
Zeth sat on the edge of his seat. Casper, who was right by his side, leaned his elbows against his knees and listened intently. For some reason, they weren't too satisfied with their performance a while ago—maybe they already knew that their previous performance with June was better.

And now, seeing June do so good on a new team made them feel like it was such a waste.

They made the wrong decision, it seems.

None of the trainees had heard June rap. So, some of them were expecting June to fail badly.

"This dude's never rapped before. I can't believe they made him the Main Rapper."

"A good vocalist like that shouldn't be a good rapper."

"He's really sexy, though. In this performance, of course! Just this performance!"

Various speculations went around the room, yet one thing was definite—they were all uncertain of June's rap skills.

"Tied up, getting used to the pain,

Maybe this is my fate, but who's to blame?

I'm wrapped in chains, but it's strangely sweet,

You're the poison I crave, your taste unique."

June's rap verse flowed like molten lava, the raspiness in his voice doing him a good favor. He had practiced the whole night for this, and it showed. His words were crystal clear, and his flow overpowered the song. It seems as if the lyrics were perfect for the written song!

Truly, he was a B-tier rapper.

Suck that, losers!

Its intensity and lyrical aptitude left everyone in awe. Jihyun watched with wide-eyed astonishment. She had known June primarily as a vocalist, and this unexpected display of rap talent had caught her completely off guard.

The audience, too, was caught in a collective trance. The cheers that had punctuated the sexy chorus now seemed to have vanished. The spectators were hanging on to every word that tumbled from June's lips, afraid that even the slightest cheer might cause them to miss a single syllable of his rap.

"I know it's twisted, but I can't resist the fire,

As the ropes tighten, my soul's burning with desire,

No more running from this haunting spell,

I fucking like being tied up, can't you tell?"

The addition of a curse word left everyone in shock. Yet, they weren't appalled. It wasn't tasteless. Instead, it even added flavor to his performance.

Akira, who only snapped out of his trance after June's part, shook his head with a smirk.

"This bastard has done it again."

Zeth, Casper, and Jaeyong, undoubtedly the most talented rappers in the show, couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration, and along with that was a tinge of rivalry. It was as if a new contender had entered the arena.

Almost all of the trainees were amazed by June's showcase of talent. However, two trainees remained bitter at heart.

Lin Zhi clenched his fists between his thighs. His earlier dismissive attitude seemed like a distant memory, replaced by annoyance for June's talent. It was a humbling experience—and he hated being humbled.

Lin Zhi was better than June when they first came to the show. Now, why the hell does it feel like Lin Zhi was being left behind?

Xin was on the same page, not being able to contain his anger. His face flushed with frustration as he watched the crowd's ecstatic reaction to June's performance.

That should have been him!

He should have been the independent trainee everyone was cheering for.

Yet there he was—June, owning the stage despite the doubts that surrounded him.

The chorus approached once again, and Team Aglet had gained more motivation from June's powerful rapping, giving him looks of acknowledgment during formation changes.

It was undeniable that his presence was great for the team, and as Sehun made his way back to the center, he danced even harder than before.

"Tied up, drowning in pain,

Can't escape it, still in my veins,

In this torment, I'm forever chained,

With every beat, the memory remains."

Bone, who had been speechless until now, continued to watch the stage in wonder. It was unexpected—this improvement. He was the only person besides Sun-Y who had heard June rap before, and it was certain that the young man wasn't experienced in rapping at all.

However, as Bone internalized June's flow and lyrics, he felt a sense of amazement. Can somebody improve this quickly?

The vocalists sang the first part of the bridge, their voices blending beautifully as the instrumentals mellowed down.

"Yeah, I'm tied up, it's a twisted reality.

Locked in this world of painful brutality.

These ties that bind, like chains made of lace.

In this intricate web, I've found my place. "

It was the last rap of the song—June's part, and he looked into the camera, acting like he was saying those words to the people who looked down on him and his team.

"I'm the person you looked down on, so naive

And now, you're the one staring at me in disbelief.

The scars you've left—they don't define my tomorrow,

In this story of pain, I'll rise above the sorrow."

June meant everything he said, and it hit everyone harder than they thought. At this time, it wasn't his rap skills that left a mark. It was the raw emotion behind every syllable that made them speechless.

Among the people watching were some who had once cast him aside, who didn't even bother contacting him when they made a decision as a team. Their faces turned somber as they listened to his impassioned verses. The lyrics held a mirror to their past decisions, a reminder of how they had underestimated his potential and discarded him without a second thought.

Undoubtedly, the person who's most shocked out of all is Sun-Y. He felt a pang in his heart as he watched June pour his soul into his performance.

What was this?

He actually felt ashamed?

Sun-Y didn't even feel any shame when he was being roasted on diss tracks!

As the dance break commenced, the audience remained in a state of shock and awe from June's previous rap performance. However, June had more surprises in store. He reached for the white silk tie that was now wrapped casually around his neck. With a swift movement, he pulled the tie up to his eyes and tied it as a blindfold. Gasps and whispers were heard in the crowd as they watched in disbelief.

Dancing with a blindfold was a daring move, but June executed it with a precision that defied expectations. His body moved with grace and assurance, every step and spin perfectly synchronized with his teammates. The audience marveled at his audacity and the seamless coordination of the performance despite the added challenge of the blindfold.

As the last chorus approached, the team gathered at the center of the stage, ready to sing in unison. The harmonious blend of their voices filled the venue, a testament to their unity and dedication. June's voice, still as powerful as ever, shone brightly, reminding everyone that he was not just a rapper but also a remarkable vocalist. His contribution added depth and emotion to the song, elevating it to a level of intensity that sent shivers down the spines of those listening. He even supported Haesoo in his high-note since June felt him getting a bit out of breath. The blend of their voices resonated through the room, putting Lin Zhi's lip-synced high note to shame.

At that moment, a profound sense of emotion washed over the entire team. Their journey, filled with challenges and determination, was encapsulated in this performance. It was more than just a song and dance; it was a powerful expression of their shared passion.

As the final lyric approached, June roughly removed his blindfold. The camera focused on him, capturing the image of disheveled hair, smudged lipstick, and eyes that still burned with intensity.

There, he stood as the perfect embodiment of their performance, a symbol of their unyielding commitment and the raw, untamed energy they had poured into every moment on stage.