
Within the Northeast sector of Maple Leaf City lies the upscale district, home to a plethora of nobles and other wealthy merchants.

While other districts typically succumb to darkness after sunset, the affluent northeastern district still retains a semblance of illumination throughout the night due to the expensive and gorgeous magic lamps that are placed around its vicinity.

Nonetheless, although these magic lamps provide steady illumination at night, they still require regular maintenance, thus making them affordable only to nobles who can afford their costly upkeep or to rich merchants who could hire mages due to their wealth.

Such individuals are few and far between in Maple Leaf City.

Among them is the Eternal Church.

As the primary state-endorsed religious diocese in the Holy Maniya Empire, the Eternal Church’s chancery naturally lies within the upscale district.

Their main temple is a grand and imposing cathedral that sits at the southernmost end of the upscale district.

It’s adjacent to White Maple Castle, which belongs to the Borderlord, and the cathedral itself marks the boundary between the affluent and commoner districts.

Constructed in the archaic Maniyan architectural style, the cathedral showcases old traditional Maniyan arches and sculptures intricately carved onto its mountain-shaped walls, culminating in a grand circular arch structure at its summit.

From afar, it resembles a fortress, conveying a sense of strength, upright, and impregnability, symbolizing the supreme authority of its patron deity, the Eternal Lord.

At the apex of the cathedral looms the prominent symbol of a radiant sun, epitomizing the majesty of the Eternal Lord, reserved solely for Etriōu, the Supreme Deity amongst all gods.

Similar to the neighboring White Maple Castle, the Eternal Cathedral also illuminates a faint beacon of light amidst the darkness enveloping Maple Leaf City.

This light typically came from the magic lamps within its premises.

However, unlike other magic lamps elsewhere, the power source of the Eternal Church’s magic lamps is the idol statues enshrined within the cathedral.

Moreover, the term “magic lamp” might not be entirely accurate to use, as the priests and nuns of the Eternal Church tend to prefer calling them “sacred lamps” instead.

These sacred lamps never extinguishes, symbolizing the power of their patron deity and the very faith of their religion.

Of course, although the cathedral’s premises currently still remains illuminated, the priests and nuns have long retired for the night, except for one person.

The bishop of the Maple Leaf City branch diocese of the Eternal Church—Comanche Glamorgan.

Comanche is a third-tier priest (Upper-Iron Ranker) who is already sixty-five years old this year.

According to its traditional practices, only fourth-tier and above clergymen can hold the position of a bishop within the Eternal Church.

As such, with Maple Leaf City being the unofficial capital of the Borderlands, naturally, a sixth-tier priest should act as the bishop of this territory.

However, ever since the Borderlord tightened his grip on the territory years ago and reduced the influence of the Eternal Church, clergymen beyond the sixth-tier have slowly been pushed to the sidelines and marginalized unable to hold prominent positions.

Naturally, dissatisfaction within the Eternal Church regarding this matter have began to sprung up.

However, with numerous emerging threats springing forth all throughout the empire in recent years, including various nefarious cults and heretical events, as well as rumors of the revival of evil gods, even the high-ranking members of the Eternal Church have turned a blind eye to the Borderlord’s machinations in Maple Leaf City.

Especially since this year, there have been numerous reports of the resurgence of evil gods in various parts of the empire, and it is said that some of them have even alarmed the gods in the heavenly realm…

In this context, the Borderlord’s schemes in his backward territory at the outer edge of the empire appear even more inconsequential considering the grand scale of things.

However, none of this matters concerns Comanche Glamorgan in the least.

As the acting bishop relegated to this place, he is privy to some of Maple Leaf City’s inner secrets.

He even knew that there was a so-called God of Despair who was secretly preaching their heretical beliefs here in Maple Leaf City!

But… what exactly does that have to do with him?

As a bishop pushed to the sidelines here in the borderlands, Comanche has long been won over by the Borderlord after the man had graciously conferred him numerous monetary ‘offerings’ in the pasts, so to speak.

To him, the authority of the gods is not as valuable as a few more gold pounds in his pocket, and being at the ripe age of sixty-five with not many good years left, he couldn’t care less if the very gods themselves deemed him as blasphemous for accepting bribery…

Just as long as Maple Leaf City remains peaceful, and as long as its residents continue to look up to the Eternal Church, he’ll turn a blind eye to practically anything.

At this moment, Bishop Glamorgan is nestled in a corner of the cathedral, basking in the radiant glow of the sacred lamp, whilst happily counting the gold pounds the Borderlord has once again bestowed upon him.

“Nearly reached five hundred pounds… Once I have five hundred gold pounds, I’ll definitely apply to retire to the Holy See and leave this damned place to live out my remaining years in peace there!”

However, just as Comanche finished counting his recent ill-gotten wealth and was preparing to return to his quarters for the night, suddenly, there was a creaking sound from the cathedral’s window.

“What’s that noise?”

Comanche’s senses sharpened as a subtle rustling catches his attention.

