
"He's not answering," Jangmoon said, repeatedly knocking on June's door.

"Knock harder," C-Jay said, pushing Jangmoon out of the way to practically bang on June's door.

"Are you sure he lives here?" a new voice asked. "How many years has this place been built?"

"He does," Jaeyong said. "I couldn't believe it at first, but I saw it with my own two eyes. June lives here."

"I still can't believe it, too. Why does someone like him live in a place like this?" Akira asked.

"Why?" the new person asked. "Is there something wrong with June living here?"

"That's 'Young Master June' for you," C-Jay said. "Call him that name from now on. Especially after kicking him out of the team like that."

He tilted his head to the side in confusion but eventually nodded. He still wanted to make it up to June, so he'll do whatever it takes.

As C-Jay continued to bang on the door, June's neighbor suddenly popped her head out.

"Who the fuck is banging on the door at night?" the middle-aged lady screamed. "Fuck-ass kids always messing with me in this apartment. Do I need to show you how our mothers used to beat our asses back then?"

The group of five men paused before C-Jay signaled them to run.

"Let's go!" he exclaimed, and they all scrambled to get away from the manic lady.

As they reached the second floor, they sighed in relief when the lady didn't run after them.

"Should we leave?" Jisung asked.

"Of course not," Jangmoon said. "I want to watch the episode with June. I'm sure he's here. He doesn't go anywhere anyway."

"Should we ask someone where he is?" C-Jay asked.


"That door," C-Jay pointed. "I have a good feeling about that door."

He started walking to the beat-up door, but Jisung held him back.

"It's embarrassing," Jisung whispered.

"Embarrassing is not in my dictionary," C-Jay smirked. With that, he knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it.

June clicked his tongue as he heard someone knock on the door. Who the hell would visit during this time?

"Can you get the door?" Grandma called out from the kitchen.

June sighed and begrudgingly stood up. He was still in a bad mood after seeing his missions—especially the first one.

Celebrate Parents' Day with your parents? Did Fu want him to die?

How could he celebrate that day with his parents?

"What?" he asked as soon as he opened the door. He sighed in annoyance when he saw the group of boys before him. Somehow, he had already expected they would come, and that's the reason why he decided to stay at Grandma's and Minjun's for the night.

However, it seemed like it was no use.

"Bro!" their eyes sparkled when they saw him.

"What is he doing here?" June asked while pointing to the new addition to their team.

"He insisted on coming," Jaeyong said.

"When I heard you guys were watching the show on Fridays, I also wanted to join in," Zeth shyly said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, we're not watching anything," June said, slamming the door shut.

However, C-Jay placed his foot on the door before it could completely close. And like perfect timing, Grandma came out of the kitchen and saw the five handsome boys standing in her doorway.

"Omo," Grandma exclaimed. "Has Rising Stars come to life?"

Akira went to the front and offered his hand to Grandma. "Good morning, ma'am. We have come here to visit June."

Grandma blushed and smiled as he slapped June's shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me you're friends were coming, June?"

"Because they're not—"

"We wanted to watch the seventh episode with June," Jangmoon interrupted.

"Oh, of course!" Grandma exclaimed. "We were planning on watching it during dinner too. Would you like to join us?"


"I'm down."

"We'd be honored."

"Absolutely not," June exclaimed, but Grandma had already held the door open.

"I'm so excited! This is the first time I'm meeting June's friends," she clapped excitedly. "Wait here. I'll be plating some food for you guys. Make yourselves at home."

"We would love to taste your cooking, Grandma!" C-Jay called out as Grandma practically danced to the kitchen.

June sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe you, guys."

"Don't worry," Akira said. "We got you this," he handed him a pack of BenBen gummies.

June lit up as soon as he saw the red packaging, but he quickly neutralized his expression when the other guys sprawled out on the couch, started playing with whatever, and acted like this was their real home.

Geez. They really made themselves feel at home, huh?

Just then, Minjun came out from the restroom and looked at the group of guys with raised eyebrows.

"Aww, there's a young boy over here!" C-Jay exclaimed, wanting to pinch his plump cheeks.

However, Minjun slapped his hand away. "Why are they here?" he asked.

"Ask Grandma," June nonchalantly said, taking his place on the couch.

Minjun sighed. "They're filling this place with unnecessary testosterone."

The guys looked at Minjun with surprise, amazed that a little kid sounded so eloquent.

'He's definitely smarter than me,' Jangmoon thought.

It didn't take long before Grandma arrived with the food, placing an abundant number of dishes on the living room table. The guys all looked at the food with glistening eyes, wanting to taste the array of dishes sooner.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Dig in!" Grandma exclaimed, and the guys didn't hesitate to devour the dishes.


"Oh, goodness. I don't think I've ever felt this full in my life," Zeth said. "You're lucky for having a Grandma that cooks so well," he tells June.

"Is she your biological grandma?" Jisung asked.

"She's not," Minjun responded. "She's my grandma."

"Oh," Jangmoon said. "I thought you guys were family members."

"We're not," Minjun teased. "I look so much more handsome than June," he said, causing the others to burst into chuckles.

June merely scoffed before turning on the TV. It was already past 8:50 p.m., so the intro of Rising Stars was already playing when they tuned in.

Then, Kang Minho's figure under the stage lights and in front of the live audience was shown.

"It is now time for the Concept Mission!"