
Fire Mage (Web Novel)chapter 656: plan

Chapter 656: Plan

'First, I need to gather information about this youth. After that, I will try to move to the center of this city and see if I can find traces of the bracelet named Whisper of Gluttony.' Charles first disposed of the body and erased all the blood trials on the stone slab.

'Unfortunately, I can't rely on Genesis this time.'

Shaking his head, he searched the small house to find any book or manuscript but found only utensils for cooking, dry wood, a few vegetables, dried meat, etc.

'From the looks of it, this young Karr is most likely a mortal. He indeed doesn't seem to have any family nor do have any friends.' Charles even observed outside the house and noticed a few other utensils like a shovel, sickle, axe, rake, and grape hoe used for farming were placed near the entrance.

'So he is a farmer? Then, there must be some land document hidden somewhere.' He again scanned the house and soon found a small loft made using plain wood a little above his head.

Charles slowly flew above using his wisdom power and soon saw a bag made of unique fabric.

He pulled it towards him telekinetically with a wave and descended to the ground.

After that, he opened the bag and took out four manuscripts that almost looked like palm leaves.

Charles opened the small one that only had around 20 leaves and started reading it.

'Hmm, this manuscript says about the agreement between the Poet Tasar Pabella and a karr named Flinar Miramaris about a song competition?' Charles stared at the manuscript for a while and continued to read.

'So, this kid's father lost to the poet Tasar Pabella in a song competition and ended his life due to shame? Moreover, even his mother died because she couldn't accept his death. What the heck is wrong with this family? Who would die over a song competition?' He felt so ridiculous after reading the first manuscript.

'No, it's almost impossible for anyone to die just because of a loss in a song competition. Something is fishy.' Charles noted Tasar Pabella's name and decided to check on him later.

'But I can't also rule out the possibility of this whole race being emotionally weak.'

After that, Charles took out the other manuscript and started reading them.

'It's not any land documents but only information about this youngster's family called Miramaris?' Charles read them individually and soon learned some information about this young lad.

'His name is Vesryn Miramaris, age 46, worked under the Poet Tasar for ten years and was chased out of his school due to a little fight between students. After that, his father confronted Poet Tasar and fought a song duel.' These were the only information he managed to get from all the manuscripts.

After that, he also took a wooden box from the bag and unlocked it. He saw inside not old manuscripts or scrolls but seven square-shaped red metals.

'What are these?' Looking at the metal's outer structure, he saw a crown symbol carved on one side while the other symbolized a leaf.

'Maybe currency?' Charles furrowed his brows as he put them in his space ring and decided to change his cloth. First, he removed his cloth, took a traditional-looking red-colored thoub cloth from the nearby shelf and wore it. After that, he made his way out of the small house and entered the clay-paved road.

Charles followed the path, moved towards the main road, and soon arrived at the city's center.

After that, he found a suitable space to hide his presence, cast [Shadow Stealth] skill and became invisible.

For the next 12 hours, Charles stood in the same place and continued to listen to everyone's conversation. By the time the sky darkened, he had learned more about this city's customs, common things, and even some crucial information about the city's ruler.

The first thing that piqued his interest was the city's unique hierarchy system and its ruler.

'Like Edhen World, the one who governs this city was a King. Moreover, his name is the same as Dream God Phoebe's name. But instead of nobles, the ones who hold higher positions in this city are Nine Poets and Four Guardians. The nine poets are called the 'Sage Heroes' and held the authority even to strip the King from his position. But they are loyal to King Phoebe and would even give their life to make him smile.' What made him startle deeply was Karr's other unique trait.

'They never lie and always speak from the bottom of their heart. They also hate anything that harms one's body and try their best to resolve the problems peacefully. Now I understand why even the song duel caused Flinar to commit suicide.'

'The next is the Four Guardians. Strangely, I also overheard the name of Esim from many people, making me think that this whole city is the recreation of the past.' Charles also learned of the unique currency system called 'Athma.' The seven Red Square metals in his pocket were called 'Thees' aka 'Bloods' and were the lowest rank currency. With seven Bloods, one could barely stay in an Inn for seven days. The next rank currency was called 'Gatham' aka 'Emeralds' and was the middle-Rank Currency. One Emerald was equal to 10,000 Bloods. And, finally, the last Rank Currency was called 'Nikkam' aka 'Ruby.' One Ruby's value was equal to 10,000 Emeralds.

'If this city is a recreation of the past, whose doing is it? Is it the will of the Dream God Phoebe?' Charles shook his head. He knew that even the Will of a God doesn't have this much power to create such an absurd dimension within the dungeon.

'I suspect that this is the doing of the bracelet artifact itself. But why did it make these tens of thousands of Corpse Devourers act as Karr beings?' Charles slowly walked out of the shadow of the tall building and turned his gaze towards the faraway dome-shaped towering building.

It was the palace of this Divine City.

'If I'm not wrong, Dream God Phoebe's Corpse Devourer should reside there. But how powerful will he be?' A hesitant look appeared on his face.

If the ruler of this dimension were as powerful as Demigod or even higher, Charles would've no choice but to run away for his life.

'One single mistake, I might even get myself surrounded by multiple-level Legend Rank powerhouses and end up captured.' After battling the two Legend Rank Guards and observing the people for the past 12 hours, Charles learned that Legend Rank powerhouses were common in this city.

Moreover, Charles also noticed a power level between the Legend Rank powerhouses. They divided the Legend Rank into four levels: Novice, Intermediate, Expert, and Master. The Guards Charles battled in the passage came under the' Novice' section and mostly relied on sword or spear skills and divine spells. The Intermediate level people were well-versed in sword or spear skills and had attained high knowledge of Divine Spells. They were eligible to work as Palace Knights or advisors of Night Sage Heroes and Four Guardians.

'If I'm not wrong, Holy Maiden of Order Church, Radiant Knight Ruby, the Assassin man, and even Cardinal Luke would come under this section.'

The third Rank was called the 'Expert' realm. The people in this Rank had already attained the power of Law in all fields and had already created unique law spells or skills.

'From what I've gathered, all the Nine Sage Heroes and the Four Guardians reached this realm long ago and have been considered the pillars of this Divine City. Although I'm not sure how powerful they were during the destruction of Dream God Phoebe's divine kingdom, I'm sure they are at least Rank-7 or Rank-8 powerhouses. But now, their power should be only around mine and the young-looking boy named Jamie.'

And the final Rank was called the 'Mastery' realm. And the only one who attained that stage in this city was the young version of the Dream God Phoebe, the Dream God's Corpse Devourer.

'Even if this Dream God isn't real, his strength should be no less than a Demigod. Without any plan, I can't defeat him.' A frown appeared on his forehead, causing the third eye's pupil to shrink.

Charles pondered deeply and soon devised a plan to enter the palace.

'I need to become a famous poet in a short period. And, the song must be good enough to attract the attention of everyone in this city.' Unfortunately, he wasn't a good singer. No, his singing might cause the Sage Heores to die of heart attacks.

So, with no other choice, Charles withdrew that reckless plan.

'The next thing is to stealthily kill one of the nine Sage Heroes and enter the palace using his identity. But what will happen after that? I can't stay here for a long time.' He sighed deeply and decided to find the bracelet's location first.

'My next destination is the Library of Sages. But I should return home and go there the next morning to not make anyone suspicious of my identity.' Charles nodded and quietly returned to the small house in the farthest corner of the ancient city.