After swiftly tucking away his belongings, he prepares to investigate by the window, only to catch a glimpse of a black shadow outside.

Then, to his shock, someone shattered the entire window from the outside.

“Who goes there!? Who’s this bastard daring enough to desecrate the Eternal Temple in the dead of night!”

Comanche’s heart races with shock and anger, but instinctively recoiled as cowardice began to cloud his senses.

The proverbial waters of Maple Leaf City runs very deep.

Faced with such a bizarre situation, although he held the esteemed position of a bishop, he really didn’t have the courage to act rashly, being a mere third-tier priest.

With fear beginning to seep into his bones, Comanche suddenly watched in horror as several shadowy figures boldly sneaked in through the broken window.

These figures cloaked in black hoods emerged one after another, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

Yet, an unsettling presence emanated from each of them, stirring a mix of disgust and dread within Comanche, who could feel their malevolent energy permeating the air.

—Evil, despair, chaos…

These assailants were exuding this ominous feeling, and based upon his knowledge, that’s the distinct aura of followers of the evil gods!

These are definitely followers of an evil god!

Moreover… their strength is clearly not inferior to his!

Comanche could do nothing but simply watch dumbfoundedly as these evil god followers entered the inner hall and head straight towards the idol statue of their patron deity in the center of the cathedral.

Seeing the direction they’re heading, Comanche’s eyes widen in sheer disbelief.

Lord Eternal above! What are these heretics up to?

In the world of Saigües, these idol statues enshrined within each temple of any respective religion are not merely simple statues.

They not only receive and contain within them the combined power of believers’ faith but also have a function to send the power it accumulated over time towards the respective gods that own these sacred statues.

Furthermore, these statues also serve as the very eyes of the true gods here in the mortal realm.

If a true god wishes for it, they can even temporarily manifest their power with the help of these statues.

Even Comanche dare not count his wealth under the gaze of a god’s statue, and instead do it in a secluded corner.

What do these heretics want!?

Alas, Comanche’s realization dawns upon him as he observes the intruders’ next actions.

Specifically, he witnesses them approaching the Eternal Lord’s sacred statue, and daringly stood in front of it.

Moments later, the echoes of their arrogant and disrespectful words reach his ears.

“So this is the statue of the Eternal Church patron deity….”

“Tch, it’s a male?”

“Stop staring, get to work, get to work!”

What are they now up to?

Comanche instantly felt a foreboding sensation.

Then, he saw one of the intruders gesture with his hand as a brief light shone for a second before summoning a large bucket.

…They have a spatial item?

Comanche was left astonished.

As the bucket materializes, a nauseating odor assaults his senses, causing his stomach to churn.

U-Ugh, it’s so foul and disgusting!

It’s the smell of excrement.

What are they…p-planning to do?!

In an instant, fear overtakes Comanche’s expression.

Then, he simply watches in horror as one holding the bucket deviously smirks and lifts it before splattering the majestic and sacred statue of the Eternal Lord with filth.

Comanche: “…”


They’re blaspheming the statue of their patron deity!

Unimaginable fear entirely grips Comanche’s heart.

Moreover… It appears that the intruders’ actions aren’t over yet…

After dousing the statue with noxious filth, they then proceeded to drop their pants and urinate on the sacred statue.

Also, whilst relieving themselves, they too excitedly shout blasphemous words like:

“Hope is born in despair, as life begins anew in hope! Praise our Lord, the Great God of Despair!”

“What a load of bullshit, eat crap Eternal Lord!”

“Come, come, Our Patron Granddaddy Despair told us to treat you to this delicious treat of shit and piss to enjoy! Hahaha!”

Each provocation and insult, leaves Comanche, hidden in the corner, on the verge of fainting.

H-How dare they?

How dare they actually do this!?


This is sheer utmost blasphemy in the highest order!

They’re inviting the wrath of the Eternal Lord!

Lord Eternal above!

Have these heretics gone mad?!

Comanche’s eyes widened, reflecting sheer terror as his legs quiver uncontrollably.

Yet the asinine actions of these crazy heretics continue unabated.

Their leader, it seems, is still not satisfied yet.

He looked around for a moment and retrieves a broom used for cleaning from one side of the temple.

Then, with the brilliance of a skill flashing upon his body, he shouts loudly and knocked the defiled statue of the Eternal Lord down into the ground…

With a resounding crash, the statue hits the floor, as one of its arms snapped in two.

At the same time, the person who knocked down the statue fervently shouts:

“All Hail the Great God of Despair!”

His cronies also parroted the same thing as they too shouted in unison repeatedly:

“All Hail the Great God of Despair!”

“All Hail the Great God of Despair!”

“All Hail the Great God of Despair!”

After shouting, all of the intruders proceed to commit suicide right there on the spot…

Their bodies then dissolved into wisps of darkness, only leaving behind a scattering of black insects in their wake.

Silence and peace finally returned to the cathedral in the aftermath of their demise…

—But then.

Moments later, an unsettling energy abruptly envelops the entire surroundings!

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