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Kim Shinrok was sitting alone in the spacious teacher’s office in the freshmen building.

Some teachers were on break for Christmas Eve, and those who attended school were busy in the background.

There were a few teachers like Yong Jegun who went home quickly.

Kim Shinrok felt choked up at the thought, but since it was a good day, he decided to only think about the good things.

‘The Class One kids are safe, and all the Jiikhoe kids are safe. It’s a relief.’

Because of the possibility of getting caught, Kim Shinrok has only been doing professor duties since after the boundary was restarted.

Nevertheless, he was so busy that he couldn’t afford to get a sip of water.

Despite having a lot of work, Kim Shinrok checked every child that he was in charge of.

Even if they didn’t see each other in person, he checked up on them by messaging directly or asking their student representative.

Kim Shinrok thought that as a teacher it was natural for him to care for his students, but his students were deeply moved by his gestures.

As a result, the kids from Class One who planned to train to protect their homeroom teacher further increased their motivation, albeit without Kim Shinrok’s knowledge.

After checking the last message on his phone, Kim Shinrok checked the news.

Most media outlets were reporting on the incident at Eungwang High.

‘This can’t be contained easily even if Hwangmyeong Foundation’s PR team stepped up.’

Kim Shinrok wanted to read in a physical newspaper, but only video news and articles on the web were available.

Even though he was disappointed, he checked carefully every article and news.

Then, something caught his eye.

It was about Yong Jegun protecting the school using a miracle as the Cintamani.

‘Since there’s another miracle today, maybe I should release another version…’


Kim Shinrok opened the drawer and looked at his stationary and notes organized by color.

His gaze was on a book in the corner of the drawer, Cintamani’s Miracles.

While thinking deeply about whether he should add another entry or print and distribute a new one separately, a photo of Yong Jegun stood out.

It was taken from a distance of the Red Lion Team and the Dragon Clan leaving the school.

The photo showed Yong Jegun standing next to Yeom Junyeol, blindfolded.

‘No, I don’t think I have to do anything now. His divinity has risen to the point where he has to cover his eyes. He’ll ascend even without my help now.’

Thoughts gradually increased in Kim Shinrok’s mind.

He thought about the time left until Yong Jegun ascended.

‘I have a lot of work to do, so I shouldn’t care if that dragon ascends or not…’

Contrary to his will, he wasn’t motivated to do anything.

While he was sitting with his thoughts, a message arrived on his device.

His eyes opened wide when he saw the sender’s name.

[Sung Gukeon] Hello, Professor. This is Sung Gukeon.

[Sung Gukeon] I contacted you to check up on you after hearing what happened at Eungwang High. Please answer when you have the time.

Sung Gukeon spoke in a businesslike way, but his worries were communicated clearly in his messages.

He must be very busy as the only player-politician in a time when the government and the association are in conflict.

In the meantime, Kim Shinrok was grateful and sorry for Sung Gukeon who checked up on him even without political benefit.

Kim Shinrok hid his feelings and responded professionally.

[Sung Gukeon] It’s a relief that you’re safe, Professor. I’ll see you again soon.

[Sung Gukeon] Have a good Christmas.

The Christmas greeting from Sung Gukeon made Kim Shinrok feel even more dizzy.

He thought it was impossible, but he suspects that Sung Gukeon recognized him already.

Doubts deepened further as he remembered how Sung Gukeon came to the festival and played chess against Yong Jegun.

‘No, if he knew, there’s no way Sung Gukeon would stay still. How much Sung Gukeon hated royal lineage and descendants, and it’s impossible for him to see a deceitful person like me as a…’

As soon as his thoughts were about to be followed by self-doubt, his conversation with Jo Euishin came to mind.

It was when he was forced to stay in the Red Lion team building.

— Do you remember how Sung Gukeon sunbaenim was with Professor Ham Geunhyung?

— …It wasn’t very good. Professor Ham Geunhyung was a man of principle, while Sung Gukeon was somewhat naughty. They were like water and oil.

— The two of them met in Hongcheon recently.

Jo Euishin told how Sung Gukeon changed through an anecdote with Ham Geunhyung.

Could there be a possibility that Sung Gukeon would treat Kim Shinrok like a professor even if he knew his identity?

The thought was biting, and a friendly voice interrupted it.



“Take it easy. You don’t have to work so hard after a long day.”

Jeokho seemed to have mistakenly thought he was working after seeing various holograms and news articles floated around him.

He can’t say that he was stupidly thinking of something else, so Kim Shinrok swallowed his words.

Perhaps because of Jeokho’s arrival, Kim Shinrok felt his twisted insides settle down.

“Jeokho-nim, how did you…”

Jeokho looked still at Kim Shinrok’s left eye covered by his hair.

In Kim Shinrok’s eyes, Jeokho looked a little tired so he was worried.

Jeokho pretended to be fine.

“I suddenly wanted to see your face. I have to go to the mansion soon, so I came here to meet you.”

Kim Shinrok had no choice but to agree to come, not having the heart to use work as an excuse to not go with Jeokho when he knew that his father’s condition was not good.

The father and son talked about the events today as they headed straight to the modern annex of the mansion.

Jeokho regained some composure after talking to his son, but as soon as they arrived in the annex, his mood plummeted again.

“Waaaah, waaah!”

A loud wail resonated as soon as Jeokho opened the door.

Jeokho became very displeased when he realized that it was the sound of Ok Toyeon crying.

Again, in the middle of the living room, Ok Toyeon was crying in the middle of gift boxes.

“You’ll get tired if you cry like that, Toyeon-nim. The floor is cold so please at least sit on the sofa if you wish to cry.”

“Sniffle, waaaah!”

Eunho gently soothed her but Ok Toyeon cried loudly again as she hit the floor.

Ok Toyeon struggled to hold back tears and only stopped hitting the floor after she was sat on the sofa.

Jeokho thought that if their floor was broken, they could charge Ok Toyeon several times for repair, and even if Ok Toyeon’s fists were the ones that broke, it would still be good.

Jeokho complained to Eunho after having his son seated.

“Do we have to meet Ok Toyeon on this good day? Why don’t you just meet your grandchildren in the main house?”

“Those children wouldn’t have grown up safely if it weren’t for Toyeon-nim.”


With eyes redder than usual, Ok Toyeon was thrilled as she said Eunho’s name.

She cried her heart out to some extent thanks to Eunho’s soothing.

Seeing that the tigers weren’t particularly impressed that Eunho was awake, it seemed that it had been a while since he was awakened.

Ok Toyeon’s resentment against the crazy tigers soared.

“Geuhk, why didn’t you tell me that Eunho woke up!”

“How many thousand years have you hidden Eunho’s descendants?”

“Both cases are the result of my request. Toyeon-nim and Jeokho-nim, I am the one to blame if you wish to blame anyone.”

Ok Toyeon and Jeokho closed their mouths.

There was no way they could blame Eunho.

“I tried to move carefully as much as I could before Christmas Eve. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.”

“No, it’s okay!”

Ok Toyeon, who was just whining about not being informed earlier on, immediately changed her attitude.

She then looked around and spoke.

“Eunho, why aren’t the kids here?”

“Those kids don’t know that I am awake.”

“Oh… Are you going to tell them today?”

“I’m thinking about it.”

Although Ok Toyeon was tactless, she noticed that Eunho was reluctant to talk about the descendants.

It wasn’t strange considering what he said when he left her in charge of his descendant, but listening to his words made her cry again.

When Ok Toyeon was about to cry again, knowing that Eunho would soothe her…

“I called you to ask you something.”

Hwangho, who had been quiet all this time, spoke.

Ok Toyeon and Ok Toyoon were nervous at his voice.

Ok Toyoon reflexively hugged Ok Toyeon’s shoulder and tried to protect her from Hwangho.

‘Hwangho doesn’t look like he’s in a good mood. Eunho too. Though Eunho is better at hiding his feelings.’

Hwangho looked like an elementary student, but there was a lot of patience and suppression in his voice.

If he explodes, it is clear that Ok Toyeon would be the first to get caught up.

Ok Toyoon tried to guess the cause, but she decided to wait for Hwangho’s words since she had little clue.

“Jo Euishin left for the underworld. He fell to the bottom of the underworld in front of my and Baekho’s eyes, and he left a message.”

“Do you mean Jo Euishin? What do you mean underworld!”


Only hearing of it now, Jeokho and Kim Shinrok were also shocked.

Ok Toyeon stared at Hwangho, not immediately understanding his words.

When it finally sinks in, Ok Toyeon became tearful and slammed the sofa.

“What? The benefactor is dead? That benefactor is a human but he always thinks his life is disposable, aigoo…!”



When Ok Toyeon’s tactless reaction further aroused Hwangho’s anger, Ok Toyoon quickly slapped her on the back.

The sound of Hwangho gritting his teeth was clearly heard.

Hwangho spoke in a dreary voice.

“You killed Jo Euishin with your words. One more nonsense and I’ll kill you and send you to the underworld to check on Jo Euishin’s safety.”

“The benefactor isn’t dead? What a relief!”

“I’ll show you the message from Euishin hyung.”

Ok Toyeon, who was busy rejoicing at the news that the benefactor was not dead, didn’t notice it.

Ok Toyoon on the other hand found it strange that Eunho would call the high school student “hyung.”

It was strange that the tigers didn’t pay attention to it either.

“Did Jo Euishin leave a message before he left for the underworld?”

“Yes, the message arrived only after he went there.”

Eunho floated a hologram.

[Jo Euishin] By the time you get this message, I won’t be in Eungwang High.

[Jo Euishin] Even if I don’t manage to go to the underworld, I might be in a state of incapacity and not be able to cancel this scheduled message.

[Jo Euishin] Either way, you’d have to take care of things the same. I’m sorry.

While everyone was speechless at the message, Eunho opened his mouth first.

“Euishin hyung’s suicide note also began with greetings and apologies. Euishin hyung really hasn’t changed.”


Hwangho lamented briefly at Eunho’s words.

Those who belatedly responded to the words “Euishin hyung’s suicide note” couldn’t hide their sadness.

Eunho scrolled down and continued showing Jo Euishin’s messages.

[Jo Euishin] I have a lot of things to leave to you, so I’ll try to be back as fast as I can. But I’ve organized some measures in case I get back late or can’t come back.

[Jo Euishin] (Attachment)

The mood fell even lower when the words “can’t come back” came up.

[Jo Euishin] I’m going to be walking the line between life and death. I will be meeting the watchman in the bondage of reincarnation.

[Jo Euishin] Just in case I can’t deliver it directly, I’m thinking of ways to deliver the information that I get. I sent a message to the head of the Rabbit Clan.

“Oh? Oh, I really got a message from the benefactor!”

While Ok Toyeon opened her device, a dark atmosphere rose among the tigers.

Jo Euishin kept alluding that he might not be able to return from the underworld.

[Jo Euishin] I’m sorry I didn’t tell you in advance and left you with a lot of things to fix.

[Jo Euishin] Merry Christmas.

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