
- Tell me when it's over.

- I can't do this. I can't watch June fail.

- Oh, I can't wait to see this. I don't blame the others for not wanting to watch the performance. I was the same during the live shows. Get ready to be surprised!

"I'm so sorry. I don't want to watch this," Lala said, closing her eyes and covering ears. "I'm reminded of the time our team had a disastrous performance."

"Me too," Sasha said. "I feel like this'll make me cringe."

Mimi smirked. "Just watch," she said.

"Aren't you even worried about his performance?" Sasha asked. "It feels like you really know something we don't."

"I don't," Mimi quickly said. "I just trust him, that's all."

"Well, you have a lot of trust in him," Sasha said. "The dude couldn't rap just moments ago."

"Shh," Mimi said as their silhouettes were shown on screen. "Just watch."

The two other members of GIRLS' EVOLUTION continued to watch the screen with hesitancy.

But when Sehun opened his mouth to rap, their past expectations were instantly shattered.

- Who's this guy? He ain't that bad.

- This is my first time noticing him. He might actually be the saving grace of his team.

- But are you seeing them move, though? June is devouring those body waves!

Sasha's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at June. It appears like Sehun is the team's Main Dancer, but Sasha couldn't help but let her eyes gravitate toward June.

During the last mission, his dancing had already improved a lot—and Sasha could even call him a Lead Dancer at that point. However, now, he moved more like a Main Dancer. Just how much will this guy improve?

It just sucks because he'll probably ruin the performance with his rapping.

- I'm covering my ears. I can't bear to watch this performance.

- Here it goes! Cover your ears, guys.

- Uncover your ears, you amateurs!

The editing of the scene didn't help the tension that everyone felt. There was a slight pause before June's voice was heard over the microphone, and when he finally rapped, Lala and Sasha quickly swallowed their insults.

They flinched with his first word, but it eventually led to confusion, then bewilderment.

They watched the scene with wide mouths, looking at June like he was a heaven-sent.

Mimi smirked as she glanced at her former teammates.

"He's actually…good?" Sasha said with skepticism.

"He is," Lala mindlessly said. She was also a rapper in GIRLS' EVOLUTION, and hearing June made her feel confused. He did not sound like that a while ago. And usually, trainees who improve don't improve to this extent.

Is he actually a genius?

- Is it over yet?

- Uncover your ears, bitches! June is eating the verses up.

- Holy Moly! How the hell did he improve so fast?

- June is officially breaking my bias list.

- He's just speaking really fast. You can't count that as rapping!

- Haters are hating, but June's actually pretty decent. I might even call him good at this point.

- I can't believe a Main Vocalist like him can also become a Main Rapper.

- Add Main Dancer to the equation. He's grinding like he's in Magic Mike!

The viewers continued to be amazed by the team's performance, all of their past prejudices going straight to the garbage.

June smirked as he watched the performance. He knew that he did a good job, but damn, he actually exceeded his own expectations. As the bridge approached and his sexy blindfolded dance came on screen, he quickly covered Minjun's eyes and restrained the little kid in his arms.

"What are you doing?" Minjun struggled in his arms.

"This ain't for a kid," June said. Then, he glanced at Grandma, whose eyes were glued to the screen. He felt weirded out that the old woman was watching him grind on the floor, so he quickly turned the other way.

However, what met him on the other side wasn't any better. His friends watched the scene with agape mouths, their eyes reflecting the red hue of the screen.

"Dang, bro," Akira said. "When did you learn to move your hips like that?"

Jisung nodded. "He was as stiff as a board when I first met him. Now, he can even do such moves."

June merely clicked his tongue and focused his attention back on the screen.

As their performance continued, it was evident that Team Aglet had poured everything into this particular performance. As Zeth and Jaeyong locked gazes, there was a common emotion in their eyes—acceptance.

Team Aglet's win was well-deserved.

And a miserable person still didn't want to acknowledge that.

As he sat in his cold, dark room, Hoon shook in anger as he watched their performance.

Hoon hated the fact that he already knew how the Concept Mission would end—with Team Aglet taking the victory.

However, what he hated more was the fact that they were doing so well.

"How could this bastard perform like this after being stabbed?" he muttered under his breath.

And as he read the comments on the livestream, his anger escalated further.

- I'm rooting for this team now.

- I can't believe I'm saying this, but #TeamAglet

A verified comment also popped up on the screen, making many viewers surprised.

- GROOVYTUNES: This is fire! Can't wait to release it to the public.

- What the hell? GroovyTunes actually commented?

- That just shows that the team nailed it.

- I'm torn. I still want to root for Skateboard Ride, but my heart is screaming for Tie Me Up!

The scene progressed until the awaited announcement of the winner. Like the crowd in the live show, a lot were conflicted about who was going to win. The comment section flowed like the Niagra Falls as thousands of comments sent support to the teams they were rooting for.

Tie Me Up: 589

Skateboard Ride: 491

Hoon looked away as soon as he saw the numbers on the screen. He even went as far as covering his ears so he wouldn't hear the cheers that came from Team Aglet and the audience.

For him, the worst sounds in the world are:

1. His mother's nagging

2. June's voice

3. The sound of others rejoicing in victory

However, no matter how hard he covered his ears, he could still hear the cheers—cheers that he thought should be meant for him.

Honestly, he could just turn his speakers off.

But in the end, he continued to bask in his own miserable thoughts.

- They managed to pull it off. June once again proves the haters wrong!

- Where are the other people saying that June only won the last mission because he was with the top-ranked trainees? Look where he is right now!

- June's the highest-ranking in his team, and most of his teammates are in the 40th, but they still won!

- Skateboard Ride was better.

- Tie Me Up still won.

Hoon pursed his lips as he clicked on the comment box and started typing out of anger.

- AlphaMaleHoon69: Rigged.

- AlphaMaleHoon69: Rigged.

- AlphaMaleHoon69: Rigged.

- What the hell? Why's this Alpha dude spamming?

- AlphaMaleHoon69: Rigged.

- AlphaMaleHoon69: Rigged.

- He's filling the comment section with nonsense!

- I think this dude has a point. Would it make sense for a team with such low ranks to beat a team with trainees in the top 10?

- AlphaMaleHoon69: Rigged.

- AlphaMaleHoon69: Rigged.

"It's rigged," Hoon smirked, a manic chuckle coming out of his lips.

"I'll fucking show you."