
After receiving the affectionate disposition of the Dragon King, the shamans were quarantined in the cold and dark Black Dragon Palace.

The Dragon King healed them enough so that they could be conscious, but not the wounds caused by the monster’s scales, and so the shamans felt cold.

After all, no matter what the shamans look like, no matter what they go through, the Dragon King still loves them.

[I’m happy that my love is delivered in a way that my dragons and my shamans can understand.]

The Dragon King spoke affectionately as he looked at the shamans who had smiles on their faces as if they had gone mad.

The Dragon King was purely delighted.

‘They’re not happy because they will have a disastrous future. They’re genuinely happy that they’re going to live for a long time.’

The Dragon King restricts expressing his love because he cares for those who are connected to him in the mortal world.

I’m sure he wanted those connected to him to live a long time, but he may have held back his love because he wanted them to live human lives still.

But now, there’s no reason to hold back for those shamans, and the dragons wouldn’t oppose it either.

[The candidates have a third test left.]

The Dragon King addressed the candidates who were watching the series of events.

As if she had been waiting, Yoon Yeorang spoke.

“Yes, I’ve been waiting for it!”

Following Yoon Yeorang, the other candidates showed interest too.

I thought the candidates would get pressured by the Dragon King’s heavy love, but I guess not.

They seemed to have lots of thoughts, but they showed a willingness to take the test.

[Will you write a poem for me?]

Yoon Yeorang answered brightly and nodded continuously as if words naturally came to her.

When the Dragon King confirmed the will of the candidates, he asked something to the youngest palace shaman.

[I have a favor to ask of you.]


The youngest shaman looked as if she had been ambushed.

She felt relieved to see the other shamans being taken away, but she tried her best not to make it obvious.

Because of that, she was caught off guard.

She looked flustered, not expecting that the Dragon King would talk to her.

[The test you took was not fair. Give me a chance to correct it.]

The Dragon King must’ve realized that there was something wrong with Shaman Hong’s selection process from before.

He knows now that the youngest shaman was unreasonably eliminated.

‘The Dragon King may have wanted to pick her at first. But since the other shamans played tricks and endorsed Shaman Hong, the Dragon King decided to take their suggestion.’

The youngest shaman may not have grasped everything yet, but she must know why the Dragon King is asking her for a poem.

The Dragon King wants her to be a shaman.

While the Dragon King spoke to the youngest shaman, Shaman Hong stared at her.

She seemed to convey that the youngest shaman should accept the Dragon King’s proposal.

The youngest shaman was confused, but she replied “Yes, Dragon King.”

[Thank you.]

As the Dragon King spoke softly, the youngest shaman’s expression softened.

The youngest shaman had little will to do anything, but she didn’t seem to hate the Dragon King.

After confirming her intent to join the test, the Dragon King said,

[Thank you for answering my request. Why don’t we hold the test after we rest for a bit and the other dragons return?]

“Will it be okay for you to stay for a long time?”

[It’s alright. Thanks to the excellent ritual, I think I can stay for long.]

The Dragon King calmed Hwangryong’s worries.

The Unryongs that wandered around Hwangryong were delighted by the news as they jumped around on their clouds.

One of the Unryongs came to me and circled around as if saying thank you.

The Dragon King was looking at me when he referred to the ritual, so I guess that made them react like that.

I didn’t do the advent ritual alone, but it was difficult to get the timing to express this.

“Let’s head to the Blue Dragon Palace and rest. Let’s go, Jo Euishin.”

“Then I’ll go to the Blue Dragon Palace as well. I’ll have to see that there’s no inconvenience for the benefactor.”

“No need for that. Rest in the Yellow Dragon Palace with the Dragon King and the other dragons, Cheongryong.”

“I think you’re forgetting, Hwangho, but the Blue Dragon Palace is my palace.”

We headed to the Blue Dragon Palace while the two clan heads bickered.

Hwangryong prepared for the third test at the Yellow Dragon Palace, and despite his busy schedule he still made sure everyone was alright.

The Dragon King also went to regain energy, but I don’t know if he’ll be alright since he’s consumed a lot of energy and there’s still a lot of work left to do.

‘There’s still Chokryong’s request left.’

I don’t think I can do anything right now since Hwangryong was so busy.

I had a lot to think about after the Dragon Palace, but I decided to focus on the third test that will be held in front of the Dragon King.


First day of the Lunar New Year, noon.

Twelve hours after the shamans’ mess, Hwangryong sent an Unryong to each palace to gather us.

We all headed to the Yellow Dragon Palace.

My body felt light thanks to a good night’s sleep, but the old guy next to me just wouldn’t stop talking.

“Jo Euishin, you used a lot of energy waves so you still need more rest. Why don’t you skip attending the test and rest a little more.”

“I’m good.”

“What do you mean you’re good? Your energy waves are still in a worse shape than usual. Isn’t it, Jeokho?”

Hwang Jiho even involved Jeokho for no reason.

Jeokho looked at me slowly and said,

“Hwangho is right. Your energy waves’ flow is weaker than usual. Are you really okay?”

