raw mana reinforced her own power…

At that moment, Evé felt her consciousness seem to become more clearer and sharper, vaguely sensing her control over players as well as the connection with her believers and mastery of her divine power as a whole, all began to rapidly strengthen.

All of these was the result of the growth of her Divine Soul.

As for that portion of the World Tree’s Provenance hidden deep within, it returned to the World Tree’s core once again…

And at the moment of its return, Eve’s divine power completely broke through the threshold of three thousand, reaching the minimum standard of weak divine power!

In that instant, Evé felt as if her True Body was rejoicing.

And then…it began to grow rapidly along with the Elven Forest.

A powerful coercion emanated from the World Tree as its vibrant aura extended outward, which affected the surroundings with its presence.

The players and native elves whose staying in the Chosen City subconsciously raised their heads, as their expressions shifted into expressions of deep astonishment.

Their gazes locked onto the main trunk of the World Tree as it abruptly surged upward, piercing through the clouds.

Within an instant, the body of the World Tree expanded, nearly doubling in size before their eyes.

And upon the branches of the World Tree, numerous fresh new shoots emerged one after another, as each bud unfurled slowly until a lush canopy of greenery gradually took shape…

The ground trembled beneath their feet, echoing the revitalization of once-decayed roots as they stretched anew and delved deeper into the very earth below.

“A miracle! This is the miracle of the Divine Matriarch! It’s definitely the sign that the power of our Patron Deity has further recovered!”

As they witnessed the transformations unfolding within the World Tree, a wave of excitement swept through the native elves.

Without hesitation, they all prostrated themselves before the towering tree, one after another.

Meanwhile, a vast and potent energy, brimming with life, broke into countless green particles of light as these particles emanated from the center of the World Tree, spreading outward in a continuous, expansive wave.

These green particles then entered the bodies of both the players and native elves, infusing them with a revitalizing energy that seemed to whisk away all their fatigue in an instant.

Meanwhile, the plants in the Chosen City experienced a second wave of revitalization.

New branches and leaves sprouted from countless plants, enveloping the entire city in a vibrant sea of greenery and flowers, each seemingly paying homage to the World Tree.

However, this was not the end.

Just as the power of life continued to permeate the Elven Forest, several Oak trees within the Chosen City also underwent a sudden transformation…

These oak trees, which were initially transplanted from the forest by the first and second beta players, now surged with rapid growth and vitality.

Within a short span, they shot up from less than ten meters to towering heights of at least thirty meters.

Then, they sprouted branches from their sides, resembling a pair of sturdy arms, as their roots emerged out from the soil, before forming a pair of coiled giant feet…

Under the influence of the power of life, these Oak Trees evolved into new Oak Tree Guardians!

These newly evolved oak tree guardians then turned towards the direction of the World Tree one by one, each lowering themselves onto one knee, as their voices, rich with power and solemnity, echoed through the air:

“Praise be to Nature! Praise Life! Praise the Great Elven Sovereign—Eve Yggdrasill!”

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