
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 655: - first step towards healing

Early in the morning, Aditya opened his eyes.

As he sat up, he took a moment to look at his body. His whole body felt heavy. He still felt exhausted. Because of this, he also felt too lazy to move or do anything. He didn't really have any motivation to do any work or do anything.

This time, the injuries that he suffered were on another level. He had never gotten injured to this degree.

'Fighting that Hydra took a lot out of me.' Aditya thought while checking his injuries.

Though by now, most of his injuries had healed around 60% to 80%. Now only traces and glimpses of what kind of injuries he had remained.

Now almost 90% of his body was covered in bandages.

Aditya took a good look around his bedroom. Except for some messy stuff around the room, The whole room appeared to be empty.

Aditya removed the blanket and slowly got up. Even though he felt lazy, he still had a desire to soak up the morning sun and take it easy while gazing outside. He liked the idea of just sitting back, letting the warm sunlight wash over him, and enjoying the view from his spot.

As he sat down and looked outside, Aditya still could see the destruction that his battle with the Hydra had caused.

Every area outside of the Azure City and the Dragon Palace had been affected by their battle.

Previously there used to be a thin forest on the small continuous mountain chains. But now last of the trees had been completely burned. There was no greenery on the mountain chains. The mountains appeared to be black from all the ashes.

Everything outside looked bleak and hopeless.

Seeing such a scene, Aditya felt regret for not being able to stop the Hydra from crossing the portal. It was a shame that such a nice scenery was destroyed all because he failed to stop the Hydra from crossing the portal.

The locals, especially those from the nearby small villages, often turned to the forest for their needs. This thin forest, stretching over the small mountain chains, was a vital part of their daily lives. The villagers depended on it for hunting animals for food, gathering wood for building their homes, and for firewood to cook and keep warm. The forest also offered herbs and plants used for medicine, and its streams were sources of fresh water.

But now, all that had changed. The once useful forest had been completely destroyed by a massive fire, leaving nothing behind. The trees, the animals, the herbs—all gone. The villagers who once relied on the forest for hunting, wood, and other resources found themselves without their means of survival. Their way of life, so closely tied to what the forest provided, was now at risk, and they faced an uncertain future with their main source of livelihood wiped out.

Even the rivers that flowed through the mountains had completely dried off. The ponds and various-sized lakes in this region also had completely dried off. This meant the locals had lost their supply of water which is essential for their survival. They no longer could catch fish or use water for agricultural purposes.

'I can't put all the blame on the Hydra. It was my attack that did this. The heat of my flames has done all of this damage.' Aditya tightly clenched his fists while looking at everything.

He thought that he would be able to relax while sitting by the window but now that he had taken a look outside, instead of feeling relaxed he felt very restless and uncomfortable seeing everything.

'I can't change what I have done. But at the very least I can try my 100% to fix everything.' While supporting himself using the wall, Aditya stood up and then stretched his right hand out of the window.

Without any hesitation, Aditya used all of his Mana. He had exhausted his huge Mana reserve of [8,852+]. Around [2,200+] of that Mana was from the Mana was stored in his artifacts.

As Aditya did that, his face instantly became even paler than before. It was as if he had suddenly lost all of his strength. As a result, he couldn't keep standing. He ended up falling back into the chair.

Riya who was outside of the Dragon Palace early in the morning, stopped walking as she felt something. As the Goddess of Nature, she could sense any change in nature.

She slightly widened her eyes, seeing the sky darkening.

Dark clouds were beginning to spread all over the sky.


The first raindrop fell on her skin.

Riya became excited. She knew that beside her, Aditya was the only person who was capable of doing this.

This meant that he had finally woken up.

'He has woken up....!!' Riya could not control her happiness. Without wasting a single second, she dashed towards the Dragon Palace.

Aditya summoned rain within an area of 25 km radius which was an area of 1963.5 square kilometers. This was the first step to recover everything that had been destroyed around the Dragon Palace. Aditya used all of his Mana so that this rain would bring the rivers, lakes, and ponds back to life

Watching the rain, Aditya, even though he was super exhausted, felt happiness. He felt a little bit comfortable watching this.

'The whole ecosystem of the forest surrounding the Azure City had been wiped out. Riya is the only one who could heal what already has been killed off.' Aditya thought while watching the rain.

After spending all of his Mana, Aditya felt very exhausted and even lazier than before. He had the urge to go to sleep.

'I guess sleeping for a few more hours wouldn't hurt.' Thinking that he closed his eyes.

However, the next second, someone entered his bedroom without any warning. Causing him to open his eyes.

Aditya couldn't even see the face of the figure who entered his room, as the figure quickly dashed towards him and then buried his face in her bosom.

Despite feeling exhausted, Aditya still wrapped his arms around her back.

"Hey....!!" Aditya weakly said.

"Are you alright?" Riya asked.

"I am.....!!"

"Lair.....!! You're not alright."

"Haha.....!!" Aditya awkwardly chuckled. He can't hide anything from the Goddess of Nature. She is very sensitive to such things.

Once she had hugged him enough, both of them separated. "Let me heal you...!!"

"No.....!! Given my current healing speed, I should heal completely by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So there is no need for you to waste your Mana by healing me."

"Nonsense!!! How could spending my Mana to heal you could be considered a waste?" Riya said in an assertive tone.

Seeing her looking slightly angry, Aditya weakly laughed. "Haha.....!!! Ok.....!! Ok...!! It's not a waste. But please save your Mana because I am going to be selfish and ask a favor from you."

The next second without saying a word, Riya lovingly kissed both of his cheeks. Even though one of his cheeks was completely covered in bandages, she still kissed his cheek.

"You can always be selfish, I won't mind." She said while pressing her forehead against his.

She then opened her eyes and looked at him. "And don't use the word 'favor' ever again. If you just ask, then I will do it for you."

Aditya just closed his eyes, accepting what she said.

Aditya made her sit on his thigh. However, this made her worry.

"Are you sure, you won't feel any pain?"

"Hahaha.....!!! Your weight can never give me any pain." Hearing this she slightly blushed but nodded her head.

Sitting down, Aditya wrapped his arms around her waist.

Both of them looked outside.

"Riya, I need you to....!!"

"I know. You want me to restore what already has been destroyed. You want me to bring back the nature." Though Aditya was surprised he nodded his head.

"I know this will not be easy for you." After all, an area that was totally destroyed wasn't small.

"Please don't over-exhaust yourself." Aditya seriously said.

Hearing this she smiled and nodded her head. "I won't."

"I already have started using my powers to heal everything. But unlike a certain Man, I don't have a monstrous amount of Mana. So what I could do every single day is very limited."

"You can use these...!!" Aditya handed her his two artifacts.

[1,200 - Mana Reservoir Stone]

[1,000 - Bracelet of Wind Fairy]

He can explain the functions of these two artifacts and how these two artifacts could help her.

Once he was done, Riya looked slightly bit excited. "Aditya, once you have recovered, can you please make something similar for me?" Having an extra supply of Mana wouldn't hurt. Especially during a tough battle, an extra supply of Mana could prove to be very beneficial.

"You can just keep these two artifacts. No need to return them to me." Aditya said.

"No.....!! No...!! They are your belongings." Seeing her being so stubborn, Aditya gave up.


"Yay....!! Thank you, hubby.....!!" She excitedly kissed his cheeks again.


Julia came out of the washroom to find Aditya being intimate with Riya. Seeing Aditya, she dropped the towel from her hand.

Without any hesitation, she rushed towards him.

Around the same time, Alicia and Lara also entered his bedroom.

Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!