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When Do Wonwoo was young, he was the typical arrogant “young master” shown in dramas.

His parents weren’t always out of the house, but they were busy making names for themselves during Do Wonwoo’s childhood.

In addition to Do Wonwoo’s outstanding appearance and talent, he knew how to hide his temper in front of his parents and other powerful adults.

He did some petty power trips against his fellow kindergarten students like covering side dishes and monopolizing snacks during lunch or announcing a nap time at his own will.

People around Do Wonwoo worried about what would become of him if he grew up like this.

The worry grew when Do Wonwoo’s energy waves and abilities awakened early when he became an elementary school student.

— Master Do Wonwoo’s abilities awakened…?

— His light skill isn’t used yet but he can already fight like that…

— Reminds me of the King of Ships’ childhood. But you can’t disregard character for talent.

Do Wonwoo was the only son of the next heir to one of the four major conglomerate groups in Korea.

His smartness and appearance, complimented by his abilities awakening early, put him on a pedestal above other kids of his age.

Being born with everything, Do Wonwoo’s ego has grown out of control.

The agony of his aides deepened.

— Wonwoo-ah, do you want to go to an energy center?

— …Energy center?

— Yeah, I heard some kids of your age are there too.

Do Wonwoo was aware of energy centers.

It is a place to educate children born with energy waves and abilities, regardless of their background.

Do Wonwoo considered the idea itself desirable, but he didn’t want to be a part of it.

Being an immature child, Do Wonwoo believed that people have a predetermined life based on their background and talent, and he didn’t want to be involved with humans whose lives are different from his.

Just before Do Wonwoo turned down the offer, his parents added a word.

— I heard Hyeji attends one too. How about that?

— Soohyuk is entering middle school next year, and I heard he’s going to a center.

Oh Hyeji and Joo Soohyuk.

Do Wonwoo knew those names well.

The former is the same age as him, while the latter is two years younger.

The two had perfect families and abilities.

‘It’ll be useful in the future to build connections.’

Do Wonwoo decided that it wasn’t too bad to take this opportunity to become friends with the two.

After completing his shallow calculations, Do Wonwoo nodded.

— Yes, I want to be close to Hyeji and Soohyuk too.

Thus, it was decided that Do Wonwoo will visit an energy center.

And because of that, Do Wonwoo’s values were reversed.

At that time, Do Wonwoo was only about ten years of age, but for the overly egotistic child, he was met with a presence strong enough for him to be lost in thought.

That person was Yoo Sanghee.

— There’s a kid with healing powers in this energy center!

— …Yes, she’s the same age as us. She already received an order from a superior being. If she can use her light skills now, I bet she’ll be able to use Akea’s powers.

Do Wonwoo couldn’t hide his surprise at Oh Hyeji’s words, who was the only one he speaks to at the energy center.

He knew how rare healing abilities are.

In front of Yoo Sanghee’s abilities, Do Wonwoo’s were completely ordinary.

‘My abilities aren’t as rare. I’m powerful, but it’s not as special!’

Even if their abilities were disregarded, Yoo Sanghee would still be considered the superior one.

The energy center required students who applied to take general course tests.

Do Wonwoo’s grades were above everyone else’s, but Yoo Sanghee beat him in some subjects.

He denied his defeat at first but eventually accepted it after several reviews.

— You’re the overall top though. Are you that sad that you weren’t in first place in all the subjects?

— …Hmph.

At some point, Do Wonwoo’s eyes began to follow Yoo Sanghee.

Unlike Do Wonwoo and Oh Hyeji, Yoo Sanghee was always around people.

Talking with people with the sunlight hitting her gentle face, it looked as if a halo was surrounding Yoo Sanghee.

Seeing that image, Do Wonwoo began to imagine Yoo Sanghee’s background.

‘Where is she from? I don’t know any “Yoo” families though. Maybe she’s the daughter of a promising entrepreneur abroad. Or maybe she’s from a family of hidden star players. No, maybe she’s born with royal blood?’

Oh Hyeji sent a jab at Do Wonwoo who was busy delving into his imagination.

— I know what you’re thinking, but she’s probably different from what you think, Do Wonwoo.

Those words led Do Wonwoo to start a simple investigation.

That’s when he found out that Yoo Sanghee was born into an ordinary family compared to his.

Yoo Sanghee’s parents were office workers, and there were no famous players from their families.

Do Wonwoo realized how useless and insignificant the standards that he built in his mind were.

However, it took him a long time before getting the courage to talk to her.

It wasn’t easy to destroy the values and the ego that had accumulated in him so far.

— …Hey.

— Hmm? Oh, hi Wonwoo. It’s the first time we’re talking.

Yoo Sanghee smiled at him, looking straight into his eyes.

Do Wonwoo quickly fell in love.

From then on, Do Wonwoo began to change.

When his arrogant and rude values were abolished, the humble genius Do Wonwoo was born.