“I’m alright. You used your powers for an extensive time, Jeokho. Are you okay?”

“Absolutely. You don’t have to worry. It’s alright since I didn’t have to take care much of Hwangho.”

“Jo Euishin, this body also dealt with quite a lot of power in this mission.”

Hwang Jiho kept saying something, but I was talking to Jeokho so I decided not to answer.

Jeokho must’ve been frustrated since his action in the Dragon Palace was limited.

But Jeokho looked lively without any sign of exhaustion.

The cause was, of course, Kim Shinrok.

We were talking about his condition, but at some point, the flow of conversation changed to him bragging about his son.

“I’m full of energy because I didn’t fight that much. And after all, my son summoned Nwiho and took care of everything. I didn’t have to step up. Hwangryong wasn’t in the best condition at that time too. When they used the energy wave link, Hwangryong couldn’t send much power, but my son…”

He was immersed in his thoughts as he gave proper appreciation — bragging, to be more accurate — to his son.

As Jeokho said, Hwangryong was in quite a bad condition at that time.

Nevertheless, when they used the energy wave link, Kim Shinrok quickly wiped out the enemies.

‘The force behind the energy wave link isn’t simply a combination of forces.’

As Jeokho said, the power that Hwangryong added through the link was very small.

If the energy wave link was simply a sum of forces, what Kim Shinrok would’ve used that time was only a little stronger than his own.

He wouldn’t have been able to eliminate the Bear Clan minions as effectively as he did.

In other words, the power of the energy wave link isn’t just a combination of energy waves but a new force expressed through the link.

‘Royal lineage, descendant, and human. Two or more of these three, including a descendant, seem to produce a new powerful force.’

There’s still a lot to figure out about the energy wave link.

The key is the two descendants, Kim Shinrok and Yeom Junyeol, whose light skills are closely related to their sources.

“That’s right. Shinrok fought so well.”

Meanwhile, Yong Jegun who learned about the energy wave link looked so happy that he could fly.

Kim Shinrok and Yong Jegun appeared long after the case was settled.

Yong Jegun’s blindfold was off, and he opened his eyes wide as if showing off that he didn’t have divinity expressed through them.

Hwang Jiho, Jeokho, and Cheongryong weren’t as surprised since they expected Yong Jegun to appear without his blindfold.

Still, they checked several times as if they were concerned that Yong Jegun’s eyes still expressed divinity.

Of course, Yong Jegun had abandoned his divinity without regret.

“I’m sure you know that the Dragon King descended to the palace, Yong Jegun. Why did you not come to the Yellow Dragon Palace then?”

“Shinrok asked me to.”

Yong Jegun spoke brazenly.

No matter how much I think about it, I don’t think Kim Shinrok really asked that of him.

As expected, Kim Shinrok denied it.

“When did I say that?”

“You did, Shinrok-ie. You said you want me by your side and help you with the energy wave link.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t?”

“It’s not that I didn’t, it’s just—”

“See? You did.”

Kim Shinrok looked as if he wanted to hit Yong Jegun, but he warmed up while looking into Yong Jegin’s eyes.

It seems that the fact that his close friend will not ascend weighs bigger than the dragon’s attempt to tease him.

I don’t know what it is, but I’m sure Yong Jegun had the chance for proper teasing before he took off his blindfold.

While watching with a puzzled face, Hwang Jiho said,

“Don’t bother our descendant too much anyway, Yong Jegun.”

“I ask you to understand, Hwangho. Yong Jegun has made a big decision to let go of his thousands of years of accumulated divinity. Let him be playful for a while.”

I don’t know if Jeokho is siding with Yong Jegun or what.

As we headed to the Dragon Palace, the Dragon King welcomed his beloved dragon with joy.

When he found Yong Jegun, the clouds around the Dragon King emitted a brighter light.

[I finally see your face, Yong Jegun.]

“It’s been a while, Dragon King.”

Yong Jegun also greeted the Dragon King quite happily, but not as much as the latter.

The Dragon King spoke affectionately, not at all disappointed at Yong Jegun.

[Why didn’t you come to me when you made your choice? You haven’t even introduced me to your friend yet.]

“Shinrok isn’t used to the presence of superior beings. He should be able to say hello by now though.”

[Will you introduce him to me?]

When the Dragon King called, Kim Shinrok approached slowly.

Kim Shinrok has become accustomed to the presence somewhat.

I’ve always noticed it, but the Dragon Clan always welcomed Kim Shinrok warmly.

Well, I think they’re grateful that he’s a friend to their mischievous dragon.

[Let’s sit. Let’s hear the poems prepared by the candidates.]

When all the guests and dragons sat down, Hwangryong stood in front with his back to the Yellow Cloud Lake.

The very scenery of the lake was different from when we first saw it.

There were some changes in structure, but the expulsion of Nabiryeong and the Dragon King’s advent had great effects.

There were no butterflies left in the Yellow Cloud Lake, but the five colors of flowers and clouds surrounding it were darker.

“The third test will now begin.”

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