
"Again," Minho reiterated. "The songs have already been chosen for you, so don't be disappointed when you don't get the song you want."

The trainees already accepted that decision since it has been a norm since the first season.

However, they were fools to believe that this mission wouldn't have some kind of twist.

"Trainees," Minho's voice cut through the excited tension. "Although the mission has stayed the same, there will be some...minor changes because of the implementation of the live eliminations."

June frowned. He did find it strange how they were given the third mission before the live eliminations.

"We care for the quality of your performances, so we wanted to give you more time to prepare for the songs, especially since they are originals," Hyerin continued.

Cared about us, my ass. June could already feel what the next announcement would be.

"The second eliminations will happen two days from now, but we're already establishing the teams for the Concept Mission," Minho said. "This means that after the teams have been established, and you start preparing for your performances, twenty-three trainees will be leaving the competition."

Shocked gasps were heard in the room.

June shook his head. They're acting like it wasn't already obvious.

Hyerin's words followed, "We understand that this is a challenging twist, but it's also an opportunity for each of you to showcase your growth and determination. We believe that the performances you deliver as part of these teams will truly reveal your potential."

The initial atmosphere of excitement began to change to worry as their announcement continued.

"For now, all teams will have ten to eleven members each. However, as you reveal your songs, the final number of members will also be shown."

"After the second elimination," Minho continued. "Some groups will have excess numbers while some will lack members. So, in the end, the teams with excess members will have no choice but to kick out some of their members...even when you've already made progress."

C-Jay, with his brows furrowed, voiced what many were thinking. "I get that it's a competition and all, but isn't it kind of unfair to suddenly change up the teams after we've been practicing and bonding with our current members?"

"Don't worry," Jangmoon said. "You'd probably leave before that happens. You have nothing to worry about."

C-Jay cursed and pulled some of his hair, causing Jangmoon to groan in pain.

Steel frustratedly sighed. "I mean, we've been working hard to work on a song, but now they're saying that we might end up with a different concept? It feels like we're being set up to fail."

Jaeyong clicked his tongue. "I don't like this."

Akira shook his head. "You don't even have anything to worry about. You're probably not going to get kicked out."

For June, it seemed overly complicated. However, he also wanted to applaud Azure for coming up with these crazy twists in the competition.

"Let's not waste any time," Minho said. "The last-placed trainee, please come to the front and get your room card. Afterward, you may leave the room and wait for your teammates."

Jangmoon went to the front and acted like his room card was top-secret. In reality, nobody was paying attention to him since the other trainees were already engrossed in their own conversations.

"Have you guys thought of the song you want to perform?" Jisung asked while waiting for their turn to perform.

Akira smiled. "Although 'Skateboard Ride' is good, I want something cute this time. I've only been flaunting my vocal skills until now, so 'Brown Sugar Milktea' is a good choice. I bet June would suit that song, too."

June glared at him. "Don't jinx it."

"Aww," Akira teased, pinching his cheek. "Where's the cute guy who sang the Little Meow Meow song?"

June clicked his tongue and removed Akira's hand from his cheeks.

"I want to perform 'Skateboard Ride,'" Jaeyong said. "It's by PCatt. It will definitely place high on the music charts."

Zeth once again turned around. "'Skateboard Ride' is a good song. I guess I'll see you there, Jae. I'm already manifesting to get the song."

"Don't you want to go to 'Tie Me Up?' It's the only rap song out of the bunch," Jaeyong asked.

"Too much work, honestly. I could ask the same thing to you," Zeth chimed.

"Same thoughts," Jaeyong answered. "It'd be alright if it was an existing song. But it's a new one. New dance. New lyrics. New tune. It'd be hard to make rap on top of it, too."

As expected, popular trainees thought the same as June.

As the time came for June to make his way to his assigned room, Hyerin couldn't help but show her excitement. She smiled at him and said, "Good luck."

He nonchalantly nodded before grabbing his room card. Hyerin sighed disappointedly at his lackluster reaction.

He entered the room, expecting to be met with at least three people. However, much to his surprise, only one person was there — Xin, an independent trainee and one of Hoon's lackeys.

Xin's face twisted into a scowl when he saw June, but he quickly replaced it with a smile.

Ever since the face reveal incident, the other independent trainees haven't been bothering him.

However, it was obvious they still didn't like June at all.

The room was engulfed in silence as the two of them didn't talk.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long for their next members to come in.

Bin and Steel came in with hopeful smiles on their faces.

"I hope we perform 'Skateboard Ride,'" Bin said. "I think we can pull it off really well."

The door opened once more, and Lin Zhi came in, causing June to internally sigh.

Him again?

Lin Zhi's eyes brightened up when he saw June sitting in the middle.

"You're here?" he chimed, pushing Steel to sit next to June. "This is going to be fun."

Ever since their last performance, Lin Zhi realized how good of a leader June truly was. As much as he hated to admit it, their performance wouldn't have gone so well if it wasn't for him.

Because of this, he wanted to perform with June again. It seems like everything he performs becomes iconic, and he wanted to be a part of that.

June was definitely reliable.

It felt like he had a lot of wisdom, too.

But for Lin Zhi, that was more of a flaw. June had too much of a "hero" complex. In the end, he'll be the one with the short end of the stick.

Lin Zhi smiled knowingly as he continued looking at June.

Stupid, stupid June.

'You remind me so much of Jun hao.'