Do Wonwoo’s world expanded, and everyone welcomed this change.

— Thanks for your help, Wonwoo hyung!

— …Sihoo-ah, if you don’t want to die young, just quit swimming.

— Yes, I don’t want to die! So teach me!

— …

The most dramatic change was his relationship with Do Sihoo.

Do Sihoo was the son of the King of Ships, yet he cannot swim.

Do Wonwoo used to ignore Do Sihoo, but at some point, he began helping him before he even realized it.

Of course, the changes in Do Wonwoo weren’t all good.

— Long time no see, brother-in-law!

— Crazy kid. You’re still going on about that.

— Wonwoo-ah, why do you keep saying crazy things to my brother?

Do Wonwoo became obsessed with Yoo Sanghee.

The latter drew the line clearly, but he didn’t give up easily.

He knew well how Yoo Sanghee treats people when she really wants to push them away.

Yoo Sanghee has so far given no room to anyone who confessed to her.

Among her suitors were famous players and people from powerful families, and many from Eungwang High.

Without paying attention to their position and background, Yoo Sanghee rejected everyone who she thought wasn’t good.

Except for Do Wonwoo.

‘There must be another reason why she can’t accept my heart. Until I find out what that is, I’m not giving up!’

Yoo Sanghee and Do Wonwoo once had a casual conversation where he suggested that she work for the student association, and Yoo Sanghee accepted the recommendation.

It would’ve been possible for Yoo Sanghee to completely turn down Do Wonwoo, but she was tolerating him to some extent.

Do Wonwoo had no doubt that Yoo Sanghee was thinking about him too, and he wasn’t the only one who thought so.

Some quick-witted people around them were convinced that something was going on between them.

And so, with the belief that he and Yoo Sanghee would one day end up together, Do Wonwoo acted ugly in front of people, like his freshman hoobae Jo Euishin.

But his belief ended in an unexpected way.

— I have something to tell you about Sanghee noona.

— I’d like to talk to you somewhere out of sight.

At the time of the sports exchange match, Do Sihoo talked to him.

He saw the kid as a hard-headed and dumb child, but the words that were coming out of his mouth sounded smart which surprised him.

— I heard that the TC Research Institute is trying to get Sanghee noona to participate in a dangerous project.

— …What?

Do Wonwoo knew about Yoo Sanghee’s recent agony about the direction of her career.

In order to alleviate her concern, he recommended a position that would suit her aptitude among the research positions in TC.

But to hear that it was a dangerous project…!

Do Wonwoo didn’t bother hiding his anger.

— There’s a project like that? Don’t worry. I won’t let Sanghee go to that kind of place.

— …I guess you don’t know about the project, Wonwoo hyung.

Do Wonwoo didn’t know the existence of such project, nor did he know that Yoo Sanghee was suffering from such offers.

It was true that he’s clingy to her, but Do Wonwoo never tried to do anything to Yoo Sanghee by using his background and influence, except when he looked up her family background in the past.

Do Wonwoo tried to give an excuse for his ignorance.

— Unlike you, Sanghee knows how to value herself. She wouldn’t get involved with such a project.

— …I guess so.

— She’ll refuse even without my help.

Do Sihoo shook his head.

— Wonwoo hyung, I heard what those people working on the project are saying, and something is not right.

— What is?

— They said they were sure that Sanghee noona won’t refuse.

— What? Just why?

Do Wonwoo questioned Do Shihoo, but there seemed to be a limit on what his connections and power allowed him to know.

From that day on, Do Wonwoo investigated the incident between Yoo Sanghee and the TC Research Institute.

As a result, he discovered that the research institute had something to do with Yoo Sanghoon’s abilities awakening.

And that wasn’t the only thing Do Wonwoo learned.

‘…No way, so that means… Sanghee tolerated me to some extent because…’

The reason why Yoo Sanghee can’t turn down TC Research Institute’s offer and why she’s been tolerating Do Wonwoo…

It was clear that the reason was the same.

‘Is it because she owes Sanghoon’s life to TC…?!’

Everyone in TC knew that Do Wonwoo adored Yoo Sanghee.

Some of them must’ve known about Yoo Sanghee’s debt to the group.

However, no one told Do Wonwoo about it.

Do Wonwoo lamented and regretted his ignorance, but it was already too late.

DO Wonwoo was no longer ugly to Yoo Sanghee.

Even the other members of the student association found it strange.

‘I’m late, but I have to do something.’

Do Wonwoo used everything in his ability to investigate.

Secrets related to the TC Research Institute.

The person who awakened Yoo Sanghoon’s abilities that day.

The ‘Superior Being Artificial Descent Project’ that Yoo Sanghee is being forced to partake in.

And today, after completing all his investigations, Do Wonwoo moved.

To the main gate of TC Research Institute.

‘…I should do this.’

Do Wonwoo strengthened his resolve and took a step toward the research institute.

Meanwhile, a certain tiger’s eyes were watching his every move.

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