
Fire Mage (Web Novel)chapter 650: three passages

Chapter 650: Three Passages

'Tell them to make an oath in the name of 'God of Order' saying that they should not do anything harmful to you or me during this exploration. Also, negotiate with them that whoever gets an artifact or item first will be its owner.' Charles said telepathically to Victor.

Archbishop Victor nodded and spoke.

"All of you must take a Divine Oath in the name of God of Order and promise that you will not attack us until this exploration ends. Also, whoever gets any new artifact or treasure will become the sole owner of it. No one should ask for a share."

At that moment, Cardinal furrowed his brows for a moment and asked.

"What if we find the treasure at the same time?"

"That will naturally belong to us," Archbishop Victor shamelessly spoke, causing bulging veins on Carinal's forehead.

"Stop it, Luke." Finally, the red-haired boy named Jamie raised his hand and stopped the confrontation.

"We will agree to your request. But once we enter the exploration site, you must split up and move independently."

"Agreed," Victor nodded his head in agreement and added.

"It's not some ruined site, but the entrance is a cavern."

"Then, we'll perform the 'Divine Oath' ritual now," Jamie said before signaling his companions to get started.

After that, the people from the Order Church sat on the ground and performed a small ritual to make a divine oath.

Although no magical thing happened as they finished performing the divine oath, Charles strangely felt a mark appear on everyone's soul.

Victor loosened his guard and moved closer to them after they completed the ritual.

"So, which way is the secret cavern then?" Cardinal Luke asked impatiently.

Victor looked around, analyzing the surroundings, and pointed toward a direction. "That way. Follow me, and we shall proceed."

With the agreement settled and the path decided, the united group moved cautiously but purposefully toward the mysterious secret cavern. After an hour of walking, Charles and others finally noticed the wind started to blow fiercely, causing the dusky sand to cover the surrounding withered trees.

But what startled everyone was that some mysterious force was obstructing them from scanning further ahead!

"Your wisdom power won't work from here onwards. From now on, be careful of getting lost in this stormy wind and follow me closely," Victor said while glancing around the surroundings continuously and occasionally putting strange marks on the nearby trees and woods.

But as they walked further, they all noticed a strange towering pyramid standing on their left side which looked more like a towering mountain.

"Pyramid? Is that the place? But why are we moving in a different direction?" Holy Maiden asked while furrowing her brows.

"This whole land is not some random land but a magical array. Whenever you try moving closer to that Pyramid, you will get farther. When we last explored this place, my companions got lost in the sandstorm and went farther away from the Pyramid. Only I found a strange cavern and entered the Graveyard of Stealers." Victor spoke solemnly.

"What does it look like?" Holy Maiden asked, showing keen interest.

"You can see for yourself in a while," This time, Victor decided not to reveal too much information and abruptly ended the conversation.

Then, he stepped forward and continued the journey through the harsh winds.

After a few minutes of walking, they all found themselves standing in front of a rocky cavern.

The cavern's opening revealed itself as a formidable archway, stretching to a height of approximately four meters. Its dark and rugged exterior bore a resemblance to the gaping maw of an ancient alligator, its rough surfaces hinting at the countless eons it had withstood against the test of time.

As they approached the cavern's mouth, an eerie darkness seemed to emanate from within, casting a shadowy veil over the entrance. The group felt a tingling sense of uncertainty and anticipation as they peered into the depths that lay ahead.

Stalactites hung like icicles from the cavern's ceiling, their sharp and jagged formations hinting at the unfathomable age of the cave. Stalagmites rose from the ground, forming natural pillars that seemed to guard the path further into the darkness.

"This is where the entrance of the Graveyard of Stealers. Once we walk in, be prepared for any ambushes." Victor said calmly and stepped forward while talking out a magical lamp from his space ring.

As he lit the lamp, the gloomy dark cave was suddenly illuminated in yellowish light, revealing the interior.

The group also stepped into the dark cavern, their senses heightened as they navigated the gloomy passageway. The air inside was heavy with anticipation, and each footfall echoed throughout the ancient space.

As they delved deeper into the cavern, they soon reached a passage created with stones and clay. The rocky walls were adorned with strange symbols and hieroglyphs, telling stories of a forgotten era. The enigmatic atmosphere filled them with wonder and awe but also stirred a sense of caution in their hearts.

