
Black is one of the five colors of Ogansaek.

Even in myths and legends that do not use the concept of obangsaek or ogansaek, beings that symbolize the color black often appear.

‘People with black energy waves are rare, but there are quite a few people of royal lineage who symbolize black.’

I wasn’t the only one with black energy waves.

Among the professional players, there’s Blademaster Heukrim, and among the royal lineage was Heukma.

According to the famous designer Seodol, we had different shades of black, but I think it’s black anyway.

‘But I’ve never heard of a Heukho.’

The presence of absence of Heukho.

Anyone who knows about the concept of obangsaek might be curious, but I haven’t found it strange.

Even humans, people of royal lineage, and the tigers didn’t feel like so.

“As far as I know, there is no Heukho.”

Jeokho affirmed as expected.

He then went on to say the reason.

“Not all of the royal lineage have people who symbolize the five colors. It’s the same for Heukma and the Horse Clan.”

As Jeokho said, the Horse Clan does not have all five colors.

There’s Cheongma and Baekma, but I haven’t heard of a Hwangma.

Hwangryong nodded, affirming that he knew.

“I know that. But the people of the Horse Clan are influenced by the West. Their leader, Heukma, follows Epona, the horse goddess of Europe.”

“The Rabbit Clan have long established themselves in Korea and follow the Moon Palace’s hang-ah, but they also don’t have all five colors.”

I don’t know about a Baekto or a Heukto, but I know Cheongto and Hwangto don’t exist.

The rabbits were the better example, but Jeokho must’ve brought them up late because of his thoughts about Ok Toyeon.

Hwangryong still seemed to have something in mind, but Jeokho wasn’t wrong so he didn’t argue any further.

“I see. There’s no Heukho among the Tiger Clan. The other tiger isn’t questioning it either.”

Hwangryong nodded and looked at the other tiger guest.

I thought the talk of Heukho would end like that, but Hwangryong added something.

“If there’s a Heukho, perhaps he can play an instrument and handle cold winds. Just like Hyunmoo or Heukryong.”

“Is that so? Symbolizing the same color doesn’t guarantee that they’d be similar to each other. You and Hwangho are nothing alike.”

“Hahaha, Hwangho and I have something in common. And as I see it, you have things in common with Jeokryong.”

I also think that Hwangryong and Hwang Jiho have something similar.

Even if their friends are away, they remained alone and fulfilled their obligations.

The difference is that, unlike Hwang Jiho, Hwangryong did not become negligent.

‘Then are Cheongho and Cheongryong alike too?’

There seemed to be little in common between the silent Hani and the braggy Cheongryong.

But like Cheongho who follows Shinin well, Cheongryong was a fool for his descendant.

The next topics became about the other dragons who weren’t present here.

Although they have ascended, the influence of Heukrong, Baekryong, and Jeokryong in the Dragon palace was significant.

“I’m sorry I’ve kept you for long. That’s it for the banquet. I hope you have a good time for the rest of your stay.”

We can’t really distinguish day and night in the deep sea, but it has become late.

Hwangryong declared the end of the banquet and the guests left after a short greeting.

The tiger guests were ready to head back, but Yong Jegun remained.

“I’ll talk to Hwangryong before I go.”


“Come back if you get lost. I’ll walk you.”

“We won’t get lost.”

“You almost did when we were going to the pavilion.”


Yong Jegun constantly teased Kim Shinrok.

It’s amazing how he’s dealing with it.

Yong Jegun’s face makes it seem like they won’t talk about anything important, but that wasn’t the case.

‘It’ll be harder if he puts it off any longer.’

Yong Jegun will stay to tell Hwangryong about the traitors.

They will be helping clean up, so now must be the perfect time.

I felt sorry for Hwangryong who was so excited during the banquet.

‘It won’t be good to talk around the pavilion though.’

The afterglow of the banquet remained in the pavilion, but some things bothered me a little.

I told Yong Jegun before we left.

“Professor Yong Jegun, I think you should talk some place else.”


Yong Jegun smiled.

Even though there was a strong scent of alcohol from him, his smile was the same as usual.

Perhaps a drunk and sober Yong Jegun aren’t distinguishable.

I spoke while looking at Unryong and the Dragon Palace shamans who were busy in the pavilion.

“Everyone looks busy cleaning up the banquet hall. And…”

I turned my eyes and looked out of the pavilion, at the lake just in front.

Fine grasses like jade and beautiful flowers like beads were blooming.

The flowers held their spirit and butterflies floated slowly over them.

The wind that blew through the mountain shook the lake’s surface, and the butterflies sat on the petals waiting for the wind to pass.

I spoke as I watched the scene.

“The wind is cold.”


In front of the Black Dragon Palace.

After passing through the ice-covered garden, Hwangryong and Yong Jegun reached the palace.

The firmly closed door opened as if it had been waiting for the two dragons.

An Unryong who managed the palace welcomed the visit of the two dragons.

It was cold so the Unryong guided them inside the dark palace.

“The Black Dragon Palace must’ve been left empty. I guess the shamans don’t frequent this place either.”

“It’s cold here. And Heukryong’s darkness isn’t very compatible with the shamans.”

“Because black absorbs all light?”

“That’s right. It doesn’t seem to fit the shamans’ energies.”

Unryong led them to a less cold place at the palace.

The cold wouldn’t really affect Yong Jegun, but Unryong was worried about Hwangryong’s influence.

Unryong lit a furnace with a dragon pattern on it while Hwangryong and Yong Jegun sat face to face on a black lacquered chair.

“There’s something I want to talk to you about, Hwangryong.”

“Any talk with you is always welcome. You even drove away the shaman who was supposed to come with us. I’m sure you’re going to say something important.”

“Why do you think so? It might not be a big deal.”

Yong Jegun hid his true feelings and said so.

One of the Dragon Palace offered to come with them as a guide, but Yong Jegun refused, saying that he wanted to talk to Hwangryong alone.

The shaman persisted, saying that the Black Dragon Palace wasn’t well maintained, but Hwangryong supported Yong Jegun.

— Yong Jegun is about to ascend. We cater to whatever he wants.

Only after the mention of ascension did the shaman retreat.

Yong Jegun smiled casually, but he made sure to remember the shaman and the group she mingled with.

Jo Euishin seemed to assume that the Dragon Palace shamans are fractioned into traitors and non-traitors.

Yong Jegun thought the same.

Maybe it’s just wishful thinking that not all the shamans are traitors, but it wouldn’t hurt to find out.

“Your student was worried about the cold wind, but you went to the coldest place. It must be something important then.”

Hwangryong spoke fondly.

Looking closely, the brazier prepared by Unryong was closer to Yong Jegun than to Hwangryong.

‘Hwangryong has a lot of affection. He took in all the shaman candidates who were eliminated. He chose to protect the Dragon Palace instead of ascension.’

Even through his blindfold, Hwangryong looked friendly.

Yong Jegun hesitated to talk about the traitors.

After waiting for a while, Hwangryong spoke again.

“I thought you’d consult about your ascension, but I guess you want to talk about something else.”

“…What made you think so?”

“Ascension is a light topic for you. You can speak about it easily in front of your tiger friend, more so if we’re all alone.”

Hwangryong thought for a long moment.

“Does it have anything to do with the fact that the guests barely touched the food we prepared?”

“You knew?”

“My vision is wider than yours, Yong Jegun. They can escape the shamans’ eyes, but not mine.”

Even the dragons tried to hide it from Hwangryong, but it didn’t seem to work.

Hwangryong spoke kindly like an older brother who noticed his younger brother’s clumsy prank.

“I took a good look at Cheongryong and the other dragons who stayed at the Yellow Dragon Palace. They eat their own food, but they’re very careful when eating the food prepared by the shamans.”

Jo Euishin recommended that they be wary of the food at the Dragon Palace.

That’s why they chose a dragon who can cook to join the trip.

It would be noticeable if they didn’t eat in front of the shamans, so even that deception was practiced.

They were to wrap the food in energy waves inside their mouth, swallow it, and then throw it up later.

The shamans didn’t seem to notice, but Hwangryong saw through it.

“I actually helped a little because I was afraid that the shamans would be disappointed. I made Unryong cheat their eyes when organizing the dishes.”

Yong Jegun decided to stop hesitating and tell the truth.

“Okay, I’ll tell you then. There are traitors among the shamans, Hwangryong. They abandoned the Dragon King and tried to kill me and Junyeol.”

Hwangryong’s lips trembled.

He’s known Hwangryong for a long time, but Yong Jegun has never seen his expression shake.

Hwangryong didn’t doubt Yong Jegun’s words, but he couldn’t immediately accept them.

“You know that the Dragon Clan’s benefactor is among the guests at the Blue Dragon Palace, right?”

“…Of course.”

Hwangryong knew that Yong Jegun and Yeom Junyeol owed their lives to Jo Euishin.

When Yong Jegun said that he was looking for something to gift Jo Euishin, he gave up a precious black pearl right away.

However, Hwangryong didn’t know about the shamans.

Yong Jegun continued speaking.

“That kid suggested that we look into the food from the shamans.”

Jo Euishin’s suggestion came from the fact that Yoon Yeorang didn’t eat any food at the palace in PMH.

That’s why those staying at the Blue Dragon Palace didn’t touch the food served by the shamans.

They ate food brought from the ground instead and experimented with the food from the shamans.

And they found something.

“There are scales chopped into powder in the food. It was very similar to dragon scales, but it was different.”

Yong Jegun revealed to the stiff Hwangryong.

“The benefactor thinks that it’s Imoogi’s Scales.”

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