
EX rank supporting role’s replay in a prestigious schoolchapter 540: eungwang high entrance exam (2)

Support Ex-Rank

Just as Yong Jegun said, the busy Yeom Junyeol was the last to join.

He must’ve just got off from exhausting student association work, but he didn’t look tired at all.

Yeom Junyeol had always been sincere, kind, and intelligent, but he seemed to have become more reliable after being elected as the student representative.

He greeted us one by one, perhaps already having heard who would join us for dinner.

“Hi Professor Yong Jegun and Kim Shinrok. Hi to you too, Euishin.”

“We’re outside school so just call me hyung.”

“Alright, Jegun hyung.”


Kim Shinrok glanced at Yong Jegun’s brazen behavior.

The dragon was indeed older than Yeom Junyeol, but it was ridiculous to want to be called “hyung” when their age gap is thousands of years.

Kim Shinrok looked like he wanted to say something but held it in and greeted the polite Yeom Junyeol.


Perhaps because it was a private dinner, Kim Shinrok decided to treat Yeom Junyeol as a descendant of the Dragon Clan instead of his student at Eungwang High.

However, the two dragons seemed to share the trait of wanting to have people closer.

“Please speak at ease. You’re Jegun hyung’s friend, so you’re like a hyung to me too, Professor Kim Shinrok.”

“Yeah, it would be nice if you two got closer.”


Kim Shinrok looked troubled and Yeom Junyeol didn’t repeat it.

Meanwhile, Yong Jegun was smiling brightly, making it obvious that he wanted the two to get close.

Well, perhaps it stems from Yong Jegun’s love for both individuals.

The weather was chilly, but the atmosphere was warm from the interaction of my playable characters.

“Oh, this is the restaurant that Euishin suggested last time.”


“Yes, we had an interview before the general elections. Dongha, Euishin, and I came here after the interview.”

The course restaurant that Yong Jegun booked was the same one we ate at before.

The restaurant’s main dish was Yeom Junyeol’s favorite seafood, and condiments were available at the table to adjust the taste to our liking.

The interior design and ambiance were great too.

Also, dessert will be served at the end of the meal, so the sweet-toothed Kim Shinrok would be satisfied too.

It was indeed an excellent restaurant, as expected from Yong Jegun.

Today’s main dish was a large hairtail with grilled sea urchin roe.

While I helped myself with the appetizer, the chef appeared with a hairtail about a meter long.

The chef offered to debone it, but Yong Jegun refused.

“Oh, will you do it yourself, Jegun hyung?”

“Yeah, I’ll take care of it.”

Yong Jegun skillfully deboned the hairtail with the long wooden chopsticks.

It wouldn’t have been easy to debone the fish while maintaining its shape, but Yong Jegun did it flawlessly.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you for the meal. Euishin-ah, eat a lot.”

Yeom Junyeol took a serving of the hairtail and placed it in front of me in a very natural way before taking his share.

Come to think of it, I should’ve given him some first being his junior, but the kind Yeom Junyeol thought of me first.

It tasted much better since it was deboned and served by my playable characters.

However, there was one of us who didn’t seem to enjoy the food.

‘It’s as delicious as Hwang Jiho’s cooking but… Kim Shinrok isn’t eating well.’

Kim Shinrok moved his chopsticks neatly several times, but the food on his plate didn’t decrease much.

He wasn’t like this during breakfast with Yong Jegun, so it might be because of Yeom Junyeol.

The atmosphere wasn’t so bad on the surface because Yeom Junyeol and Yong Jegun were asking questions that could be answered shortly, but I’m sure the dragons noticed it.

“Are you full, Shinrok-ah?”


“You didn’t eat much. We should order a lot of desserts. Today’s dessert is ripe persimmon sherbet.”

Yong Jegun floated the hologram menu before Kim Shinrok could reply.

Dried persimmon and honey garnished on a sweet sherbet, and I thought I saw Kim Shinrok take a gulp.

He grabbed a spoon as soon as the persimmon sherbet came out, his love for persimmons really showing.

Perhaps Yong Jegun chose this place knowing that the restaurant serves dried persimmon dessert.

It was very thorough and smart that the restaurant he chose also suit Yeom Junyeol’s taste.

However, he soon brought up something that would disturb Kim Shinrok.

“Junyeol-ah, do you know descendants are going to our school next year?”



Kim Shinrok almost dropped the dessert spoon.

Yong Jegun looked happy with his reaction, while Kim Shinrok seemed to want to throw the spoon at Yong Jegun’s forehead.

Yeom Junyeol was just happy to hear that fellow descendants would enter Eungwang High.

“Is that true? Some descendants will become freshmen this year?”


“So there’s more than one who will enter, huh…”

“Yeah, not just one.”


Kim Shinrok tried to speak but couldn’t say anything.

He seemed flustered that Yong Jegun was talking about Eunho’s descendants so candidly.

Yong Jegun enjoyed Kim Shinrok’s reaction to his heart’s content.

“Don’t worry. I got permission. I said I wanted to tell Junyeol-ie in advance because he might run into them during the patrol, and he said yes.”

Was that what he and Hwang Jiho talked about this morning?

Indeed, the test was just around the corner and Yeom Junyeol might run into them, so it would be better to tell him in advance.

“Did Euishin know about this too?”

“Those kids are close with Euishin.”

“I see… Euishin will make a good sunbae.”

Yeom Junyeol’s remark seemed to have come from the bottom of his heart.

I am a human and Eun Seoho and Eun Iho are descendants, but he didn’t seem to pay attention to that at all.

Moved by Yeom Junyeol’s unbiased attitude, something suddenly came to mind.

‘How about Eunho?’

When Eunho’s descendants meet him, they’d recognize that he’s a royal lineage.

Yong Jegun doesn’t seem to know about Eunho either.

He’s likely to run into Eunho as he travels around the school.

‘Eunho must have a plan.’

Considering the time when he was Cheon Sungheon and how he dealt with things when he first woke up as Eunho, I’m sure he’s already prepared.

“I haven’t had many interactions with other descendants so far, so I’m glad more people would study in our school.”

“The new descendants have been homeschooled so far.”

“Oh, then would it be their first time going to school?”

“Yeah, so help them adjust.”

“I will. Euishin and I will be good seniors to them.”

Yeom Junyeol is already a good sunbae, but now he wants to be even better…!

I can’t help but be moved by it.

While looking at Kim Shinrok and Yong Jegun, Yeom Junyeol said another thing.

“Well, we won’t have much to do because they’ll have good teachers.”

Yeom Junyeol naturally praised the two professors of Eungwang High.

I couldn’t hide my satisfaction with my polite student, and neither did Yong Jegun.

“…No, I know you’re an exemplary student, Yeom Junyeol. Jiikhoe students often compliment you.”

Kim Shinrok emptied the dessert bowl without saying a word and suddenly gave a pep talk.

The topic changed when the additional dessert ordered by Yong Jegun arrived.

“I hope the weather is nice on the day of the entrance exam.”

“The weather forecast says it’s going to be sunny. The shamans said the same thing.”

Did Yeom Junyeol ask the shamans about the weather?

His morning weather forecasts must include predictions by the shamans then.

Kim Shinrok raised his head, his ears visibly perked up at the mention of the shamans.

Meanwhile, Yong Jegun listened as he ate the sherbet as if he already knew this fact.

“I don’t bother the shamans every time. I usually refer to the forecast by the Korea Meteorological Administration. I ask just in case on important days. I don’t want to make a mistake on forecasts on days like that…”

Yeom Junyeol looked at me somewhat awkwardly.

Yeom Junyeol deals with the dragon of fire, so it’s only natural that he’d care about the weather.

However, I was included in his reasons for checking it regularly.

I was impressed yet again by Yeom Junyeol’s attitude and delicate consideration.

“You should be careful, Junyeol-ah. Your safety is directly related to the weather.”

Yong Jegun naturally said, putting the dessert spoon on the ceramic saucer.

“Did you check the weather with the shaman during last year’s practical test?”

Judging from the conversation so far, it seems like Yeom Junyeol is meticulous with checking the weather forecast.

On important days, he asks the shamans about the weather.

Yeom Junyeol wasn’t the student representative last year yet, but he was a member of the student association already, so he would’ve been a guide during that day.

Since he has to wait outdoors for a long time, it was likely that Yeom Junyeol checked the weather with the shamans in advance.

‘Don’t tell me Yong Jegun called Yeom Junyeol to dinner to ask that question.’

I thought he called Yeom Junyeol to enjoy Kim Shinrok looking uncomfortable.

No, that’s still possible considering that he’s the dragon of amusement.

Checking information and playing with his friend.

Yeom Junyeol answered without hesitation.

“Yes, I checked the weather that day. The shamans said it would rain, so I went around the rooms and acted as a guide. It was sunny that day though.”

The shamans told Yeom Junyeol that it would rain that day.

Being the day that I came to this world, I remember it vividly.

On the day of the entrance examination, it did not rain at all in Eungwang District.

“If I were on the external patrol team that day, I could’ve gone to help Group 13 quickly. It’s a shame. Sorry, Euishin-ah.”

“It’s alright.”

“If anything happens this time, I’ll definitely come to help. Oh, but I wish nothing happens this year.”

Yong Jegun waited for Yeom Junyeol to finish before speaking.

“The shamans’ forecast was wrong then. Well, it’s not unusual. They usually get it wrong every hundred years.”

“The shamans were also very sorry.”

“Hahaha, that’s not needed. Oh, who did you ask about the weather then? I don’t think the most senior Yoohwang (Sulfur) or the most powerful Nok (Green) would make such a mistake…”

Yeom Junyeol looked agonized for a moment.

Perhaps Yeom Junyeol hadn’t told anyone what happened that day.

“Uhm…I didn’t say it because I was afraid they’d get scolded, but I’ll tell you, Jegun hyung since you said I can tell you anything.”

Yeom Junyeol’s deep consideration must have extended to the shamans.

Yong Jegun saw through it and naturally led to the fact.

Yeom Junyeol answered.

“The one who told me about the weather that day was Shaman Hong (Red).”

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