Victor led the way with unwavering determination, relying on his previous knowledge of the location to guide them through the maze. He occasionally paused to study the intricate markings on the walls, which seemed to hold valuable information about the secrets concealed within the Graveyard of Stealers.

"You know of this language?" Radiant Knight Ruby asked as she got closer to the strange writing patterns and tried to decipher them.

"Last time, I found a stone with Runal language and this strange ancient language called 'Fsech.' After copying all the characters, I returned to Edhen and started deciphering this new language. Although I'm only at a beginner level, it's enough for me to read the inscriptions on the stone walls." Victor spoke confidently and soon said.

"The above inscription is a notice. After we walk for two thousand footsteps, we will stumble upon three passages. This earlier notice tells me to choose the right pathway. And, I have decided to take the middle pathway."

At that moment, everyone realized it must be the same pathway he had chosen previously and nodded.

"What about the other two passages?" This time, it was Jamie who asked the question.

"Let me see. Hmm?" Victor stood there for a while and soon added, after deciphering the words,

"The left pathway will lead to the underground city called 'Zarack' while the right one will lead to the gate of Stardust."

"Underground City? Gate of Stardust? What are they?" Holy Maiden asked curiously.

"I don't know." Victor shook his head and added casually.

"But if you want to explore, go ahead."

A trace of annoyance appeared on Holy Maiden's face. But due to her position as Holy Maiden, she could only let out a sigh and keep her mouth shut.

"Victor, can't you give some respect to your superiors?" This time, Cardinal Luke asked while showing his dissatisfaction.

"Your Eminence, I'm not disrespecting 'Holy Maiden' or anyone. I'm saying that I really don't know anything about that place." Victor said with a forced smile.

While they were arguing, Charles kept his keen senses attuned to any hidden dangers that might lurk in the shadows.

'My wisdom power hasn't been blocked, but its range reduced dramatically. More likely, this divine power is suppressing my strength.' However, he still felt uneasy about the strange divine power capable of altering the surrounding atmosphere and suppressing his wisdom power!

"Stop chatting. Let's go." Jamie urged as Victor and Cardinal had already started a fight.

With no other choice, Victor stopped talking back and moved ahead.

The Cardinal, Jamie, and the assassin-like man followed closely behind, their eyes scanning for potential traps or adversaries that might lie in wait. Their experiences as skilled members of the Order Church gave them an edge in anticipating potential threats.

On the other hand, the Holy Maiden, Charles, and the Radiant Knight Ruby followed the group while maintaining a few feet distance and looking out for any dangers from behind.

As Victor had said earlier, the passageway was split into three when they reached around 2000 feet.

"Which way should we go, My Lord?" This time, Cardinal Luke asked Jamie.

This time, Jamie didn't answer in an instant and kept pondering.

"We'll first explore the middle pathway with Victor and the otherworldly human and then move to the other regions."

Upon hearing those words, Cardinal was about to refute but soon shut his mouth.

"We'll follow your command, My Lord." He said with a nod.

"Then, don't go to the Second Chamber. That place is for me." Victor said anxiously and fastened his footsteps.

After what felt like an eternity of winding passages and numerous turns, they finally reached a vast chamber at the end of the long passage. The room was unlike any they had seen, filled with magnificent statues, swords, shields, and even rare artifacts, each holding a fragment of the past's forgotten glory.

The sight left them speechless, and for a moment, they could only stand in awe of the wondrous spectacle before them. Glimmering jewels, ancient relics, and intricate artifacts adorned every corner of the chamber, casting mesmerizing reflections in the soft light provided by Victor.

Their eyes met in amazement, understanding that the secrets of the past lay within their grasp. However, the atmosphere quickly shifted from wonder to caution, for they were not alone in the chamber.

A group of shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, their intent unclear. They appeared to be explorers seeking to claim the treasures within the Graveyard of Stealers.

The tension in the air was palpable as both groups sized each other up.

"Who are you guys?" Victor was the first one to step up and ask.

At that moment, Cardinal Luke raised his staff and got ready to cast an attack spell